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Ye Olde Sig Shoppe - * sig requests* (read first post)

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Hey guys. Here goes my first sig request.

Like Dr. Wilhelm, I'm a fighting game fan, my fandom lying mostly in Guilty Gear XX Accent Core, Street Fighter, and the King Of Fighters series. My favorite characters for these series are as follows: Sol Badguy, Sakura, and Rock Howard (in whatever games he manages to be in). I'd like a signature featuring Sakura or Rock solo, Rock and Sol, or all three of these characters, with my username somewhere on it.

If need be, use the art provided. Otherwise, go with your design idea. I'd like it to reflect the maker's personal style or make. :-D


(Sure it's Order Sol, but damn does that art look good.)


And I cannot find any satisfactory art of Sakura. So I'll leave it up to your discretion. Thanks a bunch! :-D


Hey everyone,

I just found this thread and I have a request for whoever can go through with it.

I have a variety of characters that I like, but the problem is, the main one that I was originally looking for is Ultimate Rugal. Since no fan art or any original is within my grasp, I won't put any of you through that "Arc the Lad" trek in findng any.

All that I'm requesting is this image of Lenneth...


my handle name and the creator's name in it as well.

As for anything else, I leave to the artist's hands. I'm currently borrowing one of R-D's free sigs and will happily wait as long as it may take to complete.


I figure I should get some kind of boss based sig for June, albiet a bit late. I've decided I'd like some kind of Fishy based boss, but I can't decide which one. I thought of a few:

Emerald Weapon

The swimming colossus from SotC

Sin <== lol, hes a phish i swear


Just whatever water-based bosses you can think of really, that would be cool. :)

What program do you guys use to make the sigs? Is it only Photoshop?

I use Photoshop CS2.


Why am I always forgetting to add "June is Boss Month"? Good that you noticed my error.

I figure I should get some kind of boss based sig for June' date=' albiet a bit late. I've decided I'd like some kind of Fishy based boss, but I can't decide which one. I thought of a few:

Emerald Weapon

The swimming colossus from SotC

Sin <== lol, hes a phish i swear


Just whatever water-based bosses you can think of really, that would be cool. :)[/quote']

Waddya mean late? There ain't no late! There's 19 days left!

Too bad that I snatched Gyorg though, it would have looked awesome with you. :[

Dude, fatty whale from kirby super star.

Best fish boss ever.

Sounds good to me.



Why am I always forgetting to add "June is Boss Month"? Good that you noticed my error.

Lol, yeah I thought about telling you, but then I thought that it was not a big deal, so I just added it myself w/ [Adobe] Fireworks .


I love using photoshop and actually I know my way around it quite well, sad thing is that I'm stuck with PS 6, a little outdated, I'd love to help make sigs too, but chances are they'd be subpar. (by the way, my current sig is in no way an example of my work, I just liked the idea, so I did a nice simple one of it.)


For some reason I could not find this thread for the longest time.

Well, anyway, could I get a June is Boss month sig with M.Bison or God Rugal on it? That'd be great.


What would you like it to look like, I've never played the street fighter games so I really don't know what would work in a sig with him, you have any reference pics you want used? Sorry if I'm hi-jacking this shop, but I figure it'd be good practice to do a few sigs, this one will probably be sub-par, so when some one else comes around then they can do a better one and everyone's happy right?


I wouldn't sweat it Zephyr - most here aren't really that picky, so if you look up on the usual places for the appropiate boss render that looks sweet, slap it on and jazz it up with some PS magic, it should be perfectly fine. Unless he responds otherwise.

I love using photoshop and actually I know my way around it quite well, sad thing is that I'm stuck with PS 6, a little outdated, I'd love to help make sigs too, but chances are they'd be subpar...

Heh, we got a few things in common when it comes to PS. ^_^

What would you like it to look like, I've never played the street fighter games so I really don't know what would work in a sig with him, you have any reference pics you want used? Sorry if I'm hi-jacking this shop, but I figure it'd be good practice to do a few sigs, this one will probably be sub-par, so when some one else comes around then they can do a better one and everyone's happy right?

I'm looking for this M. Bison (SFA3's) mbisonqi4.th.jpg

Preferably, I'd like him to have his right hand shrowded in blue aura (I'm sure there's some images like that floating around), but basically I just need his picture on a colored background and of course "June is Boss Month"

The primary colors I'm looking for are red/blue/grey-silver. That's what I'm envisioning.

Oh, and this is what God Rugal looks like. rugal2002da5.th.jpg

I'm thinking of similar primary colors for his sig, but maybe sans blue.

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