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I'd appreciate it if the Dead Ringer would stop the bleeding visual effect. Or wash off Jarate like it's supposed to if the loading screen tips are any indication.

How about no?

The bleed effect is already harder to see than the fire or jarate effects; it really doesn't need additional ways to get rid of.

Having said that, I do wonder why the bleed effect is more powerful than being on fire. Seems rather unfair to Pyros.

THANK YOU, but valve hates Pyros, so it doesn't matter.

Well, you can always hope that the Polycount items for Pyro are good.


Also, I may upgrade SourceMod and MetaMod:Source tomorrow to fix some errors that are popping up from the basevotes (core) and customvotes plugins.

Just a headsup Ross, but could you turn on RTD on RED, for the even tomorrow?

I can, but the plugin is kinda broken... !rtd will suddenly start working on BLU, even though it's supposed to be disabled.

Also, about the edit to my last post... I saw these errors while trying to ban a micspammer from the console (who ended up getting votebanned... "ban" doesn't work from the console; you have to use our SourceBans webpage :/ ).

I can, but the plugin is kinda broken... !rtd will suddenly start working on BLU, even though it's supposed to be disabled.

Also, about the edit to my last post... I saw these errors while trying to ban a micspammer from the console (who ended up getting votebanned... "ban" doesn't work from the console; you have to use our SourceBans webpage :/ ).

Wait, so I can't use my /ban anymore? CRAP!!

Wait, so I can't use my /ban anymore? CRAP!!

No, that should still work... it's from the server console, i.e. from the server's command line, that wasn't working.


Not only did I not make it to an event that I requested to be set up, but when I came in an hour late, I joined the other server.

... this late night stuff and vacation tiredness stuff is throwing me off really bad.


There is apparently a (console?) exploit in the game right now that lets you destroy sentries while they are being sapped.

Please note, we do consider this an exploit, as it is not intended game behavior, and thus we will kick/ban people we see doing it.

There is apparently a (console?) exploit in the game right now that lets you destroy sentries while they are being sapped.

Please note, we do consider this an exploit, as it is not intended game behavior, and thus we will kick/ban people we see doing it.

Granted, but...the Sentry's going to end up destroyed either way.

Granted, but...the Sentry's going to end up destroyed either way.

Yes, but there are at least two issues with destroying it this way:

1. It allows you to immediately build another.

2. It steals the kill from the Spy.

While I'm a Spy and #2 annoys me, #1 is the game breaking bug.


Servers are now both back online following a Metamod: Source / SourceMod upgrade.

It took longer than expected because my ISP decided to be shitty in the middle of it... I had to change update strategies halfway through* and redo some work to make sure files weren't left in a corrupted state.

Side note: I mentioned the problem with the RTD plugin to the plugin's creator, and he said he was going to look into it.

*First strategy was to replace files on the server with files I had locally using FTP. Second strategy was to do the replacement directly on the server using a copy of SourceMod I downloaded from the server console, through the command line... replacing files in certain directories and copying non-standard plugins and extensions manually.


Hey guys, I'm new to OCR, but I was wondering if I could get an invite to the Steam group? I'd love to play TF2 with you guys sometime. Thanks :)

My Steam ID is ch0me.

Can I get an invite also?




I'm assuming you've already been invited, as I can only invite you to the other (public) OCR Steam community.

Hey all, just letting you know that I'm forming Team Overclocked Remix for the Highlander Challenge. (More) details are here: http://ocremix.org/forums/group.php?do=discuss&group=&discussionid=72

Invitations have been sent! Intel will be captured! Points will be seized! ENEMIES SHALL FALL!

I think we can get pretty far.

Oh yay. A competition whose players get in-game items just for playing, regardless of how bad they are. Or so the page for it claims. And yet... I don't recall seeing anything on the TF2 blog about this...

Wait, if you've already picked out your team, what was the point in posting here?

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