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I didn't see a thread about this yet, so...

The Mac version of Steam launched today, with 50 games.

Among those is Portal.

Portal is currently free for both PC and Mac through the 24th to celebrate the launch of Steam for Mac. The only thing you need to get it is to sign in to your Steam account or sign up for one if you don't have one.

Unfortunately, Portal is the only Source game ported to Mac so far, so if you wanted to play TF2 on the Mac, you have to wait a bit... but they'll have new Mac game releases every Wednesday.

I'm download it right now. With me donating to the Humble Indie Bundle yesterday and now free Portal today, I've got a lot of games to keep me busy for a bit.

Portal's actually pretty short, unless you're trying to get the Transmission Received or Camera Shy achievements. Or do the challenge stages.

I'm curious though: they said there were some small strings attached, but I can't find anything that says what those are.

The catch is that you need to sign up for a Steam account if you don't already have one.

I beat Portal at a friends house awhile back, but I never actually bought the game. I feel pretty damn smart now.

as if the damned game was all that expensive in the first place


Sometimes even $5 or $10 is a stretch. I'd kill to get Rocket Knight, but $15 is out of the question financially.

I held off on buying portal because I heard about how short it is. The first 15 or 16 levels go by pretty fast, but the remaining ones are noticeably more devious. Plus, you unlock new challenges and such, so it has more life than the original 19 levels.

It's short, but fun and funny. It's also 3GB to download, so be patient.

Sometimes even $5 or $10 is a stretch. I'd kill to get Rocket Knight, but $15 is out of the question financially


Don't you just love this age of over priced DLC? Not too mention getting punished for buying games used?


They're putting it out for free because sales were probably slowing down, so they'll use it now to reel people in to signing up for Steam accounts, as advertising for the Mac steam client and also to hype people up for Portal 2. It's fine with me!

as if the damned game was all that expensive in the first place

If you buy the PC version of Portal off of Steam, or in stores, it's $20. That's why Orange Box (for $30) was a no brainer if you were missing even one of the other games in the box.


I'm here to tell you that Mac is cool.

Mac is cool.

osx 10.4 foils my plans once again

A Tiger, how well you served me over the years! I remember the upgrade from 10.3, it was magical. (I remember the update to 10.3 from OS 9, that was a bit more magical) You should get 10.5 or 10.6 tho halc, no reason not to anymore!

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