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OCR01192 - Life Force "Tactile Freefall"


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Lifeforce was the very first NES game my brothers and I bought way back when and it is still one of my favorites. To this day I haven't beaten a game as many times as Lifeforce.

It is a treat to get to hear remixs of one of my favorite games of all time, and this newest remix does the game more then enough justice. Hearing it makes me want to go play right now.

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This is a great remix! I loved it! then I discovered something else... you see I use KBmedia for all of my songs and I like to play around with the tempo to hear how strange the songs sounds it's fun! but when I put the speed to 1.5 times faster for this song.... wow... It becomes one of if not the best re-mix on this site. now I know this isn't how the creator wanted the song to sound, but you should really look in to this.

I've never hear harder rock in my whole life...

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I say we find everyone who thinks this mix is below average and punch them in the nuts. This track is so full, so rockin, and so killer that it demands our attention... no OCR compilation would be complete without it.

I'm not familiar with the original, but I'd be surprised if there isn't a fan out there that isn't floored by this track.

Most delicious part: the bass at 2:20 then the drums that come back by 2:22... *drool*

9.9999999/10 just because I can hear some things that bug me ever so slightly.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Wow...just wow...right now I am blown away. This sounds absolutely awesome, with the guitar and techno-ish beats backing it up. I always thought the last stage had the best song in the whole game; it sounded so epic. And this manages to pick up on that and then some, I love how the intro starts slowly from 0:01 - 0:16 and kicks in with the guitar building up to an ass-kickin' mix of the whole thing around 0:32, and keeps going strong until it changes to the boss battle theme, and even then it still kicks ass. This is a great remix that should be downloaded, anyone who thinks this song is below average is crazy! This deserves an A++!

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To be quite honest, I'm surprised not too many people have checked this song out yet, it's amazing. I'm addicted, have it on repeat, and have it stuck in my head. Midee and Prozax are a force to be reckoned with, and you bet your ass when I get some blank CDs, I am putting this on a compilation. I would like to take a moment to thank them for putting such an amazing remix of a kick-ass song out! I wish they'd come here and post, if I had a chance, I'd thank them in person.

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  • 2 months later...

Midee and Prozax equally r0xx0rz my b0xx0rs. This song is currently my most often played (176 plays in iTunes), while the second is their Axelay tune "Kick My Axe". These two have mastered the art of 'arena rock' without ever having to scream "Hello Cleveland!"

Between the power-guitar (as in the phrase"...with MORE POWER *simean grunts*") and the 80's twinge of metal synth accompaniment, the only words I could possibly use with getting even more hyperbolic are djpretzel's own: tour-de-force.

Way to rock out, guys. You've got a bonafide fan, here.


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  • 5 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Man, I thought I would get sick of this song after about a year or so, but I was wrong, I had to format my hard-drive and reinstall Windows XP on this thing again, but when I got everything up to par again, one of the first things I did was redownload this song. I didn't realize how much I missed it until the intro kicked in. Yes guys, this kicks just as much ass as it did back when I first discovered it.

It truly is an amazing tribute to LifeForce, and it brought back so many memories of the game, and the eerie feel of Stage 6's soundtrack. I think I described my feelings on how powerful it was last year, but man, the intro STILL sends shivers up my spine, if that isn't a testament to this piece of music's timeless pleasure, I do not know what is. Believe me folks, even if you are not Life Force fans, I still recommend checking this song out.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 10 months later...
  • 1 year later...

That's funny, Im posting a review on this remix a bit more than 4 years after I downloaded it :)

I think its one of the best remixes I've heard since I discovered this site in 2000.

Its just too good, really rich and of course when you break and start the boss theme...incredible, what a high!

Made me wanna replay Lifeforce and finish Gradius V :)

Thank you for that masterpiece!


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