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Did a search and found no results so I'll just post here since it's the most likely place to get some crossover: Anyone play Nuclear Dawn? I'm having fun with it and think that if there's enough interest we could maybe get an OCR server of it going. Well, that's up to PL of course.

Just a thought.

And now back to your regularly scheduled TF2 hats.


So, I dunno if this is the gift I was supposed to get as part of the new contest's first objective, but I have a steam coupon for 50% off anything Valve-published. That said, I already own everything Valve-published, so if anyone wants it, I'm willing to trade. Unless that's what everyone got. In which case... er, how about them local sports team? :tomatoface:


I discovered an error in the startup scripts for the current servers that made both servers use the same core. Now both servers will use both cores as needed (which shouldn't be a problem unless both are really busy).

I'm hoping correcting this problem with fix the lag spikes that occasionally happen.

I think everyone gets some sort of 25, 33, or 50% off coupon for free for Valve games to start out in that great gift thingy.

Not me. I won a copy of Portal 2. I gave it to Bark for Fishmas.

We've released a mandatory update for Team Fortress 2. The notes for the update are below.


Team Fortress 2

- Added community-created winter items to the drop lists, the craft tables, and the store

- Added the Spirit of Giving

- Gifts from Secret Saxtons and Piles o' Gifts now have a chance to grant a gift in addition to whatever item they would have granted normally

- Fixed hearing the deny sound while rotating a sentry during placement

- Manmelter balance tweaks:

---- Added particle effect on muzzle that appears when ready to fire

---- Increased projectile speed while maintaining the same travel arc

---- Increased extinguish range

- Added festive lights to all ropes and cables

- Fixed a problem that would sometimes allow the detonator projectiles to crit on burning targets

- Updated the localization files

- Updated the gamehaptics file:

---- Added draw/melee swing/melee hit/crit forces for the The Sharp Dresser and the Spy-cicle

---- Added draw/recoil/reload/crit forces for the Pomson 6000

---- Added draw/recoil/crit forces for the Manmelter

---- Added draw/recoil force for the Wrap Assassin

---- Added melee hit/world hit force for the Third Degree

---- Added crit forces for the Holiday Punch

---- Fixed missing forces for Demoman swords

---- Refined recoil force for the Sandman

So, it should install very shortly.


Just did my very first uncrafting after purchasing a couple of keys. It was a Sniper crate, so I hoped to get the Sydney Sleeper or some hats.

What did I get?

Strange Jarate.


I don't even use Jarate.

I feel trolled.


If you were paying attention to your server list, you may have noticed that RED is now running the Prop Hunt game mode rather than Vs. Saxton Hale.

I figured after two weeks we were due for a change.

Having said that, is anyone interested in the Dodge Ball or Wario Ware game modes?

Do I even want to know how the WarioWare mode works?

Every five seconds you're told to do something. "Avoid the guy with the payload cart on his back." "Get on a small island" etc

We've released a mandatory update for Team Fortress 2. The notes for the update are below.

Team Fortress 2

- Fixed a Spy-cicle exploit

- Fixed the Manmelter idle effects showing on other flareguns

BLU appears to have updated correctly this time (it didn't for the previous two). I'm manually updating RED now.

In addition to this update:

People are reporting lag on the current server. I don't see anything in the server configuration that would cause that sort of thing, unless it's replays (but those are being offloaded to www.ocrtf2.com).

I believe I can change what data center the server is in for no fee. Currently it's in a Chicago, IL datacenter, but I'm considering moving it to a Denver, CO or Dallas, TX datacenter instead... I'm trying to keep it near the east-west center of the US/Canada. I originally chose IL because it's also closer to Canada.

Here's the kicker: Some lag yesterday may have been caused by routing issues that XO Communications was having yesterday. I know that my ISP was cut off from the majority of the Internet last night due to this issue.

I believe I can change what data center the server is in for no fee. Currently it's in a Chicago, IL datacenter, but I'm considering moving it to a Denver, CO or Dallas, TX datacenter instead... I'm trying to keep it near the east-west center of the US/Canada. I originally chose IL because it's also closer to Canada.

When the server was under Fireslash's despotic reign, the datacenter was Texas, and i didn't find it added much to the transit time( 'ping') for the server, since the major data pipe goes right from toronto down to Chicago and then on to texas.

Every five seconds you're told to do something. "Avoid the guy with the payload cart on his back." "Get on a small island" etc

This actually looks like a lot of fun. o Ao

Anyway, I've been away from TF2 the past week or so to focus on working on my project for college. However, I have started popping around again... and have been most amused by the new stuff from the Foundry and holiday updates.

There's one thing in particular I've been making a lot of use out of, as some of you may know:



Between the Steam Sales, buying enough keys already, and gifts, I am out of keys.

So! What I still want:

Strange Festive


-Sticky Launcher



What I have:



-Frontier Justice

-Mad Milk



-Sniper Rifle


-Sticky Launcher


Wrap Assassinx2


Stocking Stuffer

Surgeon's Stalhelm

Counterfiet Billycock

Hero's Hachimaki

Genuine Dashin Hashashin

Genuine Sharp Dresser

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