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has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like

Seriously, I can't parse this.

Sweet jesus, wtf man....

has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like

Seriously, I can't parse this.

You've got to be kidding me. I've been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that? My guess is that when one really been far even as decided once to use even go want, it is then that he has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like. It's just common sense.


If the server is full, you will need to connect to it VIA CONSOLE.

Open console



This is for a few reasons.

1) it prevents people from being auto-kicked when the server is full (because it shows 24/25)

2) Allows people to use the "Join when a slot opens" feature

3) Prevents people from constantly being offered to blacklist the server

All that appears to have happened on my end is a decrease in the displayed number of players from XX/25 to XX/24.

When there are 24 players on the server, the server browser reports it as 23. When I try to connect, I am immediately kicked for a slot reservation... same deal as the last time, only it would report 24/25 instead.

Interestingly, the server's playercounts differ on the server browser's list ([XX]/24) and the server info itself ([XX+1]/25).

I'm not sure what's going on, but I figured it was best to let you know regardless.


You guys are awesome. And now for something completely different.

Those of you who follow my Steam activity may have noticed that I have been in the Source SDK a lot recently. Those of you who are interested in mapping may know that I have been developing a map in the past, tentatively titled Quarry, and that I contracted a massive case of mapper's block in the process.

This is not that map. Well, not quite.

Even though I was unable to finish the layout to my satisfaction, I was still able to think about one of the most common complaints about what I had published -- it was too big. The scale was fine, but the travel times were too long. Eventually a solution hit me, but it would involve rebuilding the map from the ground up. I was bored. It should be obvious by now what I decided to do.

Launchpad is my attempt to take what I liked about Quarry and tweak it to address some of the complaints about it. Most notably the size, but I also took a stab at simplifying the layout of the interior spaces. It's still more or less the same map, just with a fresh coat of paint. And you turn left instead of right after the first point.

Knowing myself as I do, if I tried to keep this to myself until I had finished all three stages I would never finish at all. So I decided to take the first stage, pretty it up a bit, and see who felt like taking a stab at criticizing what I hope is "Dustbowl done right." (Now Necro knows why I asked him about that the other day.) Anyone who feels like loading it up and telling me why it sucks and how to make it better is welcome to do so. My email's in the readme if you don't want to clutter the thread.

(To those curious about the name change: "Quarry" was never anything but a placeholder name to begin with, and I eventually decided that the final point would be on the launch pad of a RED missile. This seemed as good a time as any to rename it.)

Dropbox Link

Old Quarry Thread

All that appears to have happened on my end is a decrease in the displayed number of players from XX/25 to XX/24.

When there are 24 players on the server, the server browser reports it as 23. When I try to connect, I am immediately kicked for a slot reservation... same deal as the last time, only it would report 24/25 instead.

Interestingly, the server's playercounts differ on the server browser's list ([XX]/24) and the server info itself ([XX+1]/25).

I'm not sure what's going on, but I figured it was best to let you know regardless.

Mmm, I'm not sure how FireSlash has modified reserved slots.

I assumed he had installed the CBaseServer SourceMod extension and another SourceMod plugin that uses it (the default one or Immunity Reserve Slots), but I don't see it present. Of course, if it was, we'd also need to be running a SourceMod 1.4 beta build, as CBaseServer is built against 1.4.

Edit: There is a CBaseServer version compiled against 1.3, though.

Edit 2: The only change is that the reserved slot is now hidden.


Launchpad is my attempt to take what I liked about Quarry and tweak it to address some of the complaints about it. Most notably the size, but I also took a stab at simplifying the layout of the interior spaces. It's still more or less the same map, just with a fresh coat of paint. And you turn left instead of right after the first point.

Dropbox Link

Old Quarry Thread

Any chance of server admins throwing this into the mix on at a slow time to give us a better feel for it? Haven't looked at it yet Paranoid, but am looking forward to it tomorrow.


Off topic, but would any of you wonderful people like to get a L4d2 versus matchup going occasionally? I know it's old hat but I'd like to play with you (and against you) instead of hoping for non-pubstomp (I learned a new word today, mommy!) games.

No idea what the overlap is between TF2 and L4d2 around here though.

Off topic, but would any of you wonderful people like to get a L4d2 versus matchup going occasionally? I know it's old hat but I'd like to play with you (and against you) instead of hoping for non-pubstomp (I learned a new word today, mommy!) games.

No idea what the overlap is between TF2 and L4d2 around here though.

I love L4D2, and the OCR inhouse games have been the best part of playing them. Hit me up anytime! If you bug #ocremix to play it's usually possible to round up a crew, assuming that people are free. Crossover between TF2 and L4D is fairly common fyi, good idea to ask here.

Any chance of server admins throwing this into the mix on at a slow time to give us a better feel for it? Haven't looked at it yet Paranoid, but am looking forward to it tomorrow.

This is funny because I'm one of the admins. Only Powerlord and FireSlash have direct server access though. And Bahamut too, but he comes and goes.

Off topic, but would any of you wonderful people like to get a L4d2 versus matchup going occasionally? I know it's old hat but I'd like to play with you (and against you) instead of hoping for non-pubstomp (I learned a new word today, mommy!) games.

No idea what the overlap is between TF2 and L4d2 around here though.

If I could free up enough space on my drive to actually install L4D2 I'd love to get in on this. I remember the pubstomps and ragequits quite well.

Off topic, but would any of you wonderful people like to get a L4d2 versus matchup going occasionally? I know it's old hat but I'd like to play with you (and against you) instead of hoping for non-pubstomp (I learned a new word today, mommy!) games.

No idea what the overlap is between TF2 and L4d2 around here though.

Not a big fan of L4D2. Maybe it's because the people I usually play L4D2 with are a bunch of asses. Particularly when it comes to versus mode.

And yet I'm the one who keeps the l4d2.ocrtf2.com server up to date. Figure that one out.

Having said that, no one ever uses it. I'm surprised FireSlash hasn't pointed that out alongside the CS:S server for IPs we can reclaim for... more TF2 servers.

This is funny because I'm one of the admins. Only Powerlord and FireSlash have direct server access though. And Bahamut too, but he comes and goes.

Yes, we restrict the number of admins who have filesystem access... it gives us a larger feeling of control... MWAHAHAHA!

That and most admins wouldn't have a clue as to what they were doing with the files on the filesystem.

On an unrelated note to either of the above, expect RED to be down part of the day on Halloween as I make a copy of the current server for the Halloween event... don't want to screw up BLU's configuration. :)

Edit: Oh, er, forgot to mention... I did upload the map to the mirror and server. It should appear on the nominate list after a map change.

Not a big fan of L4D2. Maybe it's because the people I usually play L4D2 with are a bunch of asses. Particularly when it comes to versus mode.

And yet I'm the one who keeps the l4d2.ocrtf2.com server up to date. Figure that one out.

Having said that, no one ever uses it. I'm surprised FireSlash hasn't pointed that out alongside the CS:S server for IPs we can reclaim for... more TF2 servers.

Given how often RED just sits there, I'm not convinced that converting them to TF2 is a smart use of resources.


Yes, we restrict the number of admins who have filesystem access... it gives us a larger feeling of control... MWAHAHAHA!

That and most admins wouldn't have a clue as to what they were doing with the files on the filesystem.

I used to have ftp access PL. I used to update the server. You forget these things.


And yet I'm the one who keeps the l4d2.ocrtf2.com server up to date. Figure that one out.

Having said that, no one ever uses it.

One has to consider that l4d2 doesn't lend itself to playing on a specific server unless you use console commands. I don't even know if you can favorite l4d/l4d2 servers and have it launch the game from the steam server list like you can with tf2.

One has to consider that l4d2 doesn't lend itself to playing on a specific server unless you use console commands. I don't even know if you can favorite l4d/l4d2 servers and have it launch the game from the steam server list like you can with tf2.

It doesn't help that certain settings conflict with one another. For instance, I can associate it with a specific steam group, but there was some other problem doing that caused that I don't recall.

L4D2 for a time was supposed to have a lobby leader option to connect to a group server.

It doesn't help that certain settings conflict with one another. For instance, I can associate it with a specific steam group, but there was some other problem doing that caused that I don't recall.

L4D2 for a time was supposed to have a lobby leader option to connect to a group server.

When I boot the game, I do notice it has a list of "group servers" at the bottom (and I'm in the official L4D2 group). Maybe they fixed it? Iunno.

I still wanna play with you guys though D:


An optional update for Team Fortress 2 is now available. The specific changes include:

- Fixed server crash caused by a Scout using the Sandman on an enemy Scout who has used Bonk!

- Made Ellis' Cap and the Frying Pan tradable

- Added "Automatically respawn after loadout changes in respawn zones" option to the Options->Multiplayer->Advanced dialog

- Fixed a problem with the Lugermorph model

BLU and RED have finished updating and been restarted. Highlander has also been updated and restarted.


Does everyone want me to change the L4D2 server to be attached to the steam group? I'd have to check out what other settings I need to disable though... oh and don't forget, we can install custom campaigns on it.

Add everyone on steam!

Practically my entire list is OCR people. :nicework:

Does everyone want me to change the L4D2 server to be attached to the steam group? I'd have to check out what other settings I need to disable though... oh and don't forget, we can install custom campaigns on it.

That'd be cool, assuming it works right.


If anyone happens to have white paint, I got a can of black paint I'm willing to trade for it if anyone's up for it.

in before omgracist jokes


So, Steam has decided to hate my school computer. As a consequence, I'm currently TF 2, L4D2, Mass Effect 2, and whatever the hell else-less until I can figure out what the hell the problem is.

On the plus side, I can still trade items and stuff using my crappylappytoppy.

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