djpretzel Posted May 24, 2004 Posted May 24, 2004 What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix. Quote
Chris McGee Posted May 24, 2004 Posted May 24, 2004 Wow, this is gorgeous. I haven't heard the original, better check that out. Quote
DarkeSword Posted May 24, 2004 Posted May 24, 2004 FIRST POST ON THE SECOND MIX OF OCR4! Wow, this is gorgeous. I haven't heard the original, better check that out. Ugh. Please stop doing that first post garbage. Anyway, really sweet mix here Kaijin. Really sounds nice; smooth and happy, just as music should be. Perhaps a bit too straightforward in arrangement though. Nice werk over all. Quote
Navi Posted May 24, 2004 Posted May 24, 2004 God, this is why I love Kaijin. And This is why I love Xenogears. With such a vast range of excellent music to mix, Gears really brings out some great, emotion driven mixes. Kaijin has not failed me yet. His mixes are smooth like Billy Dee Williams and ice cool like a nice can of Colt 45. A nice chill song for anyone's playlist. Quote
Sandman53 Posted May 24, 2004 Posted May 24, 2004 Kaijin, never will you cease to make good remix's You always pick the best songs, and remix them nice. Bravo Quote
Kaleb.G Posted May 24, 2004 Posted May 24, 2004 This is a lot better than a your other stuff made recently. While the arrangement is lacking during most of the song, the beginning and end are well done. Of course, what makes this piece so good is the excellent production. The instrument choices are all very pleasing, but the guitar/drum rythym is rather monotonous throughouut the song. Overall, this is a nice-sounding rendition of a classic song. Quote
Defend Posted May 24, 2004 Posted May 24, 2004 Not a comment on the skill itself, just my subjective opinion. This sounds very much like background music you'd hear in a modern church, and having to hear it every week, every year of my childhood, when I'm busting to go home and do something remotely fun, it doesn't sit comfortably in my ears. I really didn't like that church music. I figure bad opinions aren't shunned away heh. Oh how I hate the drums lol, how damn annoying stupid church music let me out of here!!!! I feel like those churchy drumbeats are so fake, so slow motion and tacked in, genre-wide. Nothing seems to be actually wrong with this mix. It just drives me insane. Quote
ella guro Posted May 24, 2004 Posted May 24, 2004 The beginning caught me a little off guard. I think some kind of fade - in or more gradual intro would be nice. Anyway, the instrument selection here is good and the piano is nicely done as always. My big problem would be the mixing: I know there's always a sound these types of mix like to achieve, but there really doesn't need to be this much reverb applied. The lower frequencies like the bass and the electronic piano tend to bleed over everything else. And it's a real shame because the flute and oboe are both done pretty nicely but need to be brought out so badly. The strings also tend to get lost in the shuffle - the sample is just generally not appropriate because it attacks too gradually, but it also should be a higher frequency and maybe making two tracks and panning them to each side at about 50% would make it a little richer and enhance the melody. As for the arrangement, I am not familiar with the original, but my assumption (which may or may not be correct) is that this is a pretty close interpretation of it. That's not always bad, and I do think if it were mixed a little better and the dynamics were made a little clearer, it would really help the mix sonically - making it sound less like it's slogging through the original and more like a natural progression. Quote
Geoffrey Taucer Posted May 26, 2004 Posted May 26, 2004 I'm a huge fan of Kaijin's style, and this one was definitely up among his best. Brilliant, beautiful, perfect. Not much else to say. Quote
Nobbynob Littlun Posted June 25, 2004 Posted June 25, 2004 The intro reminds me of the town music in Zelda 2. Did the original Xenogears song also do this? Is it just me hearing this, I swear I'm taking crazy pills! Obey my dog! Ok, Zoolander references aside... I like it. Quote
ForumChibi Posted August 2, 2004 Posted August 2, 2004 Emotion of Xenogears is a sweet song in itself (one of my favorites even), but this remix of it is even more incredible. It's more laid back than the original as I recall, but the slower pace makes it seem all the better. Quote
CasualT Posted September 11, 2004 Posted September 11, 2004 I thought I'd already submitted my thoughts on this remix, but I looked and realized it must have slipped my mind. I love the down-home feel of this remix, I think it really fits in well with the mood of the piece. After listening to this, the original sounds sooo tinny and weak. Excellent job here! I only wish you'd kept in the part around 1:20 in the original where the violins harmonize for a bit. I really liked that part, but I understand as much as a remix is primarily an arrangement of the original track, it has to combine it with different ideas and bring something new to the table. And of course that means cutting parts out as much as adding new material in. Keep 'em coming Kaijin! Quote
OceansAndrew Posted December 26, 2006 Posted December 26, 2006 A pretty close interpretation of the source, but as it was mentioned earlier, after hearing something of this quality, it's really hard to go back to the original. I like this even better than the vocal arrangement in the original soundtrack. The piano reminds me a bit of Dale North, but the rest of the elements make it really your own. Regardless, this is fantastic work. Highly recommended. Quote
Degree Posted April 2, 2007 Posted April 2, 2007 Beautiful production. Especially considering that this remixed was created nearly 3 years ago. The arrangement is there, but it does pretty much stick with the original source. True, the samples are lacking, but I was reading on Kaijin's site about the possibility of him remastering this track. That would be great. This piece, no matter how old, is still beautiful. That ballad style that Kaijin is best known for is probably my favorite 'genre' of remix. The emotions that this piece creates are absolutely amazing. Definitely worth a download to add to your remix collection. I don't think Kaijin is around anymore, but he will always have produced songs that have changed the way I view videogame music. Good job bro. 3 years later and it's still kickin'. Quote
42 Posted December 4, 2009 Posted December 4, 2009 This is such a sweet little mix, almost saccharinely so. Very nostalgic, like the theme of reminiscing of the happy times spent with a lost loved one as opposed to the remorse of the loved one being lost, if that made any sense. Still it's not bad and worth checking out. Quote
Marmiduke Posted August 2, 2010 Posted August 2, 2010 Quite a soft mix based on a really beautiful melody. You can't really go wrong with a gentle track like this. As far as I can tell, it's primary objective seems to have been enriching the sound of the original and focusing a little, which I'm cool with. Though the arrangement takes no bold steps, I actually think it does enough behind the scenes to satisfy me. Of course, more fleshing out of the theme would have been welcome, but to be honest I didn't see the lack thereof to be a squandered opportunity. It definitely struggles to be remarkable and there's nothing drastically impressive here, but its still very pretty with some attentive production, which has to stand for something. Quote
Necrox Posted December 21, 2015 Posted December 21, 2015 The flute sounds great; it fits the melody really well. The backing is solid, nothing too exciting. The oboe also sounds good. As OA said, the piano brings Dale North to mind, which is good. Solid mix. Quote
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