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Metroid Prime Series Remix Project: Corruption Of The Galaxy [Disc 1: Modular Upgrades]

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Red is unclaimed (Clean)

Sea Green is claimed (Contaminated)

Indigo is claimed with a WIP shown (Infected)

Blue is completed (Corrupted)

Metroid Prime Title - Clean

Data Selection Screen - Contaminated by bLiNd

Distress Signal - Clean

Space Station Interior - Clean http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRWW2pZWk9I

Parasite Queen Battle - Clean

Escape - Clean http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRKSfwyCSnc

Ridley's Escape/Meta Ridley Battle - Clean

(if no one does this track, I'm gonna commit suicide)

Tallon Overworld - Clean

Tallon Overworld (Theme 2) - Clean

Chozo Artifact Temple - Infected by Neblix (me)

Chozo Ruins - Infected by Darkesword

Magmoor Caverns - Infected by Chernabogue54

Phendrana Drifts - Clean

Phendrana Drifts [Chapel of the Elders] - Clean

Samus VS. Space Pirates - Clean http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3MOq2jm-P6I

Underwater Frigate Reactor - Corrupted by Rozovian

VS. Chozo Ghost - Clean

Samus Vs. Omega Pirate - Clean

Defeat of Meta Ridley - Clean http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iykb8GUnPz4

Flaahgra Battle - Clean

Thardus Battle - Clean http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTdvfH3PA34

Hive Totem - Contaminated by Jabond23 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6x7JEf519gI

Mini Boss- Clean

Credits Music - Infected by DeathBySpoon


- Cuda (collaboration and guitar/bass)

- Chernabogue54


Haven't started open recruitment yet, I'm going to send out another invite to the list of guys and then I'll start open recruitment next week.


Happy New Year! We got some WIP's! Two WIP's by Chernabogue54 and DeathBySpoon, and both of them are electric guitar goodness!


Added youtube links for soundtrack.


MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! (I don't celebrate, so don't say it back to me. xD)

-We have our first finished track by Rozovian. (he's cleaning it up a little, but it's definitely corrupted)

-Website stuff is... cleaned up?


Do you guys have trouble with production or realistic instruments?

I've got some "tools" for you guys to use. Check under the tracklist for a list of collaboration partners available.


Tracklist updated.



Is where I'm basing our project website!


I'll work as fast as I can to finish all the pages and provide all the info about the project.

Later that hour...

Wow, that was a lot easier than I expected. I have a tracklist!

I'm going to start inviting now. I'll post an update when I receive answers from my selected remixers.

EDIT: You can find the soundtrack on youtube. X_X


Hello, everyone.

The Metroid Prime Series has some great music, but I find a lot of it is under mixed. What I'm doing is creating a three disc album for all three Metroid Prime games. There is a list of remixers that are going to be invited to the project, and afterwards the project has open recruitment.

The tracklist includes:

Level Themes

Battle Music

Title/Credits Music

and any other music that's not too short to be mixed.

After I develop a tracklist, I'll begin inviting mixers to the project. When I receive an answer from all of them, I will begin open recruitment, and tracks will be open for claiming.


Tracks are already up for claiming, but open recruitment will begin after my list of remixers has responded (or two months has passed).

IF YOU WANT A TRACK RIGHT NOW, PM ME with a WIP. I'm not letting you on till I know I want you on.

All tracks may have a maximum of 2 remixes. Really, we can't have 18 people all remixing Ridley's theme.

This is not a Ridley's theme project. :tomatoface:

This is open for ALL styles of music. Minimum track length is 2 minutes. However, genre's of ReMixes should be different from that of the source material to convey "corruption" of the source material.


Turning Phendrana Drifts into a jazz song. Phendrana Drifts was originally trancey and electronic, so therefore making it jazz would "corrupt" the original source material and make it something different.

This project is still in planning stages, stay tuned for more info! The full tracklist for DISC ONE (metroid prime 1 music) will be posted on here within three days. If you wanna remix music from another Prime game, you'll have to wait till we get to that game. ;)

Once again, this post is just a heads-up for anyone who wanted to know that there's a Metroid Prime Album Project.

Lastly, any questions: PM ME.

  Gollgagh said:
so, have you, like, proposed this to any remixers yet or is this the first thing you've done

I've talked to some guys about it, and it's not like I haven't been thinking about this for a while.

  just64helpin said:
Heh, I imagine that'll take a while.

After two months the invitation period will time out and I'll start open recruitment. This is a failsafe in case everyone on OCR decides to not respond to me for some reason. xD

And now that I think about it, there are some mixers I forgot to put on the list. X_X

  Dhsu said:
You're right, age has no bearing on one's ability to request a bunch of songs from a popular game series and pretend it's a project.

It's not like I'm not remixing any tracks.

Knock it off, seriously.

Why are you claiming as though I'm not involved with this project at all? You just came to this thread, just now, within half an hour ago. I haven't discussed this project with you, therefore you have no understanding of what I plan for this project. Seriously, it looks like you're just stirring up trouble just because I'm 14. If you get enjoyment out of that, then get a life, sir.

Don't say anything more, you'll be ignored.

  Dhsu said:
You're right, age has no bearing on one's ability to request a bunch of songs from a popular game series and pretend it's a project.

Dhsu, just cuz you're a posted remixer doesn't give you the right to be a troll. Go spam that crap in the off topic thread.

  Ferret said:
No project name yet...those are the most fun parts of the projects!

I suggest "Modular Upgrades" :P

It's called Corruption Of The Galaxy, xD

oh that's right, I didn't show you guys the album artwork cover yet. xD

But I guess the individual discs should have names, Modular Upgrades would be perfect for Disc 1 because Prime 1 starts you off with literally no weapons/upgrades.


Oh boy, Metroid Prime. Metroid Prime is one of the few games I've been willing to buy and import the official soundtrack all the way from Japan. I really love it, and the idea a remix of all the main tracks from the entire trilogy is really an awesome one.

Good luck, guys. You're gonna need it for sure.


I might be wrong about this, but weren't the Prime trilogy soundtracks pretty much just remixes of the older Metroid games? Don't get me wrong, I thought the Primes' soundtracks were phenomenal, but isn't this kinda like doing a Smash Bros remix project?

  Sinewav said:
I might be wrong about this, but weren't the Prime trilogy soundtracks pretty much just remixes of the older Metroid games? Don't get me wrong, I thought the Primes' soundtracks were phenomenal, but isn't this kinda like doing a Smash Bros remix project?

Some are remixes of older Metroid music (Norfair, Brinstar (classic and both SM), Ridley, iirc), but most of it is new. And apparently, it'd still count as Prime music.


The track list makes no sense, no hive totem, thardus, tallon overworld 2, prime credits, torvus bog, dark samus, chyyka, bryyo...probably a few others I'm missing, yet tracks like phazon mines which is just the series' main motif and some percussive effects, or the riff that plays when you beat meta ridley are included?

  liquid wind said:
The track list makes no sense, no hive totem, thardus, tallon overworld 2, prime credits, torvus bog, dark samus, chyyka, bryyo...probably a few others I'm missing, yet tracks like phazon mines which is just the series' main motif and some percussive effects, or the riff that plays when you beat meta ridley are included?

Read the first post again, you'll know why the MP2 and 3 ones aren't listed... _yet_. :P

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