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So, cable tech was out at my house today to diagnose my recent connection issues.

Problem is, the connection worked fine when he tested it using a tester.

And now it's working fine when I play WoW.

So, final likely diagnosis? Loose coax cable between the cable modem and line splitter (where cable TV and Internet signals split).

Makes me want to just kick myself repeatedly.

Then again, I had the same symptoms 6 months ago, and that time it was an issue with the upstream's signal strength.


Presenting the Holiday Update!

Required updates to Counter-Strike: Source, Day of Defeat: Source, Half-Life 2: Deathmatch and Team Fortress 2 are now available. The specific changes include:

Engine changes (TF2/CS/DOD):

- Improved sv_pure:

- Materials / Models / Sounds / Animations are more comprehensively protected.

- Switched from CRC to MD5 hashes for stronger per-file validation.

- Fixed some issues between custom files and server whitelists over level changes.

- Added HL2:MP to the list of dedicated server games when starting a server via the Tools tab in the Library

Team Fortress 2

- Added Medieval Mode, a game mode where players are restricted to using olde weapons.

- 'Your Eternal Reward' changes:

- Spies can now change their disguise weapon via 'lastdiguise' while using 'Your Eternal Reward'

- Already-disguised 'Your Eternal Reward' Spies are no longer forced to switch to displaying the melee weapon when they make a kill

- Spies no longer play speech lines when making a kill with 'Your Eternal Reward'

- Sentries no longer track 'Your Eternal Reward' Spies after they backstab someone

- 'Natascha' changes:

- Spin-up time increased.

- Slowdown-on-hit effect is reduced over distance.

- Added 'The Medi-eval Medic', 'The Hibernating Bear', and 'The Expert's Ordnance' item sets.

- Added new weapons: 'The Claidheamohmor', 'The Back Scratcher', 'The Boston Basher', 'The Fists of Steel', 'The Amputator', 'The Crusader's Crossbow', 'The Ullapool Caber', 'The Loch-n-Load', 'The Buffalo Steak Sandvich', 'The Brass Beast', 'The Warrior's Spirit', 'The Candy Cane', and 'The Jag'.

- Added 20 new hats.

- Added a prototype item testing map, and associated functionality, for contributors to test their work. Further details in an upcoming blog post.

- Spies can now see TargetID's of players and objects regardless of their own disguise status.

- Fixed some speech lines continuing after the speaker changes class

- The Spy 'Sap Auteur' achievement now increments in cases where the Spy was the assister in the building destruction.

- Fixed the arrow burning effect getting stuck on if you changed class in a respawn room with your arrow lit.

- Fixed a Flamethrower bug that allowed players to rapidly fake the Pyro's airblast effect.

- Throwing the Jarate or Milk now returns you to your previous weapon, instead of your Primary.

- Added leaderboard to track duel wins.

- Added ability for players to donate money directly to the creators of their favorite community maps.

- Increased backpack size by 100 slots.

P.S. My problem has been lessened, but still happens... just for not as long.

BLU and RED have both been restarted, but chances are their map sets were clobbered. I'll be fixing those shortly, and possibly adding in new maps.


Maplists got totally trashed by the update... I'll be fixing these shortly. SourceMod is also broken at the moment and has been temporarily disabled.

The new Medieval map is cp_degrootkeep.

Edit: Maplist and Mapcycle files have been rebuilt.


It figures something like this happens while I'm away on vacation with our eternally unreliable home internet. (Seriously, it'll be working fine, cut out for an hour or so, then work again, with no effort or input on our part.)

- Spies can now change their disguise weapon via 'lastdiguise' while using 'Your Eternal Reward'

- Already-disguised 'Your Eternal Reward' Spies are no longer forced to switch to displaying the melee weapon when they make a kill

- Spies no longer play speech lines when making a kill with 'Your Eternal Reward'

Yay bugfixes, plus a small quality of life issue that nonetheless still tied to the silent nature of the weapon. Nothing like scoring a clean kill without being noticed, only to shout out a domination line. <.<

- Sentries no longer track 'Your Eternal Reward' Spies after they backstab someone

But...this...I...what...how? *incoherent blubbering*

- Spies can now see TargetID's of players and objects regardless of their own disguise status.

Interesting. Should make gun picks as an ER Spy a bit easier.

- The Spy 'Sap Auteur' achievement now increments in cases where the Spy was the assister in the building destruction.

That was just an annoying achievement to get, seriously.

- Fixed a Flamethrower bug that allowed players to rapidly fake the Pyro's airblast effect.


- Increased backpack size by 100 slots.

Again. TBH, I'm not sure I like how they're adding double digit numbers of new hats every other update. But that's another discussion.


Sounds awesome too, though I'm not used to the sound yet. I keep wondering what the hell it is. :P

(Figures...I just craft the last Polycount item I need, and suddenly a whole bunch more! Wheeee!)


So apparently the new weapons require 2 Reclaimed + [insert Other Weapon Here] to craft.

Looks like I won't be getting them all for the next year or so unless the drop system decides to treat me fortunately. Way to go, Valve.

On that note, however, I abhor the new Demoman melee weapon. Not the strangely-named sword- the other one.


SourceMod is operational on our servers again, but there may be a few quirks.

For example, one map earlier triggered the Halloween mod, and everyone was doing the Thriller taunt.

I'm also not sure if reserved slots are working correctly, as updates tend to break the extension it uses.

So apparently the new weapons require 2 Reclaimed + [insert Other Weapon Here] to craft.

Looks like I won't be getting them all for the next year or so unless the drop system decides to treat me fortunately. Way to go, Valve.

On that note, however, I abhor the new Demoman melee weapon. Not the strangely-named sword- the other one.

Valve be trollin'.

Also, is the new Demo melee seriously identical except for self damage?


According to tf2b, there is an item in the game now named "Box of Fancy hats." Presumably, this contains all the non-set hats and is only sold through the store... but it is not yet listed in said store.

Can't you remove Steel temporarily from the maplist then?

I've removed it from both the normally chosen maps and nominate lists, but that doesn't stop an admin from forcing the server to change to it.


So I've been busy over last week moving into a new apartment and I come back and check this thread and wowie! new updates and such! I'll be on tonight. Hopefully I can find some new stuff. :D

EDIT: So I saw that Steam is now taking pre-orders for "Monday Night Combat" (the game that was accused by MANY of being a direct TF2 rip off). What are y'all's opinions as they relate to TF2. Is it as close to TF2 as some would have you believe?


They're both cartoony, they both have classes, and they both are more fun with teamwork. That's it.

Having played both, MNC is completely different compared to TF2. MNC is more like DOTA crossed with a third person shooter.

Hell, MNC's Assassin isn't as brutal as TF2's Spy. Assassin's equivalent to the backstab can't oneshot a Tank or a Gunner (Think TF2 defensive/offensive Heavy) consistently.

She's unbelievably hot, though. Even if you can't see her face.

They're both cartoony, they both have classes, and they both are more fun with teamwork. That's it.

Having played both, MNC is completely different compared to TF2. MNC is more like DOTA crossed with a third person shooter.

Hell, MNC's Assassin isn't as brutal as TF2's Spy. Assassin's equivalent to the backstab can't oneshot a Tank or a Gunner (Think TF2 defensive/offensive Heavy) consistently.

She's unbelievably hot, though. Even if you can't see her face.

This did seem like a fun game but I almost didn't want to get it for fear of feeling like I... betrayed (?) TF2. Can you "betray" a game? If the gameplay is distinct enough, I just may pick it up over the holiday season!

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