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I'd also rather have no voice acting instead of terrible voice acting any day of the week. There's hardly any reading outside of the actual story narrative that impacts gameplay, and if you're the kind of person that can't be assed to read, then you're probably the kind of person who doesn't care about the narrative in the first place, therefore non-issue.

I'm almost hoping that The Old Republic bombs so that people will get it that voice-acting a game does not make.

Also, dialogue isn't just a "small issue". Even ignoring the creative direction behind it, the production aspect of including VO in a huge game like Zelda isn't small. You can't say there's "no excuse" for not including it.

I didn't mean the lack of voice acting. I mean unnecessary dialogues, e.g. at the shop. I have to listen to the woman explaining the potion EVERY TIME I buy it? Or the item description every time I load my save and pick up the item for the 60th time? What about Fi going "ooooh big elaborate fancy door, there must be something important here" in front of the boss door... in the FIFTH dungeon?

people who bitch about no voice acting in zelda need to shut their fucking mouths and go back to their shitty jrpgs

Some of the fools on the Destructoid review said the same thing (yeah, I don't care that North works for that site). But after seeing how horrible the voice acting was in Metroid Other M, Nintendo needs to keep their characters silent. Until they can get good casting or some good voice acting, there's no need for it. People will just have to read the dialog, and accept it.

Then again, people don't like to read anymore. :roll:


I suppose the complaints for Nintendo's lack of HD graphics will be remedied next year. I doubt the people who want Zelda to stop being Zelda will get their wish granted.

The most valid complaint I've read on this game is the constant explanation redundancy. I guess Nintendo is catering to the casual player who they expect will be handed the controller by more dedicated players in the middle of the fifth dungeon; a group that I assume will be always be a minority for a game like this. Stupid design. Fi has a damn hint system(which isn't very helpful based on the couple of times I was having trouble with a puzzle) yet we get a thorough explanation of every rupee and boss door and collectible every time we boot the game up. Change it. Blah.

I didn't mean the lack of voice acting. I mean unnecessary dialogues, e.g. at the shop. I have to listen to the woman explaining the potion EVERY TIME I buy it? Or the item description every time I load my save and pick up the item for the 60th time? What about Fi going "ooooh big elaborate fancy door, there must be something important here" in front of the boss door... in the FIFTH dungeon?

Ah, yeah okay. I agree in that case. Especially having to wait for slowly animating text.


I guess Nintendo is catering to the moron

It kind of reminds me of Egoraptor's


Regardless of if you like his humor-style or not, i think the "Yeah I get it" analogy is pretty dead-on.

While I haven't played it yet, I don't like being constantly reminded about stupid stuff like rupees and keys and doors.

Because I mean, it was even annoying when I was 7 years old playing Link's Awakening the first time, hearing about that damned "NEW FUCKING FEATURE: A TONE THAT TELLS YOU WHERE SHIT IS" that every single compass in every single dungeon had to blather on about.

And when i was older, playing OoT, having to be told how to open a door. : /

At least it was only in the first dungeon!

Unlike in TP.

I must either be blind or something. I seriously think the graphics are great and don't really notice the aliasing during normal gameplay. Last night my friend saw me playing it and started ripping it for "looking like the graphics in FF7". Why is the aliasing such a huge point of contention for some people? I get the feeling that some people are playing games 2 feet away from the TV in order for something like that to really make a huge difference in gameplay. I normally play about 5-7 feet from the TV and I have to actively start looking for pixels to notice it.

I guess I'm just getting older and don't give a shit about HD graphics, trophies/achievements, sandbox gameplay, or any of these other modern gaming trends that all of these people are saying Zelda is lacking.

You are probably blind.

Or playing on a CRT TV.

You are probably blind.

Or playing on a CRT TV.

42" Plasma here. I guess I'm blind.


I did want to mention one cool thing I'd love to see implemented in Zelda games: seamless area loading. Even Shadow of the Colossus had it down pat in the PS2 era. Would've made Skyward Sword REALLY cool to be able to dive directly into the areas instead of diving into a loading screen.

Not N64-bad, no
Worse than that. Seriously, go look at some screenshots of some N64 games.


Aside from the lack of effects like bloom, and the outdated textures and a low polygon count, this honestly looks better than most of Skyward Sword (in terms of aliasing, which pops up everywhere)

And while I know Wind Waker is in its own league entirely, I should still point out that this game came out 8 years ago, and it still looks better than SS.


Graphics don't make a game, but it seriously bothers me while I'm playing. But I'm done bitching about it, you're all free to have your own opinions.


I didn't actually make it; it wasn't what I would've used if I had the choice, I'm just no good at image editing. Plus I don't really think it's an image anyone could take seriously :P

I'm just tired of hearing everyone complain about the graphics. Even if the game was 8-bit it would still be just as great.

(In before "8-bits would have made the game better.")


Just to make sure I wasn't going crazy, I decided to hook up my PC to the same TV I'm playing my Wii on. Sure, there's a difference, but I still think it's a stretch to say it ruins the game. These are all original resolution, taken with my HTC Sensation.. I think it's an 8mp camera. No edits have been made.





It also seems like when I used the Motion+ peripheral with Dolphin, it reacts very poorly compared to the Wiimote with Motion+ inside.


Hey guys i found something pretty cool. Another awesome case of Nintendo referencing some random folktale in their games.

*****Spoilers for the 4th dungeon******

Remember the part where you're climbing up the thread and the zombie bokoblins try to grab onto you?

Go to wikipedia and search for "The Spider's Thread". I'd post a link to it, but then the hyperlink will show up instead of being white text.

The chances of that just being a coincidence is way too small. I love it when Nintendo does stuff like this.

*****End spoilers******


That's pretty cool!

I wasn't too fond of the boss in the next dungeon, which is kind of a shame since just about every single boss fight up until then was absolutely amazing. And it sucks that I already know what the next boss is, but it sounds pretty awesome so I'm stoked.

This is probably one of the best games in the series...I think part of why I'm not enjoying it as much as I should is just because I'm older, but I can't help but notice how much soul and creativity they put into this game. Almost everything sparks my imagination on the same level those N64 games did when I was younger. I've already clocked 30 hours, which is more than it took me to 100% Twilight Princess, and I'm kind of sad that the game is coming to a close. I wish there were more items, I feel like I barely have anything.

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