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That it has. Also... most regulars here know the approximate playing abilities of other players, so it really disappoints me when I see all "the best" join one team... even worse is when a mod does it and I know that he knows he's teamstacking. Granted, there's no real way to stop this... it's just something I'd like to point out... yet again (I'm not naming people).


Well, it looks like my hiatus has been extended, damn, my video card is almost completely shot this time...so I'll have to avoid playing here in the future...

  WindStrike said:
That it has. Also... most regulars here know the approximate playing abilities of other players, so it really disappoints me when I see all "the best" join one team... even worse is when a mod does it and I know that he knows he's teamstacking. Granted, there's no real way to stop this... it's just something I'd like to point out... yet again (I'm not naming people).

What if you just like playing with friends that happen to be good?


To be fair, you don't have to be on the same team as your friend to be playing with them. (Anecdotally, I take greater pleasure from beating the crap out of them ingame than I do by working together.)


Holy cow, I was on tonight and experienced the whole server super lag. The whole thing freezes for upwards of 10 seconds and gives users the "connection issue" red text. Anything we can do to remedy this problem?

  WindStrike said:
That it has. Also... most regulars here know the approximate playing abilities of other players, so it really disappoints me when I see all "the best" join one team... even worse is when a mod does it and I know that he knows he's teamstacking. Granted, there's no real way to stop this... it's just something I'd like to point out... yet again (I'm not naming people).

They usually just autochoose teams, also I find it less annoying than when half the server excuses not doing anything to help the team with "But frogg is on the other team!"

  Vimk said:
They usually just autochoose teams, also I find it less annoying than when half the server excuses not doing anything to help the team with "But frogg is on the other team!"

Yeah, that's what I usually autochoose. Honestly, I'd rather have a close match than a completely one-sided roll. That being said, I have seen teams come back from an almost impossible position (such as pushing all 4 points back on 5pt cp map) so I usually wait for at least one or two full round of attack/defense before doing something about it. That's why we have "votescramble" anyway. ;-)

EDIT: I also find it funny that people make johns about playing against Frogg. I have seen his team loose. On several occasions. He may be good but he's not God. Just yesterday he was NOT on the top of his team (I think Necro was). Slipping a bit there, Frogg?


Honestly, I tend to pick the team with my friends on it, regardless of whether they're winning or not. If I can't, I bite the bullet and pick the other team, especially if they're down on numbers.

And yeah, Frogg's not invincible. He's really, really good. But not unstoppable. And he's not the whole team. If he's alone, he can still be stomped down by a team effort. So people need to stop complaining when they're not on his team. Yeah, he might kill you a bunch and it might make it more difficult. Deal with it.

And besides, it makes landing that killing blow against him all the more satisfying.

  Triad Orion said:
And besides, it makes landing that killing blow against him all the more satisfying.

True. But when he has a pet Medic (or two...) dear lord is he a pain in the ass.

Also I'm pretty sure that about half of our bitching about him is good-natured ribbing at his tendency to kill everything in front of him.


I always auto but then again I don't think I'm good enough at the game to make a difference anyway so it matters not which side I'm on.

Either way I'm still going to attack Frogg if he's on the other side... though there have been occasions where I've just hung out in the spawn when he was on the other side but that was a situation when it was a 1v1 where I honestly have no chance.


I'm in the irc channel now because enter the game decided it was done blanket banning my area or whatever. I'm busy with school ending but I'll try and get online sometime soon.

  miyako said:
casuals love dustbowl

and goldrush

and 2fort


  Triad Orion said:
He is very much a killbot. And with Medics he is utterly lethal. (Speaking from being his medic a few times.) But yes. Killbot of scary.


  ParanoidDrone said:
Also I'm pretty sure that about half of our bitching about him is good-natured ribbing at his tendency to kill everything in front of him.

mine isn't

don't get me wrong I'm technically not bitching about Frogg so much as I am bitching about my team being absolutely useless whenever he is my opponent

too many times I have seen Frogg come around a corner with a bunch of other people and instead of trying to focus our fire on Frogg or his medics I'll watch as Frogg mows down everyone because they alll unilaterally tried to kill a Pyro behind him


He just has a psychological effect on people. But he's only a man. ...Killbot. Thing. Hit him hard enough, and he'll die. Just like anyone else.

On a side note, I'm almost tempted to make Frogg into my new Boss Month signature. Such is his legend... :V


Then I will require a badass death-cam shot of Frogg being awesome. I will attempt to get on this soon. If anyone gets a particularly awesome deathcam shot of him (preferably while being dominated), PM me or something and I'll totally credit them when I make it.

If I don't get one myself, that is.

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