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Tron, Hulk, X-23, and Felicia are my win buttons. But I suck so bad, playing online is a bit embarrassing.

And besides that, in my area, EVERYONE uses Dante. It's terribly annoying.


If I wanted to tweak this game a bit it would be something like this.

Sentinel laser spit would not chip unless it required more than one button to execute or if it was slower on start up.

Sentinel's health should be above Phoenix but less than the health tier above. Oh the times I can remember watching the X-Men cartoon and seeing Wolverine just jump on a Sentinel to cut a few wires and be done with it. To have almost the highest damage and the MOST health is kinda overkill.

X-Factor chipping reduced to about 75-80% of what it currently is. X-Factor damage on contact is fine.

Just my opinion. There's plenty of other stupid stuff but it is at least fun as hell.

ShadowBlade, I have Special Edition on 360 and Standard Edition on PS3, neither which I have problems with. Might have been a bad cut from Capcom's pressing.

I guess you better not buy it because from day one we all knew that's how it was gonna be lol

LOL @ People raging at this game. This game is 100X more balanced than MVC2. However, I'll agree that the speed in which you can spam beam attacks is absurd and unlike any fighting game I've saw before. The main reason it's a pain in the ass in this game is because everyone moves at the speed of death and floats in the air longer than the second coming.

The only thing that I think is flat out broken in this game, and online I have yet to find one person who disagrees........the damned X-FACTOR!!! If your opponents characters are all at about half health and you can land a few team aerial/super combos on them......you win. You can annihilate the other team with just your last character.....They might as well have just said in the instruction manual "Push all four buttons to gain a ridiculous advantage once per match". It's broken because it does insane damage, all your characters heal faster and it's the only time the characters don't move at retard speed.

X-Factor can gtfo.

P.S. Checked the disc and there are no problems with it. If it keeps crashing like this I'm sure not what to do. I have the special edition of the game, I'm not sure if that would make any difference.

does yours say 'the disc is unreadable' during a match while its still playing in the background? mine will do that very rarely but its annoying as all hell and i'd rather have a disc that works all the time. and its not like i can just send it back to amazon or something :/

Anyone hating on this game is silly. The high-level matches I've seen have been amazing, and I'm still VERY hyped after having played the game for 7 hours last night. AWESOME game, can't wait to see it broken down!

Definitely agreed -- I watched the entire Wednesday night fight stream and still want more. So far it looks like every character is decent, which is an incredible feat of balancing.

does yours say 'the disc is unreadable' during a match while its still playing in the background? mine will do that very rarely but its annoying as all hell and i'd rather have a disc that works all the time. and its not like i can just send it back to amazon or something :/

Nope. What usually happens is without warning the screen goes black and the sound is gone. It's like the tv shut off. The TV is still on though, as is the Xbox.

Another thing that happens, like last night, I was online. I have a great internet connection and so did the person I was playing against. He went to do a super combo and.......sound dies and screen freezes. So I waited a bit and then restarted the system and it tells me I "quit the match early" etc. The person I was playing against said his game did not freeze but I just stopped doing anything. My characters just stood there.

That's weird to me. I've NEVER had a game lock up online and not affect the other person's game.

does yours say 'the disc is unreadable' during a match while its still playing in the background? mine will do that very rarely but its annoying as all hell and i'd rather have a disc that works all the time. and its not like i can just send it back to amazon or something :/

The problem could also be that your xbox is starting to have trouble with it's disc drive (hopefully not) same with you shadowblade.I had the same problem with GTA4 about a year ago (although it was kind of funny to hear the car crash behind the screen when it came up) a little while later my xbox stopped reading discs altogether.Try some other games when you get a chance to see if you get any similar problems.

Let's hope neither of you are having such a problem as you either have to send you xbox off for repairs or get a new one entirely if it's past warranty.

Shadowblade's problem sounds more like the disc itself though i've seen occourances like that in gears of war before, i remember this one person could not play certain maps or his xbox would freeze and yes a similar thing would happen where his character would just stand there for a while before leaving.

The disc drive problem is subtle at first it seems to only affect certain games it wouldn't let me play Virtua Fighter 5 at all one time no matter how many times i tried to run it and a few others I can't remember it wouldn't play either.

I've been through it a few times, at one point i had an xbox cracked open and the disc drive exposed where i had to basically trick the laser lens into reading the disc several times over by actually slowing the disc down by hand and letting it speed up again it may sound crude but it worked ...after a while) it was already past warranty so ..yeah :\

The problem could also be that your xbox is starting to have trouble with it's disc drive (hopefully not) same with you shadowblade.I had the same problem with GTA4 about a year ago (although it was kind of funny to hear the car crash behind the screen when it came up) a little while later my xbox stopped reading discs altogether.Try some other games when you get a chance to see if you get any similar problems.

Let's hope neither of you are having such a problem as you either have to send you xbox off for repairs or get a new one entirely if it's past warranty.

Shadowblade's problem sounds more like the disc itself though i've seen occourances like that in gears of war before, i remember this one person could not play certain maps or his xbox would freeze and yes a similar thing would happen where his character would just stand there for a while before leaving.

The disc drive problem is subtle at first it seems to only affect certain games it wouldn't let me play Virtua Fighter 5 at all one time no matter how many times i tried to run it and a few others I can't remember it wouldn't play either.

I've been through it a few times, at one point i had an xbox cracked open and the disc drive exposed where i had to basically trick the laser lens into reading the disc several times over by actually slowing the disc down by hand and letting it speed up again it may sound crude but it worked ...after a while) it was already past warranty so ..yeah :\

the reason i think its a disc thing is because theres a visible line on the disc and if i let the intro play the video messes up and then its unreadable

i really hope not i got this xbox over the summer and it had no problems before this game

edit: on topic, zero/morrigan/hulk has been getting me places-ish. ive experimented with putting felicia in there instead of morrigan and gotten some pretty good results too felicia is fun as shit to play

the reason i think its a disc thing is because theres a visible line on the disc and if i let the intro play the video messes up and then its unreadable

i really hope not i got this xbox over the summer and it had no problems before this game

edit: on topic, zero/morrigan/hulk has been getting me places-ish. ive experimented with putting felicia in there instead of morrigan and gotten some pretty good results too felicia is fun as shit to play

Yea that's a disc scratch if I ever saw one.

In other news, the stuff my friend and I got posted about Jill and Shuma is all over the place and it's has brought about so much stupidity. I can hardly believe it.


In other news, the stuff my friend and I got posted about Jill and Shuma is all over the place and it's has brought about so much stupidity. I can hardly believe it.

My guess is that most people didn't read the whole article -- just saw that there were all of the art assets on the disc and squealed about DLC on-the-disc when that really isn't the case here (as you two have said in the article as clearly as I know how to say).


Well I managed to get through a couple hours without it crashing again......let's keep that up!

I'm officially done with the online. Unless I'm playing against someone on my friends list or someone I planned to play against. This is the first fighting game where the amount of spamming has honestly ruined the online for me.

More on topic, Zero, Dante and Amaterasu have some pretty insane chain combos. Like 20 hits per combo 0_o

My personal favorite stages are The Hand Hideout, Shield Helicarrier and Metro City. Poison in the background! I still think it's due time she/he got in a game as a playable character. I don't count that one final fight game........


I work at a game store that fixes problems with newer systems. The xbox has a problem with the lazer burning out around now i have had to replace no less the 20 this week. something that can help with it not scratching your disks is to lay it flat and not to stand it up this help vent out he heat also to avoid the red ring. I will say that sooner or later your going to burn out the lazer its only a matter of time. Most of the drives are synced with the motherboard so if you do try to replace it only replace the lens or it wont work. as of the game viewtuful joe dante and zero seems to be the team im best with but i like the faster people anyway.


I hate Dante. I mean, officially now.

Everyone uses him. Everyone is decent with him. And because I suck so bad, I get caught in the same damn combos.

I don't have the reflexes to pull off combos. I hit buttons quickly. It's all I know. I get frustrated when the commands are too context-sensitive, and I HATE HATE HATE those moves that require you to press forward, then down, then forward-down angle (or any variant of the above). It's completely unintuitive and often making a mistake means I do something else that is pretty much useless.

Also also? Online players are just plain cheap. They'll pull the same shit and use the same characters over and over, like this is less a game and more assembly-line work with only one correct procedure. I have one win and 8 losses and it's driving me nuts. I don't mind a match where I barely lose, or one where I'm clearly getting trounced by a guy who knows what he's doing... But when I lose to a Captain America who is just dashing back and forth, I feel like hurling the whole TV out the window.

In short I am a scrub and wish it played more like smash bros. A bloo bloo bloo.

I HATE HATE HATE those moves that require you to press forward, then down, then forward-down angle (or any variant of the above).

you mean the dragon punch motion


Also also? Online players are just plain cheap. They'll pull the same shit and use the same characters over and over, like this is less a game and more assembly-line work with only one correct procedure. I have one win and 8 losses and it's driving me nuts. I don't mind a match where I barely lose, or one where I'm clearly getting trounced by a guy who knows what he's doing... But when I lose to a Captain America who is just dashing back and forth, I feel like hurling the whole TV out the window.

Lol well I have 30 more loses than wins so.........

I agree though. All I keep seeing is Dante, Sentinel, Zero, Amaterasu and Deadpool. I have only saw one captain america. No MODOKs (as expected) and one C.Viper.....

Bardic Knowledge is such a cheater.

Also I am god-awful.

I'm really good with Laura/X-23, but my other characters are lacking -- you may recall that I dropped Trish's air super two or three times.

Edit: In the spirit of the above, I've got a new X-Factor combo with her that hits for 1,000,000 damage at level 1 X-Factor. Costs three supers to do but I kill almost any char in one hit now (except Sentinel...ugh).

I'm really good with Laura/X-23, but my other characters are lacking -- you may recall that I dropped Trish's air super two or three times.

Edit: In the spirit of the above, I've got a new X-Factor combo with her that hits for 1,000,000 damage at level 1 X-Factor. Costs three supers to do but I kill almost any char in one hit now (except Sentinel...ugh).

If you were gonna try to make that practical, you should probably pair her up with a character that can charge their own meter like Felicia or try to tag down with aerial crossover combos.

I don't know what scrub means

Terrible button-mashy player who bitches about people playing better than him or her.

@Malaki: No, I've been playing fighting games for a while. I'm just bad at them. No patience to learn combos or how to properly play.

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