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I know the film trailer I'm thinking of was produced by IGN as an April Fool's Day prank...

So.. I take it this was done in a similar fashion as MGS: Philanthropy?


ONly watched the first few minutes, but this looks pretty good so far. The cinematography looks pretty great... The first scene in the woods is especially gorgeous. They seem to know what they're doing, which is rare for fan films.


Who said it was two hours? I'm just asking for a ballpark estimate, rather than an exact "29 minutes and 34 seconds", so I don't know exactly when it's going to end. I've avoided spoilers for this long already, don't want to blow it now! =p


Well, if you check the damn link (lol pun), you can see that the run time is 01:48:12.

That's a pretty big indicator of length if you ask me. EDIT: Whoops, forgot the page didn't load for you.

And these British accents are kinda funny.


The pacing is horrible... but their mistakes indicate that there is a way to make it better...

They also need a better make up artist.

1 hour in, and finally some action...

Yeah, the film would have needed 5 or 6 rewrites... There is a lot in it that works, but it is hidden under what doesn't...

They tried really hard to make a big boy movie, but now it is failing really badly... they had a great moment around minute 60... and well, they have had a bunch of good moments... Also Link is kind of a dick...

Their music guy fails at action scenes...

20 minutes left... and well... too much left for the movie to deal with... I dread a "to be continued"...

Zelda's hot though...

Never mind, To Be Continued would have been too good a move for this movie...

Then again, minute 90 is good... well.. less horrible... I guess...

Minute 95... music all wrong IMHO.,.. I think this movie kinda needed a script too... right now they have shown they know how to make good scenes... but they have crammed too many slow paced elements early on to have the good scenes actually have enough time to be great.

Never mind that, the movie fails hard.

Zelda deserves better as a movie. And these fans couldn't see what they were doing... A commendable effort, but overall, a bad movie...

Here's my final review of the thing (In white for spoiler guarding):

They had good ideas, but ideas alone do not make a movie. The intro was too long, with no payoff at all with Saria later on, this type of situation will actually plague the movie throughout. The bothered gamblers is another example of this kind of scene that did not add to the movie and as such removed from the interest. They manage to throw in an interesting call back to the OoT with the garden scene, but they then messed up the whole thing by splitting the conversation with Zelda in two. They used the Epona and Malon/Talon names well, and actually managed to use these scenes as a sort of reason for Link to stand up, that was well done. But it was too late. In fact, the first 60 minutes of the movie felt almost superfluous at this point. And after the first 60 minutes, Link starts to kick ass only to forget how to do so for another 20 minutes. He was pussified throughout the movie. And after another promise of kickassery and surprisingly good CGI for this kind of project, we are presented with a montage, which again shows the inability to have a scene pay off. Why was the Poe captured? No one knows... How was the ogre felled? Again, no clue how. The Octorok also died off screen...

At this point we get some well choreographed action scenes, a somewhat good battle, and then a stupid ending that, while referring to OoT's ending, failed to get the point. In fact, I believe the ending would have been more effective had the reunion been with Malon and not Zelda. Hell, Sheik should have been Malon, with Zelda dead. That would have been gutsy, and would have made the end actually touching.

The pacing in general was off. If their action scenes had to be short, which is understandable, they should have made their plot scenes shorter as well. This movie moved at the pace of an anemic snail.

There are some things I actually liked. The music was good for the most part, the more glaring failures being action scenes. Link's actor, while amateurish, managed to sell his character well, Saria's actress was pretty good too. Zelda, as I have stated, was hot. But she also managed to appear royal at times, and vulnerable at others. I believe however that the best actor in this movie was Ganon's, and he managed to sell it well, except for some facial expressions. Some ideas were well done, and the CGI at times was impressive for a project of this scope.

Overall, I have to admit it was a nice try, but it failed to capture the sense of adventures and action of the games, I can understand missing out on CGI for monsters, but with the potential for good fights they revealed in the latter part of the movie, the lack of action is unforgivable. This movie also had severe pacing issues. The lost woods scene was TOO LONG. No way around it. That superfluous scene with the messenger of the Deku tree (Mido I guess) was utter shit, once you realized it wasn't to establish a guide for Link and a way to create dialogue. The town scene was also too long, and the Malon scenes were great to set up the later plot point, but even as that failed to pay off in the end.

So, a commendable effort, but a failure nonetheless.

(Also it kinda reeked of the "my friend is making a movie so I'm gonna be an actor" syndrome.)


Watch this with friends. You're going to have a blast, especially once Ganon and his fucktard of a minon comes on.



It sounds like how i'd act as a joke. The Author labels most of the criticisms pretty well (all of those pointless scenes... huh?) but gosh damn, here's the thing.

Link looks like a douchebag. And acts like a douchebag.

Frankly, I could just take 2 hours of Ganon over-acting, and call it a night. Hilarious stuff.



Ganon and Impa's over-acting. Forgot to mention it.



Cut to random black guy getting beat up...wtf ROFL.

"Additional Bonus music: Jake Kaufman" <-catch that?

movie wasn't terrible, i was more irritated with the inconsistency in audio recording...switching between on-set and post often horrendous and sometimes inaudible.

also when link kills the 2nd guard with the flaming stick thing, did anyone else find this really cruel? link's a murderer in this movie.

I dunno if Ganon's actor was overacting, I think he realized what he was in and decided to go with it.

Honestly, when you put it in that light, I would have done the EXACT same thing.

And loved every minute of it.


"everything is going according to plan"

"I should hope so.... for your sake...."

This exchange made me want to stab the script writer repeatedly in the face.

THe music is sort of hit and miss. There are a few points that are very well done, and a few that irritate me almost as much as some of the strained dialogue (particularly parts where they took tunes from the game but dumbed down the chord progression).

EDIT: WHAT THE FUCK is there a cast list somewhere? One of the actors looks EXACTLY like an old friend of mine...

"everything is going according to plan"

"I should hope so.... for your sake...."

This exchange made me want to stab the script writer repeatedly in the face.

THe music is sort of hit and miss. There are a few points that are very well done, and a few that irritate me almost as much as some of the strained dialogue (particularly parts where they took tunes from the game but dumbed down the chord progression).

EDIT: WHAT THE FUCK is there a cast list somewhere? One of the actors looks EXACTLY like an old friend of mine...

There's a complete cast list in the closing credits. The music box song was my favorite tune and everything else was alright, but not as memorable. I could crituqe this all day, but overall it was decent for what it was. And for an independent group, I can't think of any better versions out there.


A lot of the dialogue seems like they went to the book of script cliches and inserted stuff.



I AM PUT OUT! (that made me laugh hard)

I would love to act in something like this with everyone taking it seriously. And just spout shit and overact all I want.

Yeah, why did Malon hit Link with a frying pan again? Uh, why did that thief appear in the Lost Woods? Uh, why anything?

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