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Wow...neat start. There's a real techno build here. This is something I'm already liking. Lots of different overlaying and just adding more and more and then the drop back. This sounds incredible. !!! THOSE ARE PSR 290 SOUNDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gosh this is called inspiration. I own a PSR 290 and didnt know I could make these kinds of sounds with it. OK bakc to the review lol. Countermelody is fitting in greatly with the regular melody and this sounds majestic after it drops out. New melody break in fits nicely wiht everything else. Break down is nice but a little to "light" for this song. End is coming and you can basically tell the closeout so you've fitted everything together nicely Rellik. Nice ending. I don't really have any thing negatove to say aboutthis song except that you went as far as you had to. You could've probavbly gone alot farther with the chaotic synth stuff though. Great piece nevertheless. I know have one more techno piece to add to my list!


I first downloaded this track when people were raving about it on the WIP board. I had hoped that maybe it would've been touched up between the version I heard and the one posted today, but alas, it hasn't. I'm kinda surprised this mix got posted so easily, then, since it's not very special to me, and I assumed that dozens of mediocre techno tracks are rejected weekly.

It's not a bad song, mind you, I just don't think it's very interesting. The samples aren't very high quality, and it's a very... sharp piece. I'm normally a pretty big techno fan, but this track doesn't do it for me.


Well, I don't know what you're talking about, I haven't heard a good techno track like this in a while. And I think this is just what I needed at the moment.

I loved this track on the soundtrack, I'm glad someone did a desent remix of it. Keep up the good work. :)


I really enjoyed this. It is a lot different than most songs. The filtering is very well handled and is something besides the Ice Cap song which everyone seems to love (including myself :oops: ) Anywho, The middle is a touch uninspired but the beginning and end and the filtered drum loops are great. Great Job Rellik.


grats on getting posted! you know I like your stuff generally, so I don't have much to say. this is very ziwtra in style (think willed assault), in a good way. it's a little rough as some people mentioned here in terms of sound, and I know your mastering ability has gotten better as of late, but it's definitely not bad with this mix. Great job with the rearrangement of the original, as well as execution- breaks are great, so are effects (etc).

this is *really* not just a generic techno piece, and it's waaay above the level of quality of your average rejected techno mix here. it doesn't have a simple, repeated rhythm- the drums are chaotic and energetic. it incorporates the right balance of the original theme and improv/variation. there's not much to complain about.


Just listening to this.... it feels like a gazillion things are going on that I'm so hardly trying to keep track of 8O

I honestly enjoyed the solo part. I love that part at 1:37! Good job! :o


YES!! YESSSSS!!! The song I dreamed would be remixed has been, and in the form I prayed for! Crazy, hectic, dark techno. Rellik is my new hero. I love this. I LOVE THIS. I FREAKIN LOVE THIS!!The percussion in this song is mind-blowing. Honestly my favorite remix on the site. That includes IceCapped, which I love like a son. This song makes me want to hardcore dance. Bad. If I were a real weirdo, I'd blast this in my living room and hardcore dance right now. Oh god. Fourth time listening. This sounds reminiscent of Kevin Manthei's genius work on Invader Zim, but a billion times cooler. That break, the voices, every instrument, all absolutely perfect. Oh... my... god.


I'm not really a fan of techno remixes, but for what it is, it's not that bad. It's not something I'm going to play constantly, but if it ever comes up on my playlist, I'm not going to switch the song...


I love everything about this remix... except the "c'mon!" clip played about twenty times is destroying my speakers. Maybe if you descreased the pitch insted of increased it wouldn't be so jarring. That and spacing it out more so it isn't so repetitive.


The composition of the song is great. Theres nothing over done, and nothing that just gets boring after a while. It has inspiration and originality shot directly into the original theme. This is a welcome change considering most mixes have been good, but rather basic in artistic style.

Definately a keeper.


I remember this when it was on the Works in Progress forum, and it's still just as great as it ever was. :D Awesome work, Rellik. I hope your other WIPs make it to OCR as well!

My personal favorite part is when the "Come on" samples blend in with the beat. I'm a sucker for great percussion work. :wink:


Whoa. The whole style of this remix... the sound... it's all done incredibly well. This has definitely secured a spot on my playlist. Excellent work.


great song. love the style of tehno it's in! little off topic. did anyone else notice the trillian login sound and the windows error sound at 37 and 40? maybe my ears are just hearing strange things though.


I also snagged this off of the WIP boards, and to the guy who said it hadn't been touched up, there's a little add-in at 1:06 right after the Come Ons that keeps the mix punching in a part that used to be a break in the real energy of it. IMO the whole thing sounds Daft-Punkish (Thinkin HBFS) I love this whole song, its all far from boring :D glad to see that it made it up here...especially cuz i lost the original track lol.


Yknow Rellik, I've written 69 full reviews over at VGMIX, and of those 69, my review for your 'Outer Space Machine' remix has the lowest meta-rating of them all, at 20%... WHICH IS INSANE, BECAUSE IT'S A FINE REVIEW! May the entrails of whoever rated my review down that far boil! Boil, damn you!

On that note, I liked your mix back then in February, and I like it now. What I said in that review stands today. Well done.


heh, For the life of me I cant put my finger on where in Sonic 3 this song is originaly from. And I just got done playing through it a week or so ago... :banghead:

Anyways, I'm not really a big fan of techno, but i do like this piece. It makes me want to run fast and jump on stuff! :D I am definatly impressed by the attention payed to the percussion. One of my biggest qualms about techno is the often lazyly arranged beats, but thats not a problem her eat all. A very solid interesting piece. Even the goofy "Whooo!" soundbytes brought a smile to my face.


I just heard the remix and that came from the final boss of Sonic 3. for the song that was played suring the final credits, check out Tight Finale OC remix. I just popped on and I saw the post while I was about to download the song. When I downloaded the song and heard it for the first time, I could tell that was the song that was played during the final version of the last boss.

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