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Donkey Kong Country 3: Double the Trouble! - History

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It's my pleasure man, Funky's Joint changed my life. It has a power to it that no other song can compare. It speaks volumes to your soul. It helped me get through a near-fatal accident and transcend the physical and mental pain I was in everyday.

I truly don't think there's a way I can ever repay you for making such a revolutionary track.

It's my pleasure man, Funky's Joint changed my life. It has a power to it that no other song can compare. It speaks volumes to your soul. It helped me get through a near-fatal accident and transcend the physical and mental pain I was in everyday.

I truly don't think there's a way I can ever repay you for making such a revolutionary track.

It sounds like you've just been smoking too much :-)

Yeah, Monobrow's track is hot stuff :D definitely one of the album highlights (along with just about every other track!)

Also, mv, Wonderfall is without a doubt of the most impressive songs I've ever heard. It's such a beautiful, creative and majestic take of the song. Even Emunator can vouch that I barely ever shut up about how incredible it is, heh.

Thank you very much kind sir :)

Nah, he's getting you one of those toy wind-up ones. Does it say anywhere in the title that it's a car you can drive?

No, I didn't think so.

Naah, it's probably been rewired to start the car by pressing the horn instead.


Yep, WillRock has jumped on (believe it or not, he actually begged me to let him have this one despite the hell that he endured trying to finish Bonus Time!) to defuse an emergency dropout situation at the last minute. Like that previous track, he tackled it in a style you wouldn't necessarily expect from Will if you're familiar with his back catalog. You'll hear this one in the upcoming preview, but for those of you who've played Mario Golf 64, you've got something similar to that OST to look forward to that I'm personally ecstatic about. Cheers Will!

Yep, WillRock has jumped on (believe it or not, he actually begged me to let him have this one despite the hell that he endured trying to finish Bonus Time!) to defuse an emergency dropout situation at the last minute. Like that previous track, he tackled it in a style you wouldn't necessarily expect from Will if you're familiar with his back catalog. You'll hear this one in the upcoming preview, but for those of you who've played Mario Golf 64, you've got something similar to that OST to look forward to that I'm personally ecstatic about. Cheers Will!

and you were sceptical at first to give me the track. SCEPTICAL. to give it to ME. Your friend and fellow musician. I WAT MAH CAR NUB ^-^


Y'all (and by "y'all" I mean "y'all who haven't finished yer tracks) need to get yer butts in gear. I wanna be able to have this project mastered by the time I have to go back to school! With the way summer flies by, you'd better just be safe and finish up NOW. :-D


To whom it may concern: buttholes

That's an inside joke

Ask Emunator, he'll tell ya

On a related note (not to buttholes, but to Stilt Village) I tried to make that song once. Back when I was a little less knowledgeable about how to make remixes. I think I still have like 20 seconds worth of utter crap somewhere that would have became a stilt mix. I heard a wip of Will's song and it was pretty sweet, the kind of thing that'd make me slap my head and go "of course!" Smart, talented man.



I can address two of those points. Flexstyle's work on the project isn't done actually; in fact he's doing at least one more. In the near future, you'll probably see "HoboKa and Flexstyle" next to Boss Boogie SNES since Hoboka can no longer run the project himself. That song is gonna end up awesome, no doubt :-)

As for Akuma, he's on it, he's just experiencing computer troubles at the minute so there's no need for him to put aside any other obligations. As far as I'm concerned, he's done the best he can.

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