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So some of you may have heard about demakes, where popular games from the Playstation era are recreated with NES-era graphics and music. It's "chiptuning" an entire game. Mega Man 9 isn't technically a demake of anything, but that kind of backwards progression is what signifies a demake.

Perhaps the most infamous example is the Final Fantasy VII Chinese hack production. I've

most of it. And though it's ridiculous in all sorts of ways, the articles about it said that making this game was a technical achievement for many reasons.

Then I found

. I honestly can't tell how legit it is... I think they've cheated on the chiptunes (I feel like that synth slide in the victory theme is taken right out of the original). But the graphics are both better and more accurate. Unfortunately, there are only three videos and once Bahamut shows up it seems to go to all sorts of what-the-fuckness.

There are

across, but I'm sure I'm missing a few.

Remakes are obviously a bit rarer, as they are considerably harder and more time consuming to pull off. That's why the majority of them involve editing and tweaking game code and assets. Wouldn't you know it, though,

here again. It's been hacked to death over at the qhimm forums. At this point I'm looking at whatever they can provide, especially since the likelihood of anything official is slim to none. I'm even a voice actor on a mod seeking to add voices.

I also thought

was fun.

Finally, there are hacks, in which the game isn't remade or demade to any significant extent. Just new enemies or styles put in.

does not take the cake here, but

One of these days I'm going to have to go through those mods to see which ones are good.

But at any rate, discuss the mods, makes, and general aberrations which corrupt classics you know and love.


Mega Man 7 on the SNES takes a lot of flak from gamers and Mega Man fans because it took more cues from Mega Man X than it did the NES 1-6 (intro and middle stages, a 4-4 boss stage order, etc.). 2ch user Mend put together

, which not only demakes 7 to NES graphics and music, but also makes a few notable changes to bring the game in line with 1-6. The intro and middle stages are gone entirely, all 8 bosses are selectable from the start, you can't save in the middle of Dr. Wily's castle, and the store and Rush Search have been removed (although you can still find all the major store items hidden in the levels). I think that the smaller sprites give you more breathing room during the game, making some of the boss fights easier (Slash Man and the final Wily are still tough, though).

A different team of people from 2ch are currently working on the same style demake, but with the PS/Sat classic Mega Man 8. Judging from sprites and music samples on their Japanese wiki, they may also do Mega Man Powered Up, Mega Man and Bass, AND the Wily Tower from Mega Man: The Wily Wars.


The best demake I can think of atm is MM7 8-bit, which is incredible.

As far as rom hacks go, here's a list of what's best out there -- I play a TON of them.


Mario Adventure

Zelda 2005 (replaces all graphics with Link's Awakening stuff and others)

Zelda: Outlands

Metroid X

Megaman 2 Ultra

Megaman 4: Minus Infinity (holy crap wtf amazing, though it's only 60% complete)

Dragoon X Omega II

Castlevania: Chorus of Mysteries

Extra Super Mario Bros.

Metroid Genocide


Super Demo World: TLC (probably the best hack made to date)

Super Metroid Redesign (new physics even! amazing)

The Legend of Zelda: Parallel Worlds

FFVI Bug Fixes (Vanish --> Doom, Evade bug, a TON of other smaller things)

Seiken Densetsu 3 Three-Player mode

FFV Bug Fixes (agility weapon stats)

Chrono Trigger: Crimson Echoes (probably never going to be finished, but what's out there is really solid)

Yoshi's Island -- Kamek's Revenge

Super Mario World 2+

FFVI Hardtype (haven't tried this yet, but looked pretty good)


Sonic Megamix

Knuckles in Sonic 1

I have no earthly idea how I could have forgotten to mention this initially, but I think
will ultimately be one of the greatest tragedies of video game history.

Nah. Maybe if they were planning to remake the whole game, but all they wanted to accomplish were four key moments from CT. Surely that doesn't make video game history!

Though I'm very impressed with how good everything looks in 3d. Square take note: If a group of fans can make this, surely it won't take you multiple years to give FF7 (or FF6, or CT) a new coat of paint.

Oh, and other rom-hackers that actually have the means to complete your projects: Don't release "teaser" videos, don't tell us anything about your project until it's been released to torrent and you can't get rid of it.

Mega Man 7 on the SNES takes a lot of flak from gamers and Mega Man fans because it took more cues from Mega Man X than it did the NES 1-6 (intro and middle stages, a 4-4 boss stage order, etc.). 2ch user Mend put together

This is beyond fucking epic. Oh my god I want this.

This is beyond fucking epic. Oh my god I want this.


There you go!

Also this is supposed to be a demo of that MM8 remake, though I haven't played it.

EDIT: The second set of robot masters are unavailable in the demo. The first 4 are, however. Playing Tengu Man's stage right now, it's much more difficult than it's 32-bit counterpart.

EDIT EDIT: Seriously, that flying part is WAY harder. There's so much more stuff attacking you, it feels like you're playing a schmup.

please do not play the easy mode on WTF story

hard mode is so much fun to conquer

unfinished, but being worked on, and you wont be seeing the current end point without some work anyway

aw fuck yeah

this is way better than any fan fic

holy shit: is the cellphone ringtone from NHK ni Youkoso?

Nah. Maybe if they were planning to remake the whole game, but all they wanted to accomplish were four key moments from CT. Surely that doesn't make video game history!

Where did you hear that? Near as I can tell it was meant to be a full-on remake. I even went to their old site to double check. It didn't say anything one way or the other specifically, but I assume by remaking the game they wanted to make THE GAME.

Though I'm very impressed with how good everything looks in 3d. Square take note: If a group of fans can make this, surely it won't take you multiple years to give FF7 (or FF6, or CT) a new coat of paint.
Where did you hear that? Near as I can tell it was meant to be a full-on remake. I even went to their old site to double check. It didn't say anything one way or the other specifically, but I assume by remaking the game they wanted to make THE GAME.

Checked the website, and you're right -- the _demo_ featured ten key scenes from the game, and eventually they were hoping to remake the whole thing.

SE must hate money or something -- I'd pay a ton for 3-d console remakes of FFVI and Chrono Trigger. Similarly, localize Seiken Densetsu 3 and release it for the Virtual Console. Despite having downloaded the unofficial English version long ago, I'd pay to support it.


Yup! :lol: I followed some links, and there are apparently a bunch. That initial link is the only one in English, though. :sad:

On-topic, Bioshock(Arcadia, specifically) as a Doom 2 WAD:


Wow, that was apparently part of a demakes competition. I love TIGSource.

I've also started checking out Crimson Echoes. I really don't have much trouble believing this could be a sequel to CT. It seems full of Woolseyisms and ties a lot of disparate plot threads together.

This thread reminded me of Ocarina of Time 2D :(
Please don't tell me you're referencing TheRealMethuselah's OoT2D. The Demo 4 that never came... If you want a good OoT2D that's actually being worked on, check out Zelda Fan Game Central. There's a pretty sweet FSA-styled one being worked on, among others.

Idk, oot2d has always been one of those things that I've heard of but not followed. I'll definitely check that link out (no pun intended) :-)

Please don't tell me you're referencing TheRealMethuselah's OoT2D. The Demo 4 that never came... If you want a good OoT2D that's actually being worked on, check out Zelda Fan Game Central. There's a pretty sweet FSA-styled one being worked on, among others.

I was excited for it (TRM's), but only until whats-his-face faked his death. I was unaware of the zfgc project. I'll definitely be keeping an eye on it. Thanks!

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