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OCR Meetup: Las Vegas, August 2010: **PICS PAGE 43-44**

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Obtuse said I could room with him, so I was making my plans based around that :-o

Please let me know by August 1st since if you do not confirm, we will need to find other reservations and arrangements for him.

Thank you for the registrations today, we are up to 20 confirmed.

This is an OPEN meetup posted on public forums. It is a ridiculous notion to think it is OK to tell people they cannot come, or that they are unwelcome in an entire city. Please, be respectful.


I can now 100% confirm I am coming since I bought the plane ticket. So I'll fill out your form. :-) And I'm hoping to board with Obtuse :-D I've never been on an airplane so if anyone could tell me some basic info that would be helpful. Like do I really need to chew gum for it? And can I use my netbook. It's a 9 hour flight.

Arrival in Vegas: 3pm

August 8th

Leave Vegas: 2pm

August 13th

Is everything in walking distance there or are we going to be in a fleet of like 12 taxis?

Sorry, I didn't mention it before, I will be driving Long is in my car too...possibly Theophany as well, and I haven't heard from kyle about this yet either.

If you want some room in your car I can split the load. We're all going to the same place in the end, after all.


FOR FIRST-TIME FLYERS --Ashamee's Guide to Flying :)

I've been on planes plenty this year. Last Thursday was my seventh flight in just 2010 alone. Likely to be eight if I end up visiting Neko in Mississippi again. Anyway, for starters, before you leave, read your airline's policies on what you can take with you. If you're putting stuff in your carry-on, make sure any liquids are in approved containers. You can put entire containers of toiletries (like shampoo) in your checked luggage. Since that goes under the plane, they know you won't be able to get to it anyway. I usually do this, since it's more of a hassle otherwise.

As far as what you can bring, check to see what's on the "approved electronics" list. Netbooks are fine. I usually take mine with me, it's just that my battery will last six hours, on average. Also, some planes have wi-fi. Sometimes it's free, but sometimes they charge you extra for it. Most planes have NO wi-fi, so don't count on that. You can usually have one carry-on and one personal item with you (like a laptop bag or purse). Also, be sure that if you have a phone, once you're on the plane, to not use it with the antenna enabled. They can and will bust you if you're texting, making calls, anything like that. I usually turn my antenna off on my phone and use it to listen to music on the plane.

Also, I recommend chewing gum during landing, mostly. It's sometimes applicable during takeoff. The change in air pressure will make your ears HURT if you can't pop them on your own, and chewing gum helps. It's no fun to have them not pop, as your eardrums can rupture (totally happened to my mom back in 1986 after a plane ride), but that's not entirely common. I always chew gum right before landing, because my right ear always acts up and feels like it's going to fall off my head.

Just follow the rules and don't act like a fool and you'll be fine. Plane rides are really fun. (Obviously :) ) Anyone else who has flown, feel free to put in your two cents.


That sounds purty lame, what could I do on a netbook without the net? I'll probably end up taking my Zune and a sansa on so I can listen to plenty of tunes and.. I dunno... sit there. For 9 hours. x_x

I looked up US Airways and it says it's like $14 for 3 hours for internet.. I don't need it that bad. :-o

http://www.usairways.com/en-US/traveltools/baggage/baggagepolicies.html I can't find where it says what you're not allowed to take :-x

I'm gonna carry-on my stuff and take a briefcase or something instead of checking any luggage. :-o

That sounds purty lame, what could I do on a netbook without the net?

Also, I carry a small duffel for trips shorter than a week. It's small enough to sit under the seat in front of me, since there is a size limit on carry-ons. I normally fly Southwest so checked bags are free, but be aware that on other airlines they may charge up to $35 for you to check a suitcase.

There is lots of information about what you can and can't put in your carry on here: http://www.tsa.gov/311/311-carry-ons.shtm The TSA website has lots of information for first time flyers. I used to chew gum on flights and bring all sorts of books and games for my DS but I learned to pretty much sleep from take-off to landing :)

Generally what I do for short visits is pack up my duffel with clothing, put my toothbrush in a ziploc baggie and if I have to bring my own shampoo/conditioner/soap/toothpaste I can get a travel kit from Walmart or Target - they sell little bags with perfect size containers, and some that are already filled up and ready to pack. Don't bring aerosol cans or food in your carry on- they'll nab you for any liquids or gels that aren't under 3.4 ounces so you will have to buy a water bottle or drink after you get through security. You will want to check if your flight will be serving food- if not, once you've passed through security grab yourself a lunch while you're waiting.

I try to get to the airport 1 hour before a domestic flight, especially if I'm checking bags. Airlines cannot guarantee your bag will make your flight your bag gets there with less than 45 minutes to load it up. If you're not checking bags, most airlines will let you check-in online or at a kiosk where you will print your ticket, then you can head straight to security. I like to wear big fuzzy socks with slip-on shoes so I can take them off quickly for screening, also so I can keep my toesies warm during the flight :) At the security checkpoint you will need to take off your belt, wallet, take everything including coins out of your pockets and put them in a bin to run them through the X-Ray machine. Your carry-on bag will also go through the X-Ray. Then you, shoeless, will walk through the metal detector and hopefully not cause a scene XD collect your bags and personal belongings, then scurry over to your terminal where you will wait until your plane begins boarding.

tl;dr: Wear shoes that are easy to take off, don't pack water bottles in your carry-on, make sure your carry-on bag is small enough to fit under the seat in front of you or in the overhead bin, and read a book.


Read a book, read a book, read a ma-fa'in book. :-P I don't think Youtube would work without the net, but thanks for the link.

How about a small tub of ibuprofen? Would they let me carry that on? I was reading the TSA and it's like "Swords... small bombs... wrenches..." come on, haha.. I wonder what their policy is on checking a small dwarf with a ninja throwing star.

Brandon: We're going to be in VEGAS, baby. I don't think anyone is bringing instruments. This isn't really a meetup for sitting in your room playing guitar when OMG VEGAS is right outside.

Speak for yourself, I'm totally bringing a drum machine in the form of my iPad.


Actually, I was debating bringing my acoustic guitar in case of downtime/hangout time in the hotel (particularly during the day, when it might be too hot for anyone to want to leave the hotel). We had lots of hotel-room jam sessions at MAG, I just figured same would happen in Vegas if anyone has instruments around. I may not end up actually bringing it though, because bringing a guitar on the plane can be a big hassle (and may cost extra money if I end up having to check it in). I guess I'll see after Vin + I are packed up, how much stuff we have.

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