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Hey guess what everyone ITS MY FAVORITE TIME OF THE YEAR

Not only is it the beginning of baseball season but because of that the Mets aren't down the tube yet so I can enjoy it! Let's discuss baseball I'm sure there are some people that are into it and ID PREFER TO NOT HEAR FROM FAIR WEATHER FANS YOU GUYS DONT COUNT.

I for one enjoyed seeing the Yankees lose opening day.

I for one enjoyed seeing the Yankees lose opening day.

You and me both.

I gotta say that it's a great time to be a Phillies fan. I type this as the season opener is about to start, and I'm more pumped than I was for this season than I was for last season (after the World Series win). We've made big changes and have some people hurt already, but I can't help but have high hopes for the Phils.


hahaha i should have known you were also a diehard mets fan, my dear

excellent, let's get this party started! this is easily my favorite time of the year and baseball is easily my favorite game in the world :)

great seeing yanks lose on the first day of things (and to the red sox, of course) but let's be realistic; barring any significant injuries and/or slumps, they're winning the east (the red sox are good but i'm not sure they're good enough).

anyway, go A's!


can someone find me a recording of when the sox fan flipped off the yanks' right fielder as he was fielding pedrioa's triple

oh yeah and mlb.tv is the greatest thing

watching the nats phils while listening to the mets marlins

edit again can someone explain the new balk rule


So the Pirates beat the Dodgers 11-6. With three home runs. And they struck out Ramirez. 4th largest crowd at PNC Park ever, 4th straight Opening Day victory.

On the other hand, the Bucs haven't had a winning season since I was a child. Hey, it's still too early to tell. They've had some major lineup changes in the off-season, maybe something good will happen this year.


love this time of the year, looking into getting tickets cant wait.... and i know there is a lot of Yankee hatred here but i am a Yankee fan, sorry, runs in the family. This doesnt mean i hate the mets though, David Wright was looking great today

love this time of the year, looking into getting tickets cant wait.... and i know there is a lot of Yankee hatred here but i am a Yankee fan, sorry, runs in the family. This doesnt mean i hate the mets though, David Wright was looking great today

Heh, Atmuh gave me flak before, but I'm a Yankees & Mets fan, although more Mets than Yankees. Originally I was a Yankees only fan, but I just liked watching Bobby Valentine coached teams too much & slowly transitioned to be more of a Mets fan. The Mets had some great games in those days, like that 16 or 17 inning NLCS game against the Braves that ended in Ventura's grand slam single.

Admittedly though, I've fallen behind in watching baseball - just not enough time.


you can NOT like both the mets and the yankees oh my god you cant

asking if youre a met or a yankee fan is asking if youre a guy or a girl (yankee fan would equate to girl of course)

you can NOT like both the mets and the yankees oh my god you cant

asking if youre a met or a yankee fan is asking if youre a guy or a girl (yankee fan would equate to girl of course)

i'm sure you'd think so :)

also, the new balk rule: when not standing on the mound, a pitcher who goes to his mouth must wipe off his hand before rubbing down the ball. before the rule used to be only when the pitcher was on the mound but now it encompasses a pitcher's actions at all times


also, the new balk rule: when not standing on the mound, a pitcher who goes to his mouth must wipe off his hand before rubbing down the ball. before the rule used to be only when the pitcher was on the mound but now it encompasses a pitcher's actions at all times

Didn't know that, that's good to know. Franklin Morales got called for that several times during the stretch run in the 2007 season and playoffs because he went to the mouth will still on the mound. Now he has to be extra careful, especially considering that he's our replacement closer.


Some sweet highlights last night, including a between the legs backwards toss to first base for the out that was both in the nick of time and completely spectacular.

Also, best rookie prospect as far as hitting is concerned smacks a home run on his first at bat.

Go catch your morning highlights on TSN or whatever you americans prefer

I thought that's an Illinois sports fan?

Illinois is the exact opposite. The Cubs give you great hope every year, just to be utterly destroyed in the final few weeks of the season. The White Sox always have a shot at winning the division, as well.

Illinois is the exact opposite. The Cubs give you great hope every year, just to be utterly destroyed in the final few weeks of the season. The White Sox always have a shot at winning the division, as well.

There's very much a lack of championships in Illinois though - minus the White Sox a few years ago with that one World Series and the amazing Bulls in the 90s, you'd be hard pressed to name any others.

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