IRJustman Posted April 18, 2012 Posted April 18, 2012 Maps: I like having customs available, but not on the rotation. Also tc_hydro is no good, keep that off the rotation. Agreed on both, though add Degroot Keep given the reasons I laid out in my posts, or at least, put a mercifully-short map time length on it. Arena maps have never really been my fancy, and I don't like how they leave people out of the game after dying or if they get stuck spectating. Personally I don't want to see them at all, unless specifically nominated for whatever reason. Eh, I'm meh about arena maps, but one of my least favorite game types is payload race. WHICH REMINDS ME... Another map that needs to have serious work done to it is Hightower. This map sucks so hard. This map's endgame takes entirely too long and I don't know how long it takes until the mechanism that ends the game by pushing the carts forward starts on this one. Plugins: The array of plugins that Powerlord had running was pretty good, though apparently the sheer quantity was what tended to bog down the server quite a bit of the time. I want to at least keep the mapvoting on the F1-4 keys, that was nice. Seconded. That plugin that showed you who's spray you look at was good for spray enforcement, and a necessity if you want to continue with the 'no porn sprays' rule (which I am in favor of). Ties in with the "decorum" rules I always harp on. It's in my own server's config. I'm not really sure what most of the rest of those plugins that powerlord had listed do specifically, but most of them seem to facilitate map voting. He picked up revising MapChooser Extended, all the way to the point of hooking it into the game's own voting subsystem. You may also want to look into the plugin that kicks people who change their name every half second or so? I remember it being mentioned a while back, but not sure if it was implemented. The name cycling makes it difficult for admins to target for bans. Powerlord wrote one, the one GM was referring to. Settings: Alltalk should always be on. This is the primary reason I favor this server and community. Thank you. That's definitely something I'm all in favor of. Plus I don't necessarily play to win; I love conversing with everyone there. In fact, most of the people here whom I play EllFourDeeTwo versus with, we always set alltalk to on. Crits... are a source of ambivalence. On one hand, it can seemingly punish good players for no reason at all, and instant death is very rarely what I would consider 'fun'. On the other, it can help even the battlefield on occasion, and gives newer players a bit more of a fighting chance. In theory, anyway. Personally, I'm in favor of no-crit with option to turn on. But then again, I primarily play Sniper, so take that as you will. Features: The replay system is nice to have, but seems to be a bit buggy. I'd like to have it, but not at the cost of stability. It all comes down to the fact that at least one or two of the founders come from a company whose forte is just about everything but quality assurance. The ranking system is kinda fun but ultimately unnecessary. Three words: I. Hate. Stats. Really, just about the only thing the stats system was ever useful for was finding the idiots and their names who've infested the server so I could add them by Steam ID to my own instance of SourceBans. Otherwise, it's all about dickwaving. I have other things that came to mind a bit later afterward, so I'm going to relegate those to their own post. --IJ.
ParanoidDrone Posted April 18, 2012 Posted April 18, 2012 For the record, the "carts roll forward during overtime" mechanic exists only on Nightfall. Pipeline and Hightower have no such contingency in place. That said, I enjoy PLR for the most part, Pipeline in particular. Expanding on Sombrero's point, I think server stability should be...not a goal, that's not the right word, but a definite factor in deciding what plugins, settings, etc. to use. Given the choice between a perfectly vanilla, stable server and a tricked out unstable one, I'll take the first every time. If that means removing some plugins, then so be it.
Super-Duper Sombrero Posted April 18, 2012 Posted April 18, 2012 Powerlord wrote one, the one GM was referring to. GM posted while I was writing mine, but yes. GM stop teleporting through time and stealing my posts, it's bad form.
Native Jovian Posted April 18, 2012 Posted April 18, 2012 On maps: I generally agree with the "all Valve maps except the server-clearing ones (eg, Hydro) plus select custom maps". Any custom maps we have on our default map rotation should be popular enough that people can be reasonably expected to have it already. We don't want to force half the server to download the map when we switch. On plugins: pregame mayhem is always fun, and Powerlord's map plugin is good stuff too. On settings: The main thing I care about is default server size and respawn times, because messing with either of those completely borks map balance. Other than that, I like two rounds per map for Attack/Defend and PL/PLR maps, but CP, KOTH, and Arena are probably better off with three, given that they're a little more dynamic from round to round anyway. I'd prefer sudden death over standard stalemate, and melee-only sudden death over that. I'd say leave random crits and random pellet spread on -- they're part of the game by default and we're not a competitive server, so I'd rather keep them that way. On reserve slots: I like it when reserve slots just prioritize server regulars over random pubs in terms of getting on to the server when it's full. Maybe privileges like nominating maps or calling for votecrits/votemelee would be good, but I don't think they need any minimod powers like kicking people or setting them on fire.
Powerlord Posted April 18, 2012 Posted April 18, 2012 I'd prefer sudden death over standard stalemate, and melee-only sudden death over that. I found out that you don't even need a plugin for that any more... Valve added a cvar for melee-only sudden death: mp_stalemate_meleeonly 1
Necro Posted April 18, 2012 Posted April 18, 2012 Maps: Most of the stock maps are good enough. Customs should be handled with care. Plugin: As long as there is some sort of voting functionality I can't complain. Settings: I prefer no random crits no damage spread yada yada so pro competitive tryhard. Alltalk is fun. There should be some sort of votekick functionality just so we don't have to bug admins to get rid of asshats. Reserved Slot: If we need to buy reserved slots that's cool.
Bahamut Posted April 18, 2012 Posted April 18, 2012 To add some thoughts: I removed tc_hydro, cp_degrootkeep, and the arena maps from the maplist I intend to use for the automatic map choosing list and have them still on for the comprehensive maplist. I have a boatload of custom maps that I downloaded, but of course it'll all be trial and error when it comes to figuring out which ones to keep and which ones should go. If there are any specific requests for certain maps, I'm all ears. I will try to get a second server as an event server/secondary server. Here's a list of maps I've downloaded so far, if anyone wants to give feedback on a certain map sucking and that I shouldn't put it on, tell me so I can widdle this list down! Keep in mind also that I am still searching for a lot of candidates for the serve, so this is by no means a done list. arena_mach2 ccp_circlejerk_rc1 cp_antiquity_b5 cp_bazillion_rc5 cp_beamvalley_v2 cp_blackmesa_final_2 cp_broma cp_busytown cp_castle4 cp_desertfortress cp_follower_2 cp_four_trees_v2 cp_furnace_rc cp_glacier_rc6 cp_indulge cp_labor cp_lwobtsud (dustbowl mirrored) cp_mario_bros_beta8_2 cp_marioblast_2011 cp_medieval_siege cp_mountcoaster_v6 cp_observatory4 cp_oilfield_v2 cp_orange_horizon cp_overflow_2 cp_pacman_wtf (you knew it was coming) cp_science2 cp_sdnaldab (badlands mirrored) cp_snowbridge_thallus_2 cp_stag cp_station_b1 cp_tiplevarg (gravelpit mirrored) cp_toy_fort_beta2 cp_warpath cp_warpath2 cp_waste_final cp_yranarg (granary mirrored) cp_zinkenite_b3a ctf_biomass_rc1 ctf_chaos ctf_haarp ctf_impact2 ctf_landfall_rc ctf_mach4 ctf_mercy ctf_trof2 (2fort mirrored) ctf_turbine_pro_b1 koth_aperture_science_iiia koth_hardrock_rc koth_skylab_rc1 pl_cashworks_prefinal pl_goldheist_canyon_rc4_2 pl_halfacre pl_jordan_canyon_final pl_manngrove_rc5 pl_moonlit_b5 pl_redship_rc3 pl_retawdab (badwater mirrored) pl_swiftwater_frc20 pl_vesper_b2 plr_panic_b2 tc_meridian_rc3 tc_ramparts_a4 tc_spectre_b5 Edit: I forgot to add, I will not put customs into the automatic voting maplist unless it is by popular demand. All customs will have to be nominated. If people want to check out some of these maps ahead of time and give approval or disapproval, It would be much appreciated. I have a feeling if we miss any, Gamemaster will figure out how to break maps anyway
Brushfire Posted April 18, 2012 Posted April 18, 2012 CASHWORKS!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! As far as Admins go, Since PL is stepping down, and Garian quit a zillion years ago, our crop of what was left is sufficient to keep the peace. Brushfire Bahamut ParanoidDrone DarkeSword bark FireSlash D-Lux Vimk Those are whom we have listed as admins prior. I dunno if Steven (D-Lux) still wants to do it, or Fireslash or Mikey B(Vimk). Bark is also a wild card in this. I can still do the late night thing so no one has to be bothered when we get problems late at night, but it would help if had a second one. I dunno if we need eight, but I am sure it wouldnt hurt.
Top Gun Posted April 18, 2012 Posted April 18, 2012 There was a PL map called Boundary I played once that seemed pretty fun; it's essentially a Badwater clone.
Bahamut Posted April 18, 2012 Posted April 18, 2012 I am going to choose a new crop of admins. Regularity and professionalism are the two most important traits I'm looking for here. I also would like to preferably have a secondary admin as well who can access the server in full like me in the event I'm not around and there's a TF2 update that needs to be pushed or some other random factor. Ideally, I'd like to pick out of those who currently regularly play TF2 and have a clean slate. I'm leaning towards certain people, but I want to talk to them first. If there is anyone possibly interested who feels he or she can meet those two main criteria, feel free to drop me a message and we can discuss it. As for reserve slots, I think I would like to set up a donation system - a nominal $2 a month sounds fair. Top Gun - grabbed pl_boundary_final just now, it's in my collection of maps in waiting.
ParanoidDrone Posted April 18, 2012 Posted April 18, 2012 Regarding admins, I'm on the west coast now instead of Louisiana, on the off chance it makes a difference. I'm perfectly willing to keep my position, but grad school has a nasty habit of eating my free time. I'd also like to preemptively remove myself from consideration from root admin on the grounds that I don't have a fucking clue how to operate a server. Regarding customs, I don't have any major problems with Bahamut's list since odds are they'll rarely be played anyway. However, I do have a strong dislike for Orange maps, and IIRC we played on koth_aperture before and collectively decided we didn't like it. I do recognize a fair number of maps that I know are of halfway decent quality, so props for that.
Brushfire Posted April 18, 2012 Posted April 18, 2012 I'll throw in my hat for modship. Not root or anything like that.
phill Posted April 19, 2012 Posted April 19, 2012 I'm leaning towards certain people, but I want to talk to them first. I'm totally one of those people right? *cough* At any rate, I wouldn't mind being more active in the community so I'll toss my hat into the ring.
Gamemaster1379 Posted April 19, 2012 Posted April 19, 2012 I mentioned it before, but I'll go ahead and throw the offer up again. I can lend a hand. I've become well versed on server management from running Ichi, shbouldn't be anything new.
D-Lux Posted April 19, 2012 Posted April 19, 2012 While keeping my admin abilities would be cool, I can firmly state that I have moved on to other games for primary entertainment. TF2 is in more of a nostalgia / change of pace category for me these days.
Bahamut Posted April 19, 2012 Posted April 19, 2012 Updating the list of customs that I have here: arena_blackwood arena_loz_dungeon_eagle_b3 arena_mach2 arena_pokemon_b1 ccp_circlejerk_rc1 cp_antiquity_b5 cp_area51_v4 cp_basement_v3 cp_bazillion_rc5 cp_beamvalley_v2 cp_bestinclass_v2 cp_blackmesa_final_2 cp_bloodstained cp_broma cp_busytown cp_castle4 cp_convoy cp_desertfortress cp_devilsbrew_final cp_dust_town_b2 cp_erosion_b8c cp_follower_2 cp_four_trees_v2 cp_fragrun cp_furnace_rc cp_glacier_rc6 cp_grand_canyon_v1 cp_grassland_rc3 cp_gydan cp_halo_bloodgulch (misnomer - it is really foundation) cp_harbor_v2 cp_hotelhell cp_hyrulecastle_a1 cp_indulge cp_industrial_b7 cp_kakariko_a3 cp_labor cp_lwobtsud (dustbowl mirrored) cp_mainline_rc6 cp_mario_bros_beta8_2 cp_marioblast_2011 cp_medieval_siege cp_mountcoaster_v6 cp_observatory4 cp_oilfield_v2 cp_orange_horizon cp_overflow_2 cp_pacman_wtf (you knew it was coming) cp_ravine_b2 cp_roswell cp_science2 cp_sdnaldab (badlands mirrored) cp_shabbytown_final cp_shock cp_snowbridge_thallus_2 cp_spyhard_rc1 cp_stag cp_stark_b2 cp_station_b1 cp_takeback_mountain cp_temple_rc3 cp_tiplevarg (gravelpit mirrored) cp_titan_rc1 cp_toy_fort_alt3 cp_toy_fort_beta2 cp_warpath cp_warpath2 cp_waste_final cp_wildmire_b3 cp_yranarg (granary mirrored) cp_zinkenite_b3a ctf_aerospace_b4 ctf_atrophy_b4 ctf_biomass_rc1 ctf_chaos ctf_convoy_v2 ctf_crossunder ctf_crypt_rc1 ctf_decker_rc1 ctf_facing_worlds_v1 ctf_haarp ctf_halo_beavercreek_2 ctf_impact2 ctf_landfall_rc ctf_mach4 ctf_mercy ctf_operative_b1 ctf_royal_b3 ctf_subterranean ctf_sunsettown_f1 ctf_trof2 (2fort mirrored) ctf_turbine_pro_b1 koth_diabolical_final koth_fever_b1 koth_hardrock_rc koth_haunted_hall koth_lighthouse_rc3 koth_megaman6_b5 koth_moonshine_rc koth_pacman_wtf_b2 koth_scorched_final koth_skylab_rc1 koth_sollytude_final koth_supernintendo koth_windwaker_v1 pl_beerbowl_b5a pl_borax_rc pl_boundary_final pl_cashworks_prefinal pl_cave_b6 pl_deadwater_snow pl_deadwood pl_deplane_b6 pl_dustbowl_b4 pl_goldheist_canyon_rc4_2 pl_gravelpit_beta4 pl_halfacre pl_jordan_canyon_final pl_manngrove_rc5 pl_moonlit_b5 pl_outback_rc4 pl_redship_rc3 pl_repository_rc3 pl_research_island pl_retawdab (badwater mirrored) pl_swiftwater_frc20 pl_universe_b4 pl_vesper_b2 pl_wintertown_finalfix2 pl_woodland_final pl_yamashiro_b3 plr_clandestine plr_panic_b2 tc_meridian_rc3 tc_ramparts_a4 tc_spectre_b5
ParanoidDrone Posted April 19, 2012 Posted April 19, 2012 One thing that just came to mind. I remember there being a kerfluffle a while ago over some troll abusing the exact words on the MOTD to justify his actions. With that in mind, either instead of or in addition to the rules, can we have a general "Don't be a douchebag" rule? Preferably in all caps, bold, 72-point font. (Not really, but you get the point.)
Lyrai Posted April 19, 2012 Posted April 19, 2012 Wouldn't the point where he's trying to specifically point out that if you take the motd JUST RIGHT "I'm not trolling it says I can do it lololol" an admin just kicks him for being a nuisance?
Bahamut Posted April 19, 2012 Posted April 19, 2012 So amusingly, today marks the 4th anniversary of the OCR server being around to the day! There has been lots of ups and downs over the past few years, hopefully we can put it back on the up Edit: As for trolls, just be a hardass with them. If they're giving that much trouble, then they're not worth keeping on the server. I'll craft a new motd sometime soon - what rules should I put? I definitely want to insert a clause about acting in good faith & being considerate. Edit #2: In particular, what about micspamming?
Brushfire Posted April 19, 2012 Posted April 19, 2012 Micspamming should remain at server discretion. If the group wants it, fine, if they are polite and ask nicely to turn it off, then the spammer is obligated to turn it off. Another thing to point out, is if the new server uses the new(ish) mic codec, then Micspam is impossible anyway. The dont be a douchebag rule should be worded "Respect your fellow players." Saying the whole douchebag line kinda falls under unprofessional in my book.
ParanoidDrone Posted April 19, 2012 Posted April 19, 2012 Micspamming should remain at server discretion. If the group wants it, fine, if they are polite and ask nicely to turn it off, then the spammer is obligated to turn it off. Another thing to point out, is if the new server uses the new(ish) mic codec, then Micspam is impossible anyway. The dont be a douchebag rule should be worded "Respect your fellow players." Saying the whole douchebag line kinda falls under unprofessional in my book. This works for me.
Bahamut Posted April 19, 2012 Posted April 19, 2012 How's this for the motd? Welcome to the OverClocked ReMix TF2 server!In general, please observe these two basic tenets while here: 1) Be courteous & considerate of others 2) Act in good faith towards other players & the admins Hope you enjoy your time here!
Aeronaut Posted April 19, 2012 Posted April 19, 2012 I'd really like to keep the "No sticky-camping opaque spawn doors" rule there as well if possible.
Bahamut Posted April 19, 2012 Posted April 19, 2012 Amended my proposed motd: Welcome to the OverClocked ReMix TF2 server!In general, please observe these two basic tenets while here: 1) Be courteous & considerate of others 2) Act in good faith towards other players & the admins And this additional rule: 3) Do not sticky-camp opaque spawn doors Hope you enjoy your time here!
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