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Pokémon Black/White: V-Create Victini on Nintendo WiFi until Dec 31st!

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The new trailer is fake.


@ 0:47 you can see the difference is graphical quality of the city. Plus, in the 'new' trailer, the bridge just ends at 0:21.

Although it's clearly fake, I think it's pretty cool and wouldn't hate to see this implemented in the new games.


In the same video I posted, check out 1:05. Look at the smaller dog (Zaoro? I dunno). In all Pokemon games, the enemy sprite is crisp and clear. This enemy's sprite, however, is obviously shrunk as you can see by the jaggedy edges around the tail, ears and eyes. This pretty much confirms my suspicion that battles will be nearly identical in style (Graphically) to Golden Sun, where the sprites exist on a 3d plain, and the camera pans around them.

This pretty much confirms my suspicion that battles will be nearly identical in style (Graphically) to Golden Sun, where the sprites exist on a 3d plain, and the camera pans around them.

I had that very same suspicion and posted about it in this very thread. Pretty cool if they actually end up doing that.

  • 3 weeks later...


New starters are revealed, and it's not the much-rumored Dark-Fighting-Psychic combo, but the old fashioned Fire-Water-Grass.

The Grass starter looks like an asshole. If I choose him, he's going to be the first one out on every battle just so I can faint him and teach him some humility.

The water starter seems rather boring.

Fire-pig? Self-roasting bacon? Hell yeah.


New starters are revealed, and it's not the much-rumored Dark-Fighting-Psychic combo, but the old fashioned Fire-Water-Grass.

The Grass starter looks like an asshole. If I choose him, he's going to be the first one out on every battle just so I can faint him and teach him some humility.

The water starter seems rather boring.

Fire-pig? Self-roasting bacon? Hell yeah.

I thought you hated serebii.net. Or was that Brushfire? :wink:

I like the new starters. I would probably go with the Grass Lizard, since he's got the slickest design and I like reptiles, but I'm VERY interested in the evos of the fire-pig-bunny.

EDIT: oh, I'm also liking the new trainers. For once, we don't have to play as 10 year olds! These two actually look to be in their late teens.

I thought you hated serebii.net. Or was that Brushfire? :wink:

I like the new starters. I would probably go with the Grass Lizard, since he's got the slickest design and I like reptiles, but I'm VERY interested in the evos of the fire-pig-bunny.




New pictures!


Nintendo is trying VERY hard to hide the fact that B&W will have a dynamic camera: They make sure every battle pic is from the traditional angle. However! Notice that the "disks" are jagged edged: They are clearly polygons, moving in a 3d environment! Also, you can notice that the disks are in SLIGHTLY different positions in each picture. The pokemon are definitely battling in 3D.


New pictures!


Nintendo is trying VERY hard to hide the fact that B&W will have a dynamic camera: They make sure every battle pic is from the traditional angle. However! Notice that the "disks" are jagged edged: They are clearly polygons, moving in a 3d environment! Also, you can notice that the disks are in SLIGHTLY different positions in each picture. The pokemon are definitely battling in 3D.


Now if they only take note and apply Golden Sun's battle speeds~


New starters are revealed, and it's not the much-rumored Dark-Fighting-Psychic combo, but the old fashioned Fire-Water-Grass.

The Grass starter looks like an asshole. If I choose him, he's going to be the first one out on every battle just so I can faint him and teach him some humility.

The water starter seems rather boring.

Fire-pig? Self-roasting bacon? Hell yeah.

Honestly, the fire-pig's the only one of the three that would interest me. The grass type looks too much like Treeco for my liking, and the water one looks like a deformed Piplup. :-/

Although I might train the water-type, just to see wtf he turns into. I mean, seriously, what IS that? Some sort of otter? A bear? A landfish? Wtf?


I will definitely train either the grass one or water one. In the last two pokemon games i trained fire, time for something new.

It would have been interesting to have dark/fighting/psychic starters for once. That would be cool. Instead we get the same 3 types as always, but no biggy. I'll just counting on 3DS pokemon for a major series overhaul.

I will definitely train either the grass one or water one. In the last two pokemon games i trained fire, time for something new.

It would have been interesting to have dark/fighting/psychic starters for once. That would be cool. Instead we get the same 3 types as always, but no biggy. I'll just counting on 3DS pokemon for a major series overhaul.

Well, maybe they have secondary types that'd be interesting. I could easily see the grass gaining psychic when it evolves, the fire adding dark (big surprise) when it evolves, and the water developing fighting when it evolves.

Wouldn't that just totally eff with you? Dual weaknesses to each other? :-)


I'm not contrary to the fire/water/grass starters, but they aren't so great this time.

The grass one reminds me of Treecko, too much.

The fire one is cute, but I'm not a fan of fire type (personal element hate :D ).

The water one is...is....strange, and somewhat cute but god I don't like it XD .

Need to see all evolutions though, in every generation I've found at least one starter that I like.

Interesting thing to have older trainers, but not enough old for me :D also, a "sprite select" screen would be awesome.

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