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Pokémon Black/White: V-Create Victini on Nintendo WiFi until Dec 31st!

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As of December 3rd, 2011, Nintendo is giving away Victini over Nintendo WiFi. But this isn't just a regular Victini. No, it's the special movie-event one from Japan earlier this year. It learns three special attacks: Fusion Flare and Fusion Bolt from Zekrom and Reshiram, and the exclusive V-Create, Victini;s exclusive signature move.

The event is only running until December 31st of this year, so you have about 4 weeks to get yours.

OCR Pokémon Black/White Friend Codes (now in alphabetical order!)

Arek the Absolute FC: 2537 3834 6962 Black version, Snivy

Brushfire: 4684 8113 2107 - White, Black and White versions, Tepig and Oshawott

Capa Langley: FC 2021 9027 6988, Black version, Tepig

cobaltstarfire: FC 4384 1437 6617, White version, Oshawott

Conan The Politician: FC 3396 2915 2288, White version, Tepig

Cyril the Wolf: FC 1162 9043 6833, Black and White, Oshawott and Tepig

halc: FC 0432 7610 1095, White, Snivy

JackKieser FC: 4598 9629 6430 Black version, Snivy

jmr: FC 3095 7068 9861, White version, Oshawott

lunar-x: FC 5028 4743 9710, White Version, Oshawott

Majin GeoDooD: FC 4684 8021 5282, Black version, Oshawott

Mirby: FC 2752 0516 2286, White version, Oshawott

NeoForte: FC 4255 2818 2257, White version

ocre: FC 1034 0525 1399, White version, Oshawott

Overdriven: FC 4598 8790 3763, Black version

Overflow: FC 2451 3938 8275, White version, Tepig

Schwaltzvald: FC 1119 9550 0224, Black version, freaky-looking Oshawott

Soul Splint: FC 4298 2424 2564, White version, Oshawott

Tensei: FC 3181 5449 6626, Black version

The Damned: FC 2923 8368 2413, Black version, Tepig

urdailywater: FC 5114 2740 0330, Black version, Oshawott

wildfire FC: 0776 3966 5893, White version, Tepig

Zergonaleash: FC 1549 4537 2910, White Version, Snivy


I don't think so... all of the extra content that the original Crystal had was carried over to HG and SS. It wouldn't make any sense to remake it with the exact same content as its predecessors. Even if they did add even more stuff to it, that would also be breaking the pattern; no remake has had a third version yet. Mind you, there's only two instances of remakes in the series so far, but still...


The Pokemon Company always starts revealing new poke'mon well in advance of a new iteration. If it's really less than a year away (and the next game set in the main line), why hasn't anyone heard anything yet?

I'm pretty far from any Poke'mon Centers, but it sounds like now's the time to be checking them out.

With the lack of new poke'mon, has anyone thrown the possibility of this being Ruby/Sapphire on the DS? It would allow the entire lineup to be accessible for DSi users.

Every trainer, monster, locale and pokemon... all in one massive fight to see who can claim superiority over all. Sort of the Mortal Kombat: Armageddon of the Pokemon world.

Waste of time.

Wobbuffet always wins.



Nintendo would be stupid not to do a Pokemon MMORPG on the DS. It would singlehandedly extend the life of the DS 5+ years, the same way Pokemon RBY extended the life of the Game Boy

I'm pretty far from any Poke'mon Centers' date=' but it sounds like now's the time to be checking them out.[/quote']

If you ever find any Banette plush toys there, tell me, and I'll send you money for them. I love Banette.

With the lack of new poke'mon, has anyone thrown the possibility of this being Ruby/Sapphire on the DS? It would allow the entire lineup to be accessible for DSi users.

The thing is, HG and SS already do that. They have almost every pokémon in the series in the game. You can get Mewtwo, there's a Mew event, you can get Kyogre and Groudon after the Elite 4, people give you the Kanto, Hoenn and Sinnoh starters along the way... it's the most complete game so far.

i don't think this is true purely on the fact that if they released a DSi only game like they've been saying they can it wouldn't get near the reception they would want for it.

Not to mention that according to Nintendo's own statistics, DSi only makes up about 15% of total DS sells in the world. 15% is not something you can exactly base a shift in business with. There are more DS Lites then DS Phats, for god's sake.

Maybe they could offset the cost by charging more for the game itself?

Every time a new Pokemon game comes out, I'm increasingly tempted to play it as I haven't played a Pokemon game since Red.

Always chicken out at the last minute though.

Just go for it. Why would you chicken out? I'm 32, work with big, manly oil-field workers, and I've been playing it since it came out.

I think you're old enough and manly enough to choose what games you want to play now.

Nintendo would be stupid not to do a Pokemon MMORPG on the DS. It would singlehandedly extend the life of the DS 5+ years, the same way Pokemon RBY extended the life of the Game Boy

Ahhh, someone that knows his video game history... well done, young man. (I'm old enough to start calling people young man now)


Just go for it. Why would you chicken out? I'm 32, work with big, manly oil-field workers, and I've been playing it since it came out.

I think you're old enough and manly enough to choose what games you want to play now.

Well, its never been for a specific reason, I just never got around to it. Too late now, though. I got too many vidya games and not enough time to play them all anymore. Something as addictive as a Pokemon cart would bring this whole world crashing down around me! I refuse to prove that psychiatrist right by initiating doomsday with my Nintendo.

32 years old and playing video games... If my grandfather had heard that, he'd shit a brick house, go outside and cut a switch, and then start cooking dinner. Man, did he love to do that.

32 years old and playing video games... If my grandfather had heard that, he'd shit a brick house, go outside and cut a switch, and then start cooking dinner. Man, did he love to do that.

I would like to think that in our modern society, we are free to decide how we waste our personal time without worrying about what others think.

The thing is, HG and SS already do that. They have almost every pokémon in the series in the game. You can get Mewtwo, there's a Mew event, you can get Kyogre and Groudon after the Elite 4, people give you the Kanto, Hoenn and Sinnoh starters along the way... it's the most complete game so far.

It's a stand alone set? Are all 493 obtainable, or will people still need Diamond/Pearl/Platinum?

I've been fighting the urge to pick up Japanese Soul Silver for months now, I can't wait to pick up an English copy. Especially now.

One other question: do you know if HG/SS is able to trade off the bat with D/P/Pl, or is that locked for the first half the same as FR/LG?

It's a stand alone set? Are all 493 obtainable' date=' or will people still need Diamond/Pearl/Platinum?[/quote']


Starters from other regions are supposed to be given to you at certain points in the game. You have to choose which of the three you want each time, but they're there.

Legendaries are mostly there. Some ofthe 3rd gen ones are going to require some trading. But over all, only a small percentage are missing, and most of them are the rare, event-only ones that no one has

One other question: do you know if HG/SS is able to trade off the bat with D/P/Pl, or is that locked for the first half the same as FR/LG?

Yes, it supposed to be completely trade-able at the beginning. This would actually make having custom teams a lot easier. Grab your DPPt game and breed whatever team you want, trade the eggs over to your HSSS game and then hatch them. Voila! Any team you want at the beginning of the game.


Here's (apparently) a translation of the press release on the Japanese website.

Pocket Monsters series all new production under development for release by the end of 2010

2010, January 29th

The latest news from Pokémon Company Managing Director Ishihara Tsunekazum the developers of the Pokémon series Game Freak, and Distributors Nintendo, is that the new work in the series is under development for release on the Nintendo DS by the end of 2010.

Since the first games in the series, Pokémon Red and Green in 1996, the distinctive characteristics of the games around the world has changed, with trading and battling between different versions. Customers around the world have rated the games highly, and around the world over 130,000,000 Pokémon games have been sold.

Pokémon games for Nintendo DS have made use of the two screens, touch screen and Wi-Fi features in their play. The new games, the first completely new work to be released since the release of Pokémon Diamond and Pearl 4 years ago, games which have sold 17,150,000 copies (5,800,000 games in Japan), are planned as an inventive rebirth, featuring completely new ways to play and new Pokémon.

Please look forward to game details and news from now until release.

Game Outline:

Title: Pending

Sales Agency: Pokémon Company

Distribution: Nintendo

Development: Game Freak

Date of Release: Planned before the end of 2010

Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price: Pending

Genre: RPG

System: Nintendo DS

Game Outline:

Title: Pending

Sales Agency: Pokémon Company

Distribution: Nintendo

Development: Game Freak

Date of Release: Planned before the end of 2010

Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price: Pending

Genre: RPG

System: Nintendo DS

Hmmm... I guess that means no new DS later this year. That, or it will be on yet another version of the DS. Like... DSvR, the DS that hooks up a virtual glasses with earphones, making it like a portalbe Virtual Boy.

Fuck yeah, Virtual Boy DS!

Also, released for the end of 2010? I beat you it gets a delayed until mid-2011, and then ported over to whatever the next Nintendo portable is.

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