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If you were gonna try to make that practical, you should probably pair her up with a character that can charge their own meter like Felicia or try to tag down with aerial crossover combos.

Level 1 X-Factor combos are almost never practical just because you're giving up a TON of lategame damage scaling. Spencer on point works as a battery though -- he rarely uses meter.

The secret to beating BardicKnowledge is to dash in and slap him with a light attack just as the time runs out.

Hahahaha, that was the most annoying thing. Probably the best match I've played of Marvel thus far though :P


You know, I'd like to train with more characters, but I'm afraid that doing so will sacrifice my current ability with the characters I already use. Does muscle memory have a limit? I mean, really, Wesker and Haggar seem cool and fun to use, but I don't want to forget how to be good with Wolverine in the process...

About that disc scratching thing, my disc was unreadable on friday. I took it back to where I bought it (Best Buy), and got an exchange with no problems. I even got an extra artbook because they forgot to withhold it! =)


I still haven't been able to decide on a main team. Tonight I started playing with Viper a bit and I'm really liking her basic combos.

Anyone see the

on YouTube? Nearly every player had Sentinel on their team, but Justin Wong won the tournament, pretty much effortlessly, with Wolverine / Akuma / Storm. He barely even used Storm.
You know, I'd like to train with more characters, but I'm afraid that doing so will sacrifice my current ability with the characters I already use. Does muscle memory have a limit? I mean, really, Wesker and Haggar seem cool and fun to use, but I don't want to forget how to be good with Wolverine in the process...

Going from character to character might not leave the ones you are best with as fresh in your memory but playing enough and you eventually can be good with a lot of characters. It's the long term consistent playing and challenging yourself that will make you good in the end.

justin wong is sort of an asshole though

Asshole or not, he's still one of the smartest fighting game players on this side of the world.

I'm reminded now that my rusty ass got a taste of Bardic's skill at MAG. It's been a while. I'm picking up my copy this week, and although I failed to keep my promise with SFIV, I'm gonna really try to get some work in with this one.

So far, this is a TON more fun than SFIV. I feel like the execution barriers to the ideal moves at any given time have been removed -- there's no one-frame links, for instance. As a result, the time you put in will equal results much sooner.

Hit me up after you've figured stuff out!

You know, I'd like to train with more characters, but I'm afraid that doing so will sacrifice my current ability with the characters I already use. Does muscle memory have a limit? I mean, really, Wesker and Haggar seem cool and fun to use, but I don't want to forget how to be good with Wolverine in the process...

The thing I notice about this game is that a decent player can still lose to someone who only half knows what they're doing.

That's because the system is dumbed down from previous Vs games and most all the characters follow an almost completely identical move set. The key to the game is still to knock em' into the air after a ground combo(s) - team aerial - hyper combo(s) Rinse, dry, repeat.

You can pretty much pick a character at random and start discovering combos etc with them right away. So I doubt your muscle memory will forget lol

The thing I notice about this game is that a decent player can still lose to someone who only half knows what they're doing.

in my experience every fighting game ever made pretty much works like this

do you know why every character in the marvel universe has trouble fighting deadpool

it's because they have no idea what the fuck he is doing

The thing I notice about this game is that a decent player can still lose to someone who only half knows what they're doing.

That's because the system is dumbed down from previous Vs games and most all the characters follow an almost completely identical move set. The key to the game is still to knock em' into the air after a ground combo(s) - team aerial - hyper combo(s) Rinse, dry, repeat.

You can pretty much pick a character at random and start discovering combos etc with them right away. So I doubt your muscle memory will forget lol

i don't really think this is true, if you are intelligent and can recognize a mashy player all you have to do is anticipate he's going to do the SAME THREE THINGS and all you have to do is avoid them

everyone has been complaining about dantes lately for instance but he's my favorite because everyone (online at my level) plays him the same way and uses incredibly unsafe moves just because everyone gets scared when they see shooty shooty swingy swingy

and then you just hit him out of one and he's like OH WTF DUDE

The thing I notice about this game is that a decent player can still lose to someone who only half knows what they're doing.

That's because the system is dumbed down from previous Vs games and most all the characters follow an almost completely identical move set. The key to the game is still to knock em' into the air after a ground combo(s) - team aerial - hyper combo(s) Rinse, dry, repeat.

You can pretty much pick a character at random and start discovering combos etc with them right away. So I doubt your muscle memory will forget lol

You obviously have not played any of the VS games at a high level. Someone who doesn't have a real gameplan going in doesn't have a ghost of a chance against me -- the people I've played from here can attest to this.

That being said, the physical execution barrier between good and great players is certainly less in Marvel 3 than it is in Super SFIV or Marvel 2 -- I happily concede this because I think that it is amazing. It allows more people to play the actual game at hand and begin to think about things at the level that the pros do.

The magic series (jab-->short-->strong-->forward-->fierce-->roundhouse) exists in all of the VS games for the vast majority of the characters. In Marvel 3 this "standard" series is light medium hard launch --> medium medium hard launch, admittedly simpler than Marvel 2's series (due to 3 having fewer attack buttons). This is the most basic combo and does indeed exist for 90% of the characters...just like Marvel 2. However, they are NOT the ideal combo for any character and any competent player will destroy you if that's all you can do.

Once you understand this, your game will improve dramatically. Certain characters benefit greatly from getting beyond the basics -- Trish, for instance, can extend her air combo and relaunch her opponent twice if she thinks outside the box (try launch, B, down+C xx qcb+A, B,B, double jump B, down+C xx qcb+A xx super!) The removal of specific combo "rules" from Marvel 2 actually invites creativity and invention such as the above -- now that the only rule is hitstun decay, everything you try has a good chance of working. On average, combos are longer now and the pace of the game has changed, but that's neither here nor there. As a SF2 player, I highly enjoy the overall higher damage output that everyone has.

There is only one legitimate complaint I can see leveled at the game currently, and that is how Level 3 X-Factor scales damage a little too much. I agree with this critique but it's only a terrible issue for Sentinel and Dark Phoenix. To deal with the two of them: integrate snapbacks into your combos and force them to either burn X-Factor before characters die (while it's not as powerful), or lose their characters because they can't cover themselves with assists.

You obviously have not played any of the VS games at a high level. Someone who doesn't have a real gameplan going in doesn't have a ghost of a chance against me -- the people I've played from here can attest to this.

That being said, the physical execution barrier between good and great players is certainly less in Marvel 3 than it is in Super SFIV or Marvel 2 -- I happily concede this because I think that it is amazing. It allows more people to play the actual game at hand and begin to think about things at the level that the pros do.

The magic series (jab-->short-->strong-->forward-->fierce-->roundhouse) exists in all of the VS games for the vast majority of the characters. In Marvel 3 this "standard" series is light medium hard launch --> medium medium hard launch, admittedly simpler than Marvel 2's series (due to 3 having fewer attack buttons). This is the most basic combo and does indeed exist for 90% of the characters...just like Marvel 2. However, they are NOT the ideal combo for any character and any competent player will destroy you if that's all you can do.

Once you understand this, your game will improve dramatically. Certain characters benefit greatly from getting beyond the basics -- Trish, for instance, can extend her air combo and relaunch her opponent twice if she thinks outside the box (try launch, B, down+C xx qcb+A, B,B, double jump B, down+C xx qcb+A xx super!) The removal of specific combo "rules" from Marvel 2 actually invites creativity and invention such as the above -- now that the only rule is hitstun decay, everything you try has a good chance of working. On average, combos are longer now and the pace of the game has changed, but that's neither here nor there. As a SF2 player, I highly enjoy the overall higher damage output that everyone has.

There is only one legitimate complaint I can see leveled at the game currently, and that is how Level 3 X-Factor scales damage a little too much. I agree with this critique but it's only a terrible issue for Sentinel and Dark Phoenix. To deal with the two of them: integrate snapbacks into your combos and force them to either burn X-Factor before characters die (while it's not as powerful), or lose their characters because they can't cover themselves with assists.

Yea going beyond the basics puts you a leg up on the competition by far but I'm going to say that I think they need to scale back the damage a bit because going beyond the basics is close to wiping out any given life bar. The basics do enough damage as it is.


wolverine starts berserker barrage x

wesker hyper counters

wolverine starts berserker barrage x

wesker hyper counters

wolverine taunts

wesker taunts

wolverine starts berserker barrage x

wesker hyper counters



it's funny how every single thread about fighting games becomes a place for the better players to tell other players who make large, sweeping, incorrect statements that they're actually wrong.

there much better


If it weren't for my cricket modem, I'd hop on XBL more often.

(I may this weekend, maybe) But I understand the points shared, its tough to find the right setup sometimes.

But I am no pro player, just for fun. I'm still getting used to the new settings in MVC3.


It has hardly anything to do with competitive playing and much more to do with making sure you last more than 25 seconds against your opponent.

Bardic's good, but that's just 'cause he has a good handle on advanced techniques and has a solid strategy. He isn't this insurmountable wall. You just need to learn from your mistakes and actually think about what you're doing.

Like Bardic said though, the beautiful thing about this game is it's huge level of creativity. If you think you can do a certain combo that might seem unlikely, but have the tools for it, chances are you can actually do it. I've come up with a few interesting mix up techniques for my standard team just by thinking "hmmm... I wonder if I could try this..."

Also Just Christ Dark Phoenix with X-Factor is like a goddamn win button. Sentinel ain't so bad, though. This probably has more to do with people thinking they can rush in with Sentinel with arms flailing. No sir, I've fought you enough times to know exactly how to bring you down.

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