djpretzel Posted April 15, 2004 Posted April 15, 2004 What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix. Quote
shadowrunner Posted April 15, 2004 Posted April 15, 2004 This is a great song. This is one of those upbeat songs that I love to have playing while I drive somewhere. Good job. Quote
Sockatume Posted April 15, 2004 Posted April 15, 2004 I've been waiting for this to turn up on OCR since I first heard it on VGMix... it's fantastic, relentlessly intense even during its quieter moments. Quote
Coucou Posted April 15, 2004 Posted April 15, 2004 Great, great, super great! I really like the "2:40-3:30" crazy part. Until now, this remix is so rich (where/how do you find enough time to do such an amount of work on a remix ???) that each time I listen to it, I hear new things. (please excuse my so poor english writing...) Quote
Oddity Posted April 15, 2004 Posted April 15, 2004 You can all thank ME for telling to switch the game from DDR to IIDX! DJ Amuro is simply DJ Taka from "V" ".59" "Abyss" "Leading Cyber" "Nemesis" (yes, he is DJ Setup as well) fame. has most the rest of his songs. For some reason that site doesn't even have an archive of the song "A" but it's by him, and tons of others would agree. Now, the original author doesn't HAVE TO change to "Takayuki Ishikawa" ( ) since in the game he just uses that pen name Amuro for some reason. It would just be truely correct. As for the song, I've had it for quite awhile now and already made a tiny review/comment (I think). I would have to agree about the car thing. I already put this on a car cd. It took me awhile to get used to from the original even though it shouldn't have. Meh, I'm not going to use my words that I can barely make out when reviewing something not as good. Maybe the gripe I can give is I wish the piano was longer. I was also wondering what was with the "off-key" piano thing. I kept thinking "the whole THING is off-key? That can't be possible since a lot of it came from the original" but then I just listened to it now and noticed there might be a couple off key notes in the million other notes, near the beginning (not talking about the very beginning prelude of the piano stretch with the same pitch 16th notes or whatever they are). So what's that voice saying at around :49? ... ... ... ... *you will play Beatmania instead of ddr noooooooooow* ... *you will play Beatmania instead of ddr noooooooooow* ... *you will play Beatmania instead of ddr noooooooooow* ... *you will play Beatmania instead of ddr noooooooooow* Quote
Beatdrop Posted April 15, 2004 Posted April 15, 2004 I remember hearing this back when it was in its WIP stage. I didn't like it. But this? Fucking awesome. The drums are fantastical, but the main thing that snares me is the synth work. The synths are all so incredibly diverse, yet they all fit together perfectly. Also, despite the length of the original, SGX managed to make this one strongly anti-repetitive. The LFO filtering and amplitude modulation = r0x. The thing at 1:42, the pad or strings or whatever, is awesome. Sample rate reduction phased upwards and then back down with that LFO effect... snazzy stuff. It's things like that that my production quality has been lacking lately. Truly an inspirational remix. I didn't hear anything wrong with the piano. It strongly resembled the original, to me. Also, the synth SGX came up with at 2:50 is fucking perfect. It was different in the original; kinda gritty yet flat and smooth. In this, he's got the really stabby distorted brass sound for that melody, and it just works so well. This is one of those remixes where you can listen to it and tell he spent an assload of time on it, and it really paid off. This makes me want to remix more Beatmania stuff. Quote
sgx Posted April 15, 2004 Posted April 15, 2004 This is the Reason project file if any Reason users wanna take a look at it. It's pretty CPU intensive, so be careful I post all of my Remix .rns files on my website. I have a guy working on a stepfile for a short-edit of this mix for use in DDR sim programs. I'll post back in here when its available or you can watch my site Quote
Plumber in Paradise Posted April 15, 2004 Posted April 15, 2004 Jesus, this piece is freaking amazing. The incredible intensity and variation astounds me. It's like an adventure every time I listen to it. The ridiculous piano at 3:10 made my jaw drop in front of the computer. It took about 15 seconds for me to pick up my jaw and start laughing at how it makes me feel like an insignificant plumber that something like this exists in the same world as I. And the modulation at 3:37 smacked me in the @$$. This mix proves the point that video game remixes can rival the complexity and creativity of the instrumental greats of the musical past. I bow. Quote
tgfoo Posted April 15, 2004 Posted April 15, 2004 YAY FOR MORE SGX ON OCR!! I've had this song since he told me he finished it and put it up and I must say, I like it. I didn't really like the original version of this song. Actually, to be honest, the only reason I like the remix is mainly because of new melody SGX added in the beginning and the end. Kinda wish he would have made an original song based off of that melody, but it's still a SGX song and yes, it is amazing. Quote
binster Posted April 15, 2004 Posted April 15, 2004 SGX is a mad skillz BT style master of the aurals. this is class. Quote
Sockatume Posted April 15, 2004 Posted April 15, 2004 I've really got to ask... has anyone performed the mentalist piano live? It's something I'd love to see. Quote
Fieari Posted April 15, 2004 Posted April 15, 2004 I'm definitely an SGX fan. I've had this song, also since he mentioned it was finished on the WIP board. It's so beautiful. So what's that voice saying at around :49? That would be an awesome computerized voice saying "S G X" which is rather appropriate. The voice reminds me Ikaruga a lot. Probably the same synthesizer was used.The beginning rocks. The slowdown rocks. The quiet bit rocks. The following build up rocks more. The strings rock hard. The thumping drums that signal the next build up are awesome. The driving drums the show up next are awesome. And then the piano. My Lord! The Piano! Is it even possible that something rocking so hard could be played by a real human being? I second the thought that I'd love to see it, because it'd be awesome to watch. It rocks my socks. Or "r0><0rz m`/ s0><0rz" if you will. Right on! Of course, everything after that piano is just denouncement, but it's a nessesary part of the song, and it ends really really well. Will the guy making the stepfile be making a COMPLETE stepfile, or will it just be superduper heavy mode like the stepfile the guy made for your other DDR mix (4F73R_M3)? I mean, I can do standard, I can do some heavy... but that was just insane. Like MAX300 on heavy or something. Anyway. Here's to hoping. And here's a toast to your making more mixes that rock long and rock hard. Cheers! Quote
Blake Posted April 15, 2004 Posted April 15, 2004 God damn, this is the second pair of pants that goes in the washer now cuz of your extremely KICKASS musical creativity. I fucking love this, and...well there isn't much else to say, but 'I fucking love this' doesn't come close to how much I really love this song. Quote
sgx Posted April 15, 2004 Posted April 15, 2004 Will the guy making the stepfile be making a COMPLETE stepfile, or will it just be superduper heavy mode like the stepfile the guy made for your other DDR mix (4F73R_M3)? I mean, I can do standard, I can do some heavy... but that was just insane. Like MAX300 on heavy or something It's the same guy so it will probably be super heavy (yea, I can't do his hard stuff either) It is going to be entered in some step competition, so it will be pretty hardcore. I'll ask him if he can make an easier step file for it in addition to the hardcore one. It would probably only take him a few minutes. Quote
Oddity Posted April 15, 2004 Posted April 15, 2004 If it's some certain competition I am thinking of he will be REQUIRED to make all difficulties. Over at DDREI. So, uh, back to the song? Quote
Syl Posted April 15, 2004 Posted April 15, 2004 I LOVE this. I've always been a fan of yours SGX, but this stuff takes it over the top. I was a fan of "A" to begin with, so that probably helps quite a bit. Having the heavy steps in my mind when i first heard this song (directly after listening to the original A from beatmania) This completely blew me away. My only issue, and its a small one, is that the section from "2:50ish to 3:09ish seemed far too heavy on the background sound and nearly drowned out the piano which should have been a little louder." thats more of a preference based on the awesome piano though. This song is one of my faves from all of OCR now, i can't stop listening to it, this stuff is amazing. The main piano part is something that i just about cried over, mainly because i was trying to imagine to DDR to something that fast. Any chance i can can get an actual strokes per minute on that segment? (note sure if its called strokes per minute, but you konw what i mean) Quote
wingzerogundamepyon Posted April 16, 2004 Posted April 16, 2004 I'm a longtime fan of anything by taka/amuro, and have enough remixes(stepmania/bemanistyle) of both to sink a ship. this owns them all so hardcore it isn't even funny. I'm on my 11th time listening to it right now and making a 12c dwi for it as we speak...*ecstasy* this song is amazing Quote
Neo Samus Posted April 16, 2004 Posted April 16, 2004 this is a great song!! it doesn't even sound like any of the normal songs on any of the benami games.. Superb job!!! Quote
magizidane Posted April 16, 2004 Posted April 16, 2004 I love the song "A", but this version.... I can't express how this makes me feel. Is there a word for both "orgasmic" and "take my breath away"? Cause that would only describe half of how I feel. Good job, dude! Quote
Arch0wl Posted April 16, 2004 Posted April 16, 2004 I kinda watered down the difficulty of about 2 or 3 parts of 4F73R M3 in a v2.5 re-release I'm working on for my site when the main page launches after my collection comes out... right now, it's kinda strictly for keyboards, but this will make it able to be passed on pads pretty easily (not as hard as MAX300 heavy, but hard). Essentially the same steps, just removed the BS jumps and such. Anyway, the version of this I will do will have about 5 or so sets of steps, not 1 like 4F73R M3, considering the 4F73R M3 stepset was originally designed for FFR. You can get my originals at Oh and wingundamzerowhatever, don't even bother. Mwerp's already DWIed the long version; my DWI of the shortened 2:20 version (people are only human, they can't step to this for 4 and a half minutes) will be out for TM5 which is like next month and yours will seem incredibly insignificant. It may be harsh, but it's the truth. One thing I am in need of is a graphic artist, Radical J is getting kind of flaky with stuff and wouldn't let me use the BG he did for Mwerp's, which is significantly superior to this one he made earlier which was based off the original bg at It's good, but it doesn't capture the essence of the song. If anyone on here is a good photoshop artist and can make something that truly captures the song (and you want your graphic to be played in the background by thousands of people) then let me know. As for strokes per minute... I don't know, but per second it's about 13 or so, with MAX300 being 10. It's actually not that fast in the games, it definitely is if it were to be played on piano but when you're talking like 7 or 4 keys you can get people who can go into the range of 23+ hits per second, including myself. Quote
Julio Jose Posted April 17, 2004 Posted April 17, 2004 SGX is a mad skillz BT style master of the aurals. this is class. SGX= good, but no bt, sorry sir. BT is the king........ ney, the ruler of electronic music Quote
StarBLaSt Posted April 17, 2004 Posted April 17, 2004 This is some of the best music i've ever heard on ocr, ever. I love love love love love this remix, it kicks my a and also other letters as well. Quote
SnIpErMiKe Posted April 17, 2004 Posted April 17, 2004 I must say one thing: I didn't like the previous DDR song remix that was made by SuperGreenX. .... But this one's damn good. I like the fact that it keeps within the DDR-type style even though the original song is maybe 2:10 and this measures up at 4:46 strong. The comments in the song's recap were very clear in this, only two parts in the song were kept, the main theme during the slow section, and the fast piano part, without either of these, it's a total revamp, not a remix, so I'd be surprised if anyone complains about it not being creative enough. Solid, solid remix overall. Quote
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