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Double posting but I want this to get bumped so people notice.

Team 1: Our next match is shaping up to be on Friday, October 8 at 9:30 or 10:00 PM EST. Any complaints?

Wife's birthday. Later the better (to make sure she is fast asleep). Also, for next week: traveling for business and not available at all the night of the 12th and the night of the 14th.

Double posting but I want this to get bumped so people notice.

Team 1: Our next match is shaping up to be on Friday, October 8 at 9:30 or 10:00 PM EST. Any complaints?

I'm good with that time.


just saw the steam announcement for the highlander group.

the tentative times for Friday evening work with me. I would also be able to make a Sunday match.

Double posting but I want this to get bumped so people notice.

Team 1: Our next match is shaping up to be on Friday, October 8 at 9:30 or 10:00 PM EST. Any complaints?

Friday is fine, Sunday may be problematic, as it is Canadian thanksgiving, and i will be at my parents for dinner, and may be too stuffed to reach the mouse.

Finally, someone else makes use of their admin powers in the group. <3 you Necro.

Personally I'm fine with either date.

Only loosely related, but if you have problems with the Highlander server, let me know.

There shouldn't be any issues... the configuration for it is rather simple other than the league config, and that has (presumably) been tested already.


Haven't had any issues other than when the wrong password was listed and that time I accidentally booted everyone off the server while trying to change the map. So in other words, strictly user error. :P

I may forget the commands from time to time, but that's why you have them posted in the admin group, yes?

Haven't had any issues other than when you the wrong password was listed and when I accidentally booted everyone off the server while trying to change the map. So in other words, strictly user error. :P

I may forget the commands from time to time, but that's why you have them posted in the admin group, yes?

NEVER use the map command, only changelevel.

No idea why, but map boots everyone while changelevel doesn't.

Friday sounds good for me, too. If I'm online then and we have enough people already would I be allowed to spectate or is there a SourceTV set up?

SourceTV for the Highlander server is available on, but it was kind of laggy the last time I tried it.


I see the little silhouette of a TF2 update. Scaramouch, Scaramouch, will you do the Fandango?

Shared changes (CS:S, DoD:S, HL2:DM, and TF2)

* ServerBrowser now sorts by ping by default once again.

* Fixed Mac crash on launch when running Mac OSX 10.5.8.

* Fixed spectator bug where spectating a Sniper looking through scope didn't zoom fov.

Team Fortress 2

General Fixes

* Fixed an issue that caused some old demos to crash.

* The server browser now sorts by ping by default.

* The Trading dialog now starts with the chat window having focus.

* Fixed a bug that caused overheal to not work properly.

* Fixed the Sandvich cooldown not occurring when the Heavy is hurt.

* Fixed the Heavy's hands being invisible.

* Soldiers no longer maintain their rage level when changing loadout.

* Alerts now sort on top of achievement status.

* Prevented a bad state occurring when someone tried to trade with themselves.

* Fixed a dueling related crash caused by custom scoreboard UIs.

* Fixed players not being able to set their default FOV correctly.

* Fixed being unable to equip customized shotguns & pistols on some classes.

* Improved the explanation of the item set bonus in set item descriptions.

* Fixed a bug where items with particle systems would show up at the player's feet or pelvis.

* Fixed the wrench number for the Golden Wrench not displaying properly.

* Fixed the medal number for the Gentle Manne's Service Medal not displaying properly.

* Fixed client seeing incorrect message when changing team while participating in a duel.

Economy Changes

* Added Remove Name and Remove Paint features.

* Achievement items and store promotion items are now usable in crafting.

* Gifted items are now craftable and tradable.

* Attempting to craft a non tradable item will result in a warning that the items produced by the craft will also be marked as non tradable.

* Community, Self-Made, and Valve items are not tradable or usable in crafting.

* Changed "Not Craftable" description to "Not Usable in Crafting" to increase clarity.

Item Changes

* The TF badge on the Glengarry Bonnet is no longer team colored.

* Restored the missing PDA2 Slot Token.

* Restored the appearance of the Tippler's Tricorne to the version prior to the Mannconomy Update. This item is now paintable.

* Added a new paintable hat, the 'Rimmed Raincatcher' that has a new Tricorne style appearance.

* The Earbuds are now nameable.

* Duel fixes:

* Fixed Dueling badges using the wrong texture.

* Fixed an issue where dueling stats did not show up on dueling badges above Bronze.

* During a duel, the Dueling mini-game item used to initiate the duel cannot be deleted, traded or crafted.

* The following hats now allow the paint to affect their color more (colors should not be washed out):

* The Pugilist's Protector, The Hard Counter, The Bombing Run, Football Helmet, Fancy Fedora, Cowboy Hat, Engineer's Cap, Viking Helm, Respectless Rubber Glove, Batter's Helmet, Brigade Helm, Master's Yellow Belt, Killer's Kabuto, Backbiter's Billycock

* Dueling Mini-Game now drops with 5 uses.

Weapon Changes

* The Battalion's Backup no longer gives rage for falling damage.

* The Shortstop is now affected by tf_use_fixed_weaponspreads.

* The Gloves of Running Urgently now using the boxing taunt and boxing glove weapons are now of the type "Boxing Gloves" instead of "Fists."

* Your Eternal Reward no longer disguises the Spy if the victim survives the backstabbing attempt (because of Ubercharge, The Razorback, etc)

* Your Eternal Reward no longer disguises the Spy if they are carrying the flag.

* The Holy Mackerel no longer displays a fish hit message when a Spy disguised as the attacker's team is hit.

* The Holy Mackerel no longer triggers other death events (like achievements or stats mods) improperly.

* The Sydney Sleeper no longer penetrates targets.

* The Sydney Sleeper no longer randomly crits.

* Milk will no longer spray from the barrels of other Scout weapons when switching from the Mad Milk.

tl;dr version:

Sydney Sleeper no longer random crits (and IMO is now utterly worthless).

Your Eternal Reward no longer disguises when you're carrying intel or backstab an ubered/Razorbacked person.

GRU is now considered a boxing glove with matching taunt.

Shortstop now waffleshots (and IMO is actually useful).

Sandvich has cooldown again.

Rage meter fixed (and Battalion no longer grows from fall damage).

Holy Mackerel stat logging is fixed. No more ridiculous bonus point numbers in HLStatsX.

You can now craft gifts, achievement awards, and store bonuses (but not bought items). Gifts can also be traded.

Crafting non-tradeable items will create non-tradeable items. This includes store bonuses and (new) achievement unlocks.

Heavy has hands again.


According to the TF2 blog, anyone who already owns or buys Left 4 Dead 2 before 4pm PDT Thursday will get a free Frying Pan and Ellis's Hat.

"Current L4D2 owners will see the items appear over the next few days."


Damn, I used that Eternal Reward bug several times to nab a disguise off an Uber or something. ;_;

Thank god they got rid of Sydney Sleeper crits. That was irritating beyond belief.

In unrelated news, Chili informs me that he will be unavailable for Friday's match and has asked me to sub for him. Again. At this rate I'm thinking we should just switch places on the roster so that I'm the team Spy and he's the backup. :P


If anyone else else who has bought items from the item store and has constant problems with their loadout while no one else on the server is having problems, let me know.

I'm trying to isolate if it's just me, or if it's related to owning and using store-bought items.

If anyone else else who has bought items from the item store and has constant problems with their loadout while no one else on the server is having problems, let me know.

I'm trying to isolate if it's just me, or if it's related to owning and using store-bought items.

Lale couldn't access his loadout, but he hasn't bought anything from the store. We've both lost our connection to Steam in chat though, which suggests it's just Steam being Steam again.

Lale couldn't access his loadout, but he hasn't bought anything from the store. We've both lost our connection to Steam in chat though, which suggests it's just Steam being Steam again.

Steam's network is down at the moment.

Hopefully this is so they can fix the problems TF2 has been having today with loadouts and stuff going down.

I managed to get two Mann Co. Crates after reconnecting during nucleus... but now the store won't let me buy keys because Steam went down again.

er... Keys and a Rocket Jumper, since you need to spend at least $5, and I don't want to leave $0.02 in my Steam wallet.

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