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Valve just put all the older paint colors, description tags, and name tags on sale for the weekend in the Mann Co. Store. This includes Team Spirit (but remember it was double the normal paint cost to start).

Black paint and white paint are also in the store temporarily, but at the normal $2.49 paint cost.

  Powerlord said:
Speaking of trades, I now have the following new hats up for trade:

Madame Dixie, German Gonzila, and Flipped Trilby.

I would love to trade you my festive crates for one of these, but i'm away from my game machine.......

  XeroZohar said:
Bleh. I swear, I see a bunch of people playing, I wrap up what I'm doing, then when I'm finally ready to play, both servers are empty. IT'S A CONSPIRACY I TELLS YA.

the server has been filling up and emptying quite rapidly lately. it's not just you




I'd wear Madam Dixie all the time if The Attendant set didn't require the hat. Still, that hat is pretty cool so its not too bad. I still say requiring a hat for anything was probably the stupidest idea they ever had.

  Brushfire said:
For three year old systems.

Mine is 4.2 according to amazon.

well, think of it this way Brush, you're the one man dragging the 360's average age up from 3 months before RROD to 4 months and a couple of days. Can't fault it for that....


Implemented a slight change today:

Cut the time on cp_takeback_mountain to match that of cp_granary (which is 20 minutes).

I didn't just do this because I hate the map, buy lets just say that it encouraged me to do it sooner rather than later.

  Cinderwild said:
I'd wear Madam Dixie all the time if The Attendant set didn't require the hat. Still, that hat is pretty cool so its not too bad. I still say requiring a hat for anything was probably the stupidest idea they ever had.

To be fair, even though it requires a hat, at least it gives you the option to use the set bonus or not.

What if you wanted to use, God forbid, the Degreaser and the Powerjack without the 10% bullet vulnerability? You got your option there.

  Kiyobi said:
To be fair, even though it requires a hat, at least it gives you the option to use the set bonus or not.

What if you wanted to use, God forbid, the Degreaser and the Powerjack without the 10% bullet vulnerability? You got your option there.

One thing I've noticed is that the new sets, the 3 that don't require hats, have no downsides. To date, the Pyro and Spy sets are the only ones with downsides... and unless that changes when they finally give the Engineer a set, that's the way it will stay.

I suspect that this will eventually change, and that the older sets will no longer require their hats... but the question then becomes "When will this change?"


So in the continuing saga of my newbie brother's ridiculous streak of good luck, he had a Camera Beard drop for him last night. I don't think he's even hit twenty hours in-game yet.

  Top Gun said:
So in the continuing saga of my newbie brother's ridiculous streak of good luck, he had a Camera Beard drop for him last night. I don't think he's even hit twenty hours in-game yet.

my brother also just got the game and the first thing he found was a stocking stuffer key

  Jaswald said:
well it was 20 minutes before all the keys returned to normal.

or it might have even been after

Festive Keys changed to normal, but as far as I know, all players that owned the game would have had a Stocking Stuffer Key in their pending drops and would have received it on their first death.

In fact, they may STILL have those pending.


Guest Pass accounts also recieve Stocking Stuffer Keys.

Someone in another IRC channel I go to abused this to get 20 crates opened (He bought 10 accounts when it was on sale)

  Powerlord said:
Festive Keys changed to normal, but as far as I know, all players that owned the game would have had a Stocking Stuffer Key in their pending drops and would have received it on their first death.

In fact, they may STILL have those pending.


Damn my pathetic home internet.

  Lyrai said:
Guest Pass accounts also recieve Stocking Stuffer Keys.

Someone in another IRC channel I go to abused this to get 20 crates opened (He bought 10 accounts when it was on sale)

To my knowledge, TF2 hasn't had guest passes in quite some time.

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