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This game is a a space multiplayer FPS with zero gravity and it looks incredibly pretty.

Here is the most recent


It's only available on Steam, steamworks is used for the multiplayer, and it's only $20. For a game this fun I think that is an excellent deal.


releases tomorrow at 1pm est

ill probably make a really long post about why i love/hate it sometime tomorrow night for people that want opinions about it before wanting to buy it


Ender's game, Everyone's thinking it, I'm just saying it.

Games like this have been a long time coming, I don't even care if this one's any good because others will soon follow (and I'm not really expecting it to be with such a low price point).

It looks a bit slack on the weapons side of things, but if they do tactical skirmishes well and have good online this could have a lot of potential. I imagine the controls will take a bit of getting used to.


they are only giving you one gun to keep it realistic

the gun, however, can scope and snipe, fire grenades like a rocket launcher, and be used as a melee weapon, in addition to its primary fire

they are going for realism to the utmost degree (you can disable the sound simulation in your suit to go off the enemy radar)


I fell in love with this game when I saw the title image on Steam. The price is wonderful as well. I don't mind the fact there is only one weapon, that's actually quite nice.

I look forward to hearing what you think of it atmuh.

Oh no wait...

"Shattered Horizon requires DirectX 10 on Windows Vista or Windows 7. There is no support for Windows XP or DirectX 9."



I've been in the beta and I can assure you that it works and is fun.

Price is low mostly because the game has only four maps at the moment, but dlc is a word that's been buzzing about...

And people, XP is dead, DX9 is dying and you don't have to invest too much to get a decent computer that can even play this. 7 is so good that if you really are running XP then you're missing out and you're gonna be sorry( I used Vista for a month, then went with the beta of 7 and haven't looked back)

Can't say the budget machine would run Crysis though, but then again, what can.


Ok, I've played it a pretty decent amount so far, gotten a decent look at the 4 maps and 3 game modes, and I've gotta say this game is a ton of fun. At first the controls felt really confusing to me, and after one map I was about ready to give up, but after playing another map or 2 you get used to the controls and you don't need to put much thought into going up, down, forwards, backwards, left, or right. Mouse 2 is the default button to spin and once again after a map or two you'll have no problem holding it for a quick flip if you need to turn over.

The graphics are obviously really nice. I had to lower the settings just a tad (first game I ever had to do that on with my GTX275), but I'm playing with a steady 30fps and that's perfectly fine with me. I was asked by someone to at some point fraps me playing and send it to him because he's really interested in seeing how zero g combat works but wants to see it in high settings. If anyone else wants to see that I'll post it here later too.

Only having one weapon may seem like a limiting factor, but really it isn't at all. The 3 types of grenades that you can cycle between and the scope mode offer enough variety to make the game not simple FLY AND HOLD M1. Getting a melee kill is incredibly rewarding, but sneaking up on people is incredibly difficult. When you turn on your silent running mode, your suit completely shuts off. It took me a while to realize that this not only turned off your sound simulation and HUD but also your gravity boots, so you can't latch onto a surface while in silent mode. After I realized that I'm pretty glad they made it that way because the game would be all silent snipers if that was possible (when you're flying its a lot more difficult to aim while scoped).

A couple of things that aren't in the game that I'm really hoping Futuremark adds (and they have been really great when it comes to listening to the community).

- There is no voice chat.

- You can't adjust your FOV.

- There is no spectator mode.

- You can't create a listen server and invite just a couple friends to it.

All in all I'm really satisfied with this game. It's definitely worth the $20 and if any of you get it let me know!

And it sucks for the people that are still on XP but at this point I think it's definitely time for an upgrade. Sure there were reasons to avoid Vista (I personally thought Vista was fine) but I don't see any intelligible reason to avoid Windows 7, unless of course you can't afford it and can't find some loophole to get the upgrade for really cheap.

what, no mac port?

youve gotta be kidding me

EDIT: Someone posted a

of the game on low settings, in case you're on the fence because of performance and want to know how it looks.

I hate to double post but I really wanted to bump this thread up. I've been playing a ton of this for the past three days, and this game is absolutely fantastic. What's even better is the dev team is incredibly interested in what the community has to say. I mean they try to post about every idea, and they are also really active on both the steam forums and their own forums. This game has so much potential, and it looks like the dev team is ready to constantly support it. I wholeheartedly recommend that if you have a PC that can run it, you go ahead and pick this game up. I highly doubt you'll be disappointed.


Sometime ago in another thread about games, I just made up a new game about an FPS in space with zero-G and realistic physics and all that.

I had no idea that game companies were following my posts here, and making games based upon them.

OK, so now that I've played it, it's very much like Descent, but with a lot less weapons and shields.

Damage seems to alternate between really high and completely non-existent depending upon the moment; I've seen guys get dozens of head shots from the other side of the map, but then you can have two guys only twenty feet away from each other, pumping bullets into each other, and then they both fly off and they haven't done any damage at all. You can see the sparks and effects from the fight, but they both fly away with only moderate damage. Then you'll have two guys go at it, and even though they both completely empty clips on each other, one guy takes next to nothing while the other gets completely raped. It's like all damage is somehow randomized in close combat. And no, I'm not just whining after getting killed. I've mauled a guy and taken no damage just as many times as he did it to me.

Setting roll to the right mouse button is completely unintuitive. Setting it to a keyboard button (or better yet, two, one for each way) would make it quicker and easier to control.

Sniping seems very odd. For some reason, instead of one shot, I fire off ten with one click of the mouse button. But I could swear I've seen guys sniping with one shot. It may be my imagination, but I saw it.

One thing I would really like then to address is when you are walking on an asteroid, and you start walking on a curved section, make it so you still walk, and not jump off and go into space. It's a real pain trying to get around a rock to gain cover or a good spot, only to suddenly disengage your boots and float away, often into the fire or grenades of the enemy players. If Mario can do it, then I see no reason why space soldiers shouldn't.

Damage seems to alternate between really high and completely non-existent depending upon the moment; I've seen guys get dozens of head shots from the other side of the map, but then you can have two guys only twenty feet away from each other, pumping bullets into each other, and then they both fly off and they haven't done any damage at all. You can see the sparks and effects from the fight, but they both fly away with only moderate damage. Then you'll have two guys go at it, and even though they both completely empty clips on each other, one guy takes next to nothing while the other gets completely raped. It's like all damage is somehow randomized in close combat. And no, I'm not just whining after getting killed. I've mauled a guy and taken no damage just as many times as he did it to me.

i had this problem until i realized that its all hitscan and i should stop leading my bullets

Setting roll to the right mouse button is completely unintuitive. Setting it to a keyboard button (or better yet, two, one for each way) would make it quicker and easier to control.

this will be added very soon

Sniping seems very odd. For some reason, instead of one shot, I fire off ten with one click of the mouse button. But I could swear I've seen guys sniping with one shot. It may be my imagination, but I saw it.

when you fire a scoped shot it takes 10 rounds instead of 1

One thing I would really like then to address is when you are walking on an asteroid, and you start walking on a curved section, make it so you still walk, and not jump off and go into space. It's a real pain trying to get around a rock to gain cover or a good spot, only to suddenly disengage your boots and float away, often into the fire or grenades of the enemy players. If Mario can do it, then I see no reason why space soldiers shouldn't.

hold the drop button (i changed it to left ctrl) when youre walking around curves

i had this problem until i realized that its all hitscan and i should stop leading my bullets

Really? That's it? Still doesn't explain some of the random hits and misses though. Oh well.

this will be added very soon

Thank god.

when you fire a scoped shot it takes 10 rounds instead of 1
Yeah, I know that, but still, it seems kind of odd to fire ten rounds in sniper mode, but single rounds in normal mode.
hold the drop button (i changed it to left ctrl) when youre walking around curves
Not obvious, it should have been included in some sort of message.

Actually, this game needs a tutorial or something, maybe even some single-player, just to teach people this stuff.


OK you know what? Some of these guys have to be cheating or something. I'm watching guys get perfect headshots all the time, and grenades not doing anything at all. EMP grenades are hitting them dead on and they keep flying around like nothing happened. If your suit is off, you can't aim worth shit, but these guys are pulling off stuff that can only be explained by aimbots or continuous, consistant good luck.

This is fucking retarded. It's a great concept ruined by iffy hit detection and random, blatant cheating. They have to fix some of this in the future. Put measures to stop aimbots at least.

OK you know what? Some of these guys have to be cheating or something. I'm watching guys get perfect headshots all the time, and grenades not doing anything at all. EMP grenades are hitting them dead on and they keep flying around like nothing happened. If your suit is off, you can't aim worth shit, but these guys are pulling off stuff that can only be explained by aimbots or continuous, consistant good luck.

This is fucking retarded. It's a great concept ruined by iffy hit detection and random, blatant cheating. They have to fix some of this in the future. Put measures to stop aimbots at least.

The game uses VAC, which is actually a much more efficient system than you might think as far as catching cheaters. In some cases, it may actually take a couple weeks before it kicks in (you can just cheat once and two weeks later it will ban you out of nowhere). So if people ARE cheating, they'll be taken care of.

As far as I've been seeing so far the hit detection has been fine though, and I haven't run into every cheaters. Every server I've joined, save 1 where it was just one clan stacking every map, has been full of people like me who are still just trying to get used to the concept of this game, and all having a ton of fun doing it.

Also, the dedicated server files should be public in a couple weeks, and I'll have a server for this game, so if you're really worried about hackers you can just play there and any hackers will be dealt with asap.

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