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Anyone else got fairly good hopes about Final Fantasy XIII?

I think this will Redeem the series, theres been a considerable drop in the main games after X. Story and Gameplay look promising...

Anyone else listened to the Soundtrack samples on the official website? - so far so good, considereing Uematsu is having no hand...

(BTW can anyone confirm if the 'Prelude theme' or 'FF Main Theme' will be in XIII - Link?)


Considerable drop in the main series after X? Final Fantasy XI, X-2, and XII would like to have a word with you.

Anyway, from everything I've heard about this game, it's probably the most story-focused JRPG in existence. It also does away with A LOT of the bullshit of other JRPGs, such as getting rid of pointless towns and any illusions of non-linearity, allowing you to restart battles and healing you after any battle which allows for much greater strategy, as battles are supposed to be pretty tough. Being able to save anywhere would have been a nice plus, but oh well.

The soundtrack is supposed to be epic(Hamauzu's final work as a SE employee), the battle system fast-paced and strategic(no "push A to win" bullshit), and the characters, story, and visuals to be superb.

The game is late as hell all things considered, but March is going to be exciting.


I'm infected by the anti-linearity hype

Versus is going to have the mothafuggin Overworld again

Ayres posted this on remod:

Update and review on Versus XIII


  • -Realtime combat (probably similar to KH or Crisis Core)
    -No random encounters
    -clothes were designed by some japanese fashion label
    -Yoko Shimomura is the composer
    -The game aims for 'realistic' aesthetics regarding cities and landscapes
    -Noctis is NOT a brooding, dark loner even though he looks like one
    -Crystals will once again play a major role in this game. And so will the so called “deathgods” (one can be seen in the trailor where Noctis and Stella talk. It was designed by Yoshitaka Amano)
    -Nomura claimed the game feels like “playing a REAL Final Fantasy again” (This will be greentexted into oblivion)


  • -Versus will have a world map again, and vehicles to travel with (airships have been confirmed already)
    -The overworld is supposed to be very, very large.
    -Magic is a psuedo draw/junction system mapped to buttons.
    -The four characters (Noctis and three buds) are together from the start and all of them are playable
    -Towns have a day and night phase.
    -More traditional Final Fantasy feel as in overworld travel, dungeons, etc.

Have some production shots.





Hahah... I didn't think that statement would be powerful enough to summon OCRE. ;D But as far as sales numbers, I was just using Prototype as an example, which did sell about 3 to 1... FF13 is a much larger game and most people bought a PS3 to play it, so we'll see how that works out in the future. I shouldn't have made such a bold claim. :)


When I said there was a drop after X: X-2 was shite - Zip of a Story, Pretty poor Soundtrack. XI - Online (which means zip of a story lol). XII - new gameplay system failed and the story didnt focus on the playable characters enough.

I think the PS3 version is likely to be superior (if either is). It has more gaming power overall and FFXIII was being developed for it long before it was announced they were gonna port it to the 360...

P.S. Thanks Gollgagh for the Versus info :-P hadn't found any images like that before!

When I said there was a drop after X: X-2 was shite - Zip of a Story, Pretty poor Soundtrack. XI - Online (which means zip of a story lol). XII - new gameplay system failed and the story didnt focus on the playable characters enough.

I think the PS3 version is likely to be superior (if either is). It has more gaming power overall and FFXIII was being developed for it long before it was announced they were gonna port it to the 360...

P.S. Thanks Gollgagh for the Versus info :-P hadn't found any images like that before!

FFX-2 had a fun battle/job system going for it. Although Im not going to argue the story as all the story did was add a happy ending to X if you didn't like the ending. And I actually really enjoyed the music, especially on the piano collection cd.

FFXI it sounds like you didn't play it. as it was actually fairly story intensive as far as MMO story lines go. Especially in WOG. XII I actually really liked the fact that for once the story WASN'T only about a few mopy people who end up saving the world. it was a nice change, and I liked the gambit system, even if once you get the right stuff you can make yourself near invincible. If anything I'd say the series has gone downhill since VI, but that's all nostalgia playing there.


I kinda miss the turn-based dungeon-crawling FFs of yore, like 1-6/9(kinda)...

XII's battle system didn't really work out in the long run, and while it's story was a change of pace in the right direction, it was only a change of pace until that one Holy Mountain, and then everything fizzled out lacking a real direction.

I'm skeptical of an even more real-time action orientated FF (due to 12), but I'm sure the production values will be through the roof, and the story... Well, in my humble opinion, a lot of games in general, in the wake of 3D have focused a whole lot more on eye candy than story, FF no exception, but I am sure I won't be disappointed.

Now I just have to convince my future roommate to buy it for his 360.


I'm psyched for both titles honestly, FFXIII should be a welcome distraction for those of us on both PS3 and X360 who need a good chunk of RPG meat to sink our teeth into, the amount of RPG's this console generation has been pretty disappointing

The KH/KH2 team working on Versus is what sells that game in my opinion

would it be worth actually buying a PS3 for Final Fantasy XIII, or will the XBox 360 version suffice?

well, I'm so infected by the anti-linearity hype that I sure as fuck wouldn't buy a PS3 for it

but I already have a PS3 so vicon_confused.gifv

last Final Fantasy of its kind.

... I dont see how this applies to the Final Fantasy games.

Most of them are so diffrent form each other anyway. 7 and 8 are the most close to each other, apart from sequels.

... I dont see how this applies to the Final Fantasy games.

Most of them are so diffrent form each other anyway. 7 and 8 are the most close to each other, apart from sequels.

you don't see how it doesn't, you mean

I think the PS3 version is likely to be superior (if either is). It has more gaming power overall and FFXIII was being developed for it long before it was announced they were gonna port it to the 360...

Ok this shit right here? It needs to stop. Neither version is going to be superior. Yes it's true that FFXIII was developed with the PS3 IN MIND. The fact of the matter is that Crystal Tools(the engine that SE touts as their next-gen toolset) is a dev kit for multiplatform game development, in which all their games are developed on PC FIRST, then "optimized" for the systems they're releasing on. The idea that the 360 or PS3 version will be superior to the other is flat out wrong and laughable.

The only thing I can think of off the top of my head that will be a boon for PS3 will be the storage size of bluray, which will allow for uncompressed audio and video, which is great if you're an A/V enthusiast who'll spend serious green on the kind of set up really necessary to take advantage of that bonus. Square-Enix isn't going to tap into "the power of the cell" to make the game as amazing as some think, and they never planned on it even before the 360 announcement.

Right now it's anyone's guess as to how it'll compare in sales due to a higher PS3 install base and a lower price on the system. But most people who only own 360s probably aren't going to buy a PS3 just for this.

And yes, Square-Enix is going to put an end to Tetsuya Nomura's endless Sony fanboyism and demand that he go multi-plat with Versus once they see the comparable sales figures for XIII on the 360.

Apologies for the rant, but this shit is getting old.


i like three stats (hp, atk, mag). this change makes sense to me.

never found a purpose in having 3-4 defensive statistics after Vagrant Story lumped them all together. FF10 spheres were cool but having luck and accuracy and vegetation and luminescence and all those pointless stats were just pointless. having levels in FF12 seemed stupid after sphere grid - nice to see they axed a lot of crap but then again i'm still waiting for FFTactics II so what do i know blah blah blah.

I'm psyched for both titles honestly, FFXIII should be a welcome distraction for those of us on both PS3 and X360 who need a good chunk of RPG meat to sink our teeth into, the amount of RPG's this console generation has been pretty disappointing

The KH/KH2 team working on Versus is what sells that game in my opinion

Your right man! Both games will rock!

Some people say 'Oh it should be true FF' and some say 'Try something different'

XIII is nodding towards classic FF gameplay with the turn based system, and Versus is trying a newish formulae - an update (kinda) of the Kingdom Hearts gameplay.

Only problem is - Versus wont be out for fucking ages :(

So there's not really any point in comparing them...yet!

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