djpretzel Posted May 12, 2004 Posted May 12, 2004 What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix. Quote
Trenthian Posted May 12, 2004 Posted May 12, 2004 ::shiver:: GOOD STUFF! when the rest of the orchestra comes in... man that is like nails on chalkboard almost... but in a good way if you can unserstand that... its REALLY fitting for the mood... very scary, very... well metroid in my opinion. I love the cello vs guitar a SHIT LOAD. since it sounds like you are playing it yourself, would you be interested in being part of my band? I have some large projects planned for my game music related stuff in regards to OCR. (I have already been forming small ensembles for unsubmitted works, with plans for future submission.) Quote
Syl Posted May 12, 2004 Posted May 12, 2004 one of my fave renditions of Kraids Theme. I got this off of their website month's ago, and i was glad i did that back then. Just as im glad more people will finally hear it now. A haunting, depressing, lonely kraid theme, tis something that has to be heard... Nice deviation from the typical heavy versions. Quote
MolotovCocktaiL Posted May 12, 2004 Posted May 12, 2004 This sounds similar to something by Rasputina, sans singing. The strings are wonderfully reminiscent, and whatever is 'wrong' with this piece sounds clearly intentional to one who listens to this kind of music rather often. Bravo Select Start! Excellent, one of my favorites at Overclocked. Quote
KyleJCrb Posted May 12, 2004 Posted May 12, 2004 AHAHAHAHA! PROT GOT PWN3D BY DJP! BWAHAHAHAHA! Oh, and I've had this for months. Still cool, though. Quote
jessthemullet Posted May 12, 2004 Posted May 12, 2004 Usually, when something is out of tune, it bugs the hell out of me. And most times, I'm the only one around who notices it. However, in this case, the odd (bad?) intonation seems to add to the mood of the piece. As opposed to making it suck, like out of key/bad sounding stuff usually does. It gives the piece a very distinct mood, and I love it. EDIT: After hearing it a few times, it's almost addicting to hear the way the strings play. The more I hear it, the more I think that it's intentionally tuned that way. It's a new favorite of mine. Quote
Tansunn Posted May 12, 2004 Posted May 12, 2004 I don't mind the tuning issues all that much, but the way the lead violin slowly pans to the right before the rest of the ensemble comes in just really bugs me. No complaints about the rest of it, although it gives me an odd sort of "Metroid meets Dracula" vibe. Quote
Zaphlin Posted May 12, 2004 Posted May 12, 2004 Whoa! I like I like! I wasn't ever expecting to hear this song done with strings but it is very nice! Quote
MistaZanMan Posted May 12, 2004 Posted May 12, 2004 hot fucking damn. damn....and again....damn. That's what i call beauty. No sarcasm here. I LOVE the tone of this piece, it fits the soul of the metroid games a lot better than most remixes i've heard do. Not to say every single theme from metroid should be dark and creepy, but this piece works soooo well with that kind of tone that its impossible for you to not like it. I dont know if they intended to have so many notes be off, but if they did, I applaud. It works. Damn well too. Kudos to you Select Start. Stay funky. Quote
Shyldd Posted May 12, 2004 Posted May 12, 2004 Simply. Amazing. I give you guys props for doing this. It reminds me the String Quartet Tribute to Nine Inch Nails. Which, if any of you haven't heard, that alone is amazing too. Defintely in the mood and tone of this. I'm always excited to find people trying different a genre then the usual list of genres that get over played with most remixes. I eagerly await your next submission! Quote
nostalgic gen Posted May 12, 2004 Posted May 12, 2004 Ah, cool stuff. It's nice to see that OCR has grown outside of fruity loops finally. Whether intentional or not, the off-notes add bags of character and atmosphere to the tune and (perhaps luckily) really compliment the eerie style well. I'm glad the judges let this one through because, although there's undoubtedly room for improvement, this tune is the essence of what OCR is about for me. Quote
Flare4War Posted May 12, 2004 Posted May 12, 2004 When I read DJ's review it made me expect less than this remix was but it was all worth it for when he hashed Protricity. lmfao I love this theme I think more people should persue it. Not a bad mix and definitely a good first submission. Quote
Xelebes Posted May 12, 2004 Posted May 12, 2004 The clashing intonalities of this piece, however off they may be give it a real foreign feel, like something alien. That's probably a good thing since the game took place on another planet. Quote
damathacus Posted May 12, 2004 Posted May 12, 2004 Absolutely awesome. I loved this. The tuning, intentional or no, worked perfectly. Remember, some of the greatest discoveries in history were accidents. Quote
Riddler Sensei Posted May 12, 2004 Posted May 12, 2004 Ow....I did not like this one bit. Sorry to everyone else who seems to have loved it. The otherworldly effect can be produced just fine without creating such sudden and unnecessarily edgy dissonance. The "creepy" effect could have been achieved just as well (if not better) without using such annoying phrasing and such. Perhaps a viola would have been a better choice for a main intrument rather than a violin, also. It's just so piercing. I, personally, see no reason why the judges let this one through. This song just annoys me.... Quote
Xana Taol Vlas Nedak Posted May 12, 2004 Posted May 12, 2004 I don't think Riddler Sensei could have said it better. This is painful. Quote
reelmojo Posted May 12, 2004 Posted May 12, 2004 I kind of agree with Riddler Sensei to a degree. While I applaud the guitar playing, the violin just seems to ruin it for me. The part that starts at :52 seems to work with the off-keyness, but the simply playing the melody over the guitar just sounds annoying to me. Quote
kamoh Posted May 12, 2004 Posted May 12, 2004 You know, the idea is good, the composition is VERY good I think, and so is the recording quality, but the performance falters tremendously...unfortunately I know first hand how hard it is to get an orchestra to be in tune (at least at the high school level). Other people are saying that the out-of-tuneness has something to do with helping the piece...I'm inclined to disagree, but still the merits outweigh the downsides. A little long for a metroid non-medley remix...I still give it my vote for an OCR...but just barely. Again, excellent compsition and solid recording. Quote
Kamikaze Noodle Posted May 12, 2004 Posted May 12, 2004 I think they intentionally had things slightly out of tune. If not, well kick me in the goiter, cuz it really does add. All we need are some cheesy scream samples at :53 and we're set. Damn nice work. Very different, but still awesome. Quote
Protricity Posted May 12, 2004 Posted May 12, 2004 When I read DJ's review it made me expect less than this remix was but it was all worth it for when he hashed Protricity. lmfao. DJP was nonetheless accurate in his hashing. When someone as great and infallible as I am eventually makes a semi-mistake (I suppose its bound to happen at least once after all these years), that it is truly an event. To clarify, my NO had nothing to do with sound quality or tuning. Rather, I did not like the arrangement at all. Song is barely more than a cover, and while it works as that, this website is not for covers or genre changes, but for rearrangements and remixes. If more attention was paid to the messy keys at 1:00, and more effort was put forth into rearrangement, this song would have been much improved. Regardless, it was worth mentioning that the lacking attention to tune and recording indeed cut the song down a bit. Quote
PerLichtman Posted May 12, 2004 Posted May 12, 2004 Having recently had a performance of one of my art music pieces that was hampered by tuning difficulties and missed pitches, I was prepared to not like this piece. However, for the most part, I didn't really think about it. There are several notable exceptions but generally it wasn't something I paid much attention to. As far as whether the cumulative effect of the altered tuning generally helped or hurt the piece, that's for other people to decide. On the other hand, I really liked the arrangement and the recording quality of the instruments. I disagreed with the use of dynamic pans but overall I like this mix a lot more than I thought I would. Congratulations to the artists. Quote
The3rdMan Posted May 12, 2004 Posted May 12, 2004 I think this is quite excellent. It reminds me of a layed back version of the theme from Psycho (and, strangely, the theme from Young Frankenstein...). The violin is quite haunting, and works well with the overall effect, especially in tandem with the guitar (both performed very well in my opinion...not everyone is required to be a virtuoso when playing music). It does seem like a bit of a cover, but nonetheless, I think it has enough going for it on its own to be considered a remix. As for the tuning, I have no problem with it. In fact I quite like it. Whether it be intentional or not it (as was said before) it adds a lot of character. (By the way, the bit with the cello and the guitar is brilliant!). Quote
Neimonster Posted May 12, 2004 Posted May 12, 2004 So this is finally on here, eh? I've had it for a long time, as with Select Start's other mixes. They're very good in my opinion, and this is a great piece. Perhaps a viola would have been a better choice for a main intrument rather than a violin, also. Well, since it's performed with live instruments, I think they used what they had. Quote
Justamos3 Posted May 13, 2004 Posted May 13, 2004 PerLichtman, I just listened to a Xenogears remix of yours and was wondering if that beat in the background was from the anime Berserk? Oh and nice music Quote
Fieari Posted May 13, 2004 Posted May 13, 2004 I was also prepared not to like this one... but listening to it changed my mind. I think I'm going to have to sit in the "dissonance helping the piece" camp. To my ears, this song sounds like it is performed by someone in anguish and is wailing out his weeping and gnashing of teeth... in tune wouldn't have captured that "I'm in pain" feeling. Sometimes, listening to music like this can really draw out your own pain and just let it fly out into the sky... when you've gone too long without a good wailing cry, having someone help you with it can be really cathartic. Love this. Pour out your soul and let it rip across the atmosphere. Woo! A good example of some of the really cathartic wailing moments are 0:52-1:10. Play it, and just let it flow through you... Quote
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