Blaster1980 Posted December 15, 2004 Posted December 15, 2004 I listened to this after having meeting Aurora. To say the least, I'm completely blowing away with her presence. Teresa, you made me cry. I love you for that Quote
JerichoWilks Posted January 13, 2005 Posted January 13, 2005 eXTREMELY GREAT OCREMIX!! I LOVE EVERY BIT OF IT!! Also, if you guys are interested in BG&E, there is a flash movie coming out soon! Here is the site: Touches my heart that so many people appreciate this work of art in both forms... The Remix.. and the movie... Just makes me want to cry Well I wanted to show a crying happy face, but I guess this would have to do Do another BG&E Remix! Please! Quote
Jillian Aversa Posted March 29, 2005 Posted March 29, 2005 So, so gorgeous... This is, by far, one of my top favorites on the site. Makes me wanna play the game! Quote
BlueEnvy Posted April 9, 2005 Posted April 9, 2005 I wish that these three would collab again, because this this mix is full of really great elements, and it would be interesting to see what else they could come up with together. The mood of this remix is very well established in the beginning with the swirling background. Vocals and strings are done well, the only thing I don't like about the strings is that on parts like 2:20-2:44 the strings crescendo on every note and then back off again. It just sounds a little strange. At the 2:44 it builds into desctructo's major section. I really enjoy how the percussion has been employed here, it has a unique sound. Then, the switch at 3:40 into SGX's adaptation of the previous section is very cool. The work on the new sound of the percussion in this part is quite nice, and the synths that come in have wonderful textures. The low bass sweep thing at 4:34 is a nice transitioning sound and very satisfying to my ears atleast. Piano arpeggios are nice, everything fits well together. The filtered piano ending is very peaceful. One word to sum it up: Atmospheric. bLu Quote
ac_decoy Posted April 12, 2005 Posted April 12, 2005 Oh dear Lord.. You people have got to be kidding me. I thought I'd just try downloading a random song because they usually turn out to be pretty good. I clicked on this one, started reading the posts and found nothing but praise. Of course, I quickly download the song, I mean come on, listen to these people: "Hitchhiker42: I registered just so I could comment on this song. This is amazing. I've had it on repeat on Winamp for almost an hour now." Oh this is going to be awesome!... What a disappointment. This song is boring and annoyingly random, not to mention totally out of harmony. That voice certainly isn't helping! Around 2:44, after being declared dead from boredom, you wake up again. What's this? A piano? Nice And a nice beat--no wait.. you just screwed that up. Sounds like someone's constantly stumbling over his big feet. And the scratch-noise, oh the pain.. And more random strings.. I'm trying to see the big picture here, I swear... strangling the cat a little more.. what? Oh it's a woman singing, I'm sorry. Yes, finally. It's over. What were you people thinking?? --[ AC ]-- Quote
WarpednatioN Posted April 16, 2005 Posted April 16, 2005 Loved it. ^^ Edit: i'm new here btw. how do is there a way from the site to download it to my computer permanently? i only get the media player to play it. Do i have to torrent it in order for it to save to my comp? Quote
Ventrex Posted April 17, 2005 Posted April 17, 2005 I thought I'd commented on this mix a long time ago. But I still don't have the words. This song deeply inspired me from the first moment I heard it (when it was on the front page!), and I just started seeing an intensely beautiful story act out inside my head. I started typing and found the story flowing out easily and quickly, each new layer of the song adding to the mood, atmosphere, and emotion in the story. It's not a particularly great piece of fiction, but it's one of the few stories permanently burned into my brain--every time I listen to that mix, I watch it act out in my head all over again. Not many pieces of music 'synch' with my own creative process like that, but I'm glad for this to be one of them. Quote
Jasoco Posted June 26, 2005 Posted June 26, 2005 I swear I replied in here. Guess not.This song actually convinced me to buy the game about two years ago. I am deeply grateful as this game is perfect. Beautiful looking, awesome story, kick-ass main character. Shame we may never see the two sequels they originally planned to make. This game needs more remixes. Only one is not enough. Frame of Mind is a moving piece. Quote
Da B.I.G. COMMANDER Posted June 26, 2005 Posted June 26, 2005 I`f acctualy buyd this GREAT Game 2 days after Releas. And I must say, Jade is really the coolest Girl if ever seen in a Game. Every kbit, every nanosecond is ART in this Track. Man the Mix is sooooooooooo cooooool, I mean i was just so close to cry. All Respect to DJ Pretzel. Two Thumbs up. MAN your da MAN MAN. Make more cool ReMixes of BGE. JADE RULEZ Quote
Ventrex Posted July 4, 2005 Posted July 4, 2005 I swear I replied in here. Guess not.This song actually convinced me to buy the game about two years ago. You too, huh? Maybe I have the words now. And maybe not. Maybe I'll keep trying to find them, and maybe this is the kind of art that lacks words entirely; it is one thing to describe an emotion, and another to feel it. To live it. And some things burn so strongly you can neither ever forget them, nor ultimately, explain them. All this time since I heard the mix for the first time, and playing it now still evokes the same emotion--deeply rooted melancholia. The feeling of having lost not only a battle, but a war. Having to face your final enemy, and knowing with all your heart, and in spite of all your might that you cannot win. Your final battle will end with your death, and your name shall forever be remembered as a fool, a charlatan who dared challenge a well established reality. But also knowing that you must face this battle. That you must die, without honor, and face this dishonorable memory. Because you know that this well established reality is wrong. It is sapping the world of justice, and freedom, and it is crippling and destroying your people. You can't win, but maybe your battle will provoke someone to realize what you have, and to at last take down this injustice and liberate a people long since abused, wrecked, and shattered in the name of "saving" them. That faint hope that someone, some day, may see this, and act, and stand tall against this enemy that had killed you so long ago, is enough to justify your death, and your dishonor. And, even though I can barely type right now (this isn't my PC), that is how this mix has always made me feel, and most likely always will make me feel, until I have returned to dust. Maybe these words can convey how deeply this mix has affected me. How beautiful, and melancholy, I have always felt it to be. Quote
JerichoWilks Posted July 17, 2005 Posted July 17, 2005 That is so beautiful... Inspiring. Heartfelt.. I understand those words entirely.. Yeah, BG&E needs another remix. Someone please make another remix!! Quote
watkinzez Posted August 4, 2005 Posted August 4, 2005 djp, you'd better have got round to playing this game by now. This song is awesome, BTW. Quote
Aurora Posted August 4, 2005 Posted August 4, 2005 I can't believe people are still commenting on the song! That's fantastic... I can't believe it was SO LONG ago that we did it! hahaha Time Flies, remixes live on 4 EVAR *lights candle* hahaha thanks guys! Quote
Big_Daddy Posted August 26, 2005 Posted August 26, 2005 I just finished Beyond Good and Evil, and I was hoping to see a remix for the excellent music in that game. This was exactly what I wanted! It is a beautiful tune, and it captures all the elements of the game magnificently. It is really disappointing to know that the story of Beyond Good and Evil may not continue on. The end was so amazing and emotional, and then abruptly over... *tear* Ancel is a genius, this game proves it. Heral's music is genius too, and these three artists have made a wonderful tribute to it! Quote
PlastikBag Posted September 15, 2005 Posted September 15, 2005 I just beat this game last night. I've loved this song ever since I listened to it a while ago, it was instantly a favorite of mine. After I finally got around to playing this (amazing) game, I've come to appreciate it even more. Definitely one of my all time favorites. It flawlessly combines several themes from the game into one beautiful song. Excellent. Quote
kfvik Posted September 15, 2005 Posted September 15, 2005 If they ever get around to making a sequel, this should be the main title song Quote
Dunamas20 Posted September 30, 2005 Posted September 30, 2005 This is by far the best musical experience I have encountered in a long time. Its hard to get any better than what you did. Great job. Quote
MisterBiggler Posted January 30, 2006 Posted January 30, 2006 I loved this game so much; I'm surprised I never thought to seek out any remixes here. BG&E was a great game with a superb soundtrack, and this song is a goregous tribute to it. The strings moved me the most here, and as many have noted before me, the transitions between the artists' different segments are seamless, making this track flow well. I love the segment of the song that starts around 2:55 -- the drums and bassline accompany the strings and piano well. The vocals are beautiful to boot, and add so much to this great mix. This is a fantastic joint, and a BG&E movie or sequel would be blessed to have this as a lead track. Quote
Jasoco Posted January 30, 2006 Posted January 30, 2006 So why haven't we gotten anymore BG&E remixes yet? So sad the game is awesome with kick ass music yet only has one remix. Quote
watkinzez Posted December 18, 2006 Posted December 18, 2006 To lovers of this song (should be all of you) and fans of Beyond Good and Evil, Jericho, a member of the game's community has made a . Thankfully this goes goes against the grain of most fan videos in terms of quality- extremely talented editor. Does great work, and this is no exception.I also highly recommend his other videos of the game- , usings BT's The Great Escape, and , with Filter and The Crystal Method's (Can't You) Trip Like I Do (also includes the ever awesome Psychonauts). Quote
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