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Because they're going to be waxing the floor in the computer lab where I play. Of all the reasons...

That is the weirdest innuendo I have ever heard.

Which is why it should have been the way the weapon works from the start. Now, instead, Demoman have the most powerful and effective weapon in the game, turning what was supposed to be a long range, area denial class into Super Soldier the Revenge.

Yes, I do still believe Demomen are overpowered.

Actually the Demo was made to be the most versatile class from the commentary. Looking at the achievements we can see that there are varied purposes among the Demo. It's not so much that the Demo is OP but that he has a very high degree of usefulness in the hands of a good player. This only increases on tight maps like Goldrush where there is effectively only one front.

One person said that deleting the Team Fortress 2 folder and letting the game rebuild it was a way to fix the glowing cart issue.


Looking at the achievements we can see that there are varied purposes among the Demo.

you realize those achievements were released two years after the game was released

probably long past the point where anyone had any hope of rebalancing the demoman without having a million short-sighted people cry about how they've RUNIED THE GAEM 4EVER

also it is possible for something to be versatile without it being generally better than everything else


Please, no more, you'll bring me to tears with how ridiculous that statement is.


he has no hitscan weapon so he gets completely killed by scouts even bad ones

pipes are a lot more difficult to aim than rockets because you actually have to HIT people not just shoot near them

you can go ahead and call stickies overpowered but really if youre the kind of person that gets killed a lot by some braindead demo that does nothing but spam stickies youre just not playing the game intelligently at all

and its also INCREDIBLY difficult for a demo to be any kind of offensive force without a medic

and yeah i stand by my statement that demo is the hardest class to play in the game

sure a good demo might kill you a lot but so will a good scout soldier heavy whatever

tldr people that still think demos are overpowered are just playing the game stupidly


if youre going to go ahead and say a really good demo gets tons of kills and is therefore overpowered you might as well say a really good sniper gets tons of kills and is therefore overpowered


that isnt nearly as annoying as quick headshotting a soldier for 150 and then going for a quick bodyshot to finish him off because ITS SUPPOSED TO DO 50 but it decides to do 45 and the soldier takes out his equalizer and runs away


fuck the equalizer

fuck the equalizer until valve figures out a way to do lag compensation that doesn't magically extend the equalizers range to ten feet

that isnt nearly as annoying as quick headshotting a soldier for 150 and then going for a quick bodyshot to finish him off because ITS SUPPOSED TO DO 50 but it decides to do 45 and the soldier takes out his equalizer and runs away
isnt nearly as annoying as the soldier takes out his equalizer and runs away

This is probably the only time being near a heavy randomly using natascha ever felt perfect in popping soldiers with equalizers.

Bad enough they can run circles around automated sentries, doubt the wrangled-ones would fair better up close; assuming for whatever reason the soldier doesn't kill the engy.

One person said that deleting the Team Fortress 2 folder and letting the game rebuild it was a way to fix the glowing cart issue.


As I said in my original post, I tried that. It didn't work, sadly. Maybe it'll help atmuh though. Thanks anyway.

Update: Tried turning off AA, now glow outlines appear. Oddly, glow outlines appear in L4d/2 without any need for disabling AA.

Going to maybe update my graphics card drivers, though honestly this isn't such a big deal to not have those outlines, so maybe not.

Update 2 (and final probably): Updated the drivers (from 190 something to 248... yeesh I forgot how out of date these can get), but no change. AA has to be off or the glows won't appear. Meh-tastic. Oh well.

Also, I'm not going to be ingame on Monday and possibly Tuesday. Because they're going to be waxing the floor in the computer lab where I play. Of all the reasons...

Make that all the way through Thursday.

That's a lot of waxing, if you know what I'm sayin'.

I seriously have no idea why it would take that long. Neither does anyone else out of the 5 or so people that actually use the lab over the summer. We were told outright that the wax takes an hour to dry.

This is probably a really bad place to mention that I suspect most of the time is going to be spent stripping the floor.

I seriously have no idea why it would take that long. Neither does anyone else out of the 5 or so people that actually use the lab over the summer. We were told outright that the wax takes an hour to dry.

This is probably a really bad place to mention that I suspect most of the time is going to be spent stripping the floor.

Stripping the floor? That's two strange innuendos out of you this week. If I spent five days waxing my floor I would chafe.

Also, nice picture Miyako. How did you manage to string me up like a marionette?


A required update to Team Fortress 2 is now available. Please run hldsupdatetool to receive the update. The specific changes include:


- Increased the resilience of client/server data table mismatches when playing back demos. This will make most old demo files playable again, but with potential visual side effects.

Team Fortress 2:

- Updated CP_Coldfront

- Added map to the default mapcycle and motd files.

- Fixed a server crash issue related to increased maxplayer servers.

- Fixed a couple Engineer building exploits.

- Updated the localization files.

- Improved the performance of the critboost particle effect.

- Fixed a server crash related to carrying buildings at round start.

- Fixed players picking up buildings before a round has started.

- Fixed an exploit where Engineers could create level 3 mini-sentries.

FireSlash already updated the servers.

Am I the only one who thinks the Frontier Justice is fine?

I think it's fine

people are just frustrated that they can be punished now for blowing up sentries

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