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are you seriously being critical of someone because you think that their head is slightly misshaped and how they do their hair

why dont you post a picture of yourself and have me rip it to shreds

I sent you pictures of myself five different times over the last year and a half. Check your damn inbox, for fucks sake!

He's a highly public figure who actively promotes himself to further his career, and I find elements of him amusing. I can talk about him as I want.


This is messed up that I agree with atmuh, but I don't think anyone is being serious in this thread, so that's cool. Sorry if I am ruining the joke. ;-)

I personally really like a lot of his songs and I think the arranger of his singles is brilliant. Perfect restraint of backing tracks, great builds and transitions, nice small details with percussive elements, and strong melodic hooks.

Being successful in pop music is about execution, not innovation, and with the team this kid has set up, they certainly aren't lacking on the execution end. If that's not to your liking, then you most likely just don't like pop music. Nothing wrong with that. :-)

This is messed up that I agree with atmuh, but I don't think anyone is being serious in this thread, so that's cool. Sorry if I am ruining the joke. ;-)

Well, it's over now, so I guess we have to discuss his music seriously now.

Thanks a lot, OA.


Well, it's over now, so I guess we have to discuss his music seriously now.

Thanks a lot, OA.


*diary entry 4-28-10*

I have managed to integrate myself into the natives' society, and after several years of laying low, I am shocked to find that several tribe members are giving me some measure of authority that I have not even earned. The large, wooly one has proclaimed that my random comment be made into law, and that failure to comply will result in exile of the tribe.

Too bad this tribe is such a damn sausage fest or i'd really have it made. ;/


wow do i actually have to explain this

You've never seen heard or read me criticize music so you also don't even know what the hell you are talking about.
I think it's perfectly fine to hate on him from a musically objective standpoint (like above).

thats criticizing music buddy


I'm going to write a letter to Justin Beiber now and ask him to submit a song to OCR.

What? Yeah, he's Canadian, of course I know him personally, I like, drink beer with him after school. Err I mean, coke. No, not that kind of coke. Like, pop. Yeah, that's it. We Canadians know every other Canadian since there's only 30 million of us.

I'm going to write a letter to Justin Beiber now and ask him to submit a song to OCR.

What? Yeah, he's Canadian, of course I know him personally, I like, drink beer with him after school. Err I mean, coke. No, not that kind of coke. Like, pop. Yeah, that's it. We Canadians know every other Canadian since there's only 30 million of us.

I'd just write a quick note on his wall, just like I do with all the celebrities; everyone knows everyone in Southern California, naturally since we're physically closer to one another than you guys are in Canada, and it's great.

*diary entry 4-28-10*

I have managed to integrate myself into the natives' society, and after several years of laying low, I am shocked to find that several tribe members are giving me some measure of authority that I have not even earned. The large, wooly one has proclaimed that my random comment be made into law, and that failure to comply will result in exile of the tribe.

Too bad this tribe is such a damn sausage fest or i'd really have it made. ;/

I... I love you now. I want your babies. I want to lay eggs in your flesh until they hatch, and then burrow their way to the gooey, loving inside of you.

I'd just write a quick note on his wall, just like I do with all the celebrities; everyone knows everyone in Southern California, naturally since we're physically closer to one another than you guys are in Canada, and it's great.

AND DONE! If Justin Beiber gets a song posted then you'll know who made the connections.

I've never ever listened to a Justin Beiber song before and have no idea who he is besides a Canadian teen pop idol.

It must be, because the only other explanation is that girls really do find shit like that good, and they genuinely do get all fluttered over someone like that.

If so, I'm all in favor on nuking the planet now. Someone get on it.

A bit extreme there.

I liked deadmau5's idea last week.

I think we could all settle for this instead.


No that's just saying it's perfectly fine to criticize music.

You can't just take two irrelevant things and make them look like they contradict each other.

you even said what you thought his music sounded like (6th grade whatever)

come on man call a spade a spade

His voice is fine. He sounds like a kid, but you know, that's because he's a kid.

I personally believe it's a bit too high and doesn't fit his music. xD

Why do you think I don't sing in my music? (besides the fact that I only write instrumental music anyways) My voice is deeper than one would expect, but it's still "high" in the sense it still has a childish texture to it.

That and I'm a bad singer, but my opinion is that SO IS JUSTIN BIEBER *grabs a pitchfork* RAAAAAAAAAAA

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