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Sorry Hadyn, but from the stuff I've heard from you before, you have some issues with balance and cohesiveness in your mixes. A lot of it also sounds really 'defaultish' in terms of how you use effects in FruityLoops.

No offense, of course. :|


Important note!

WIPs are due by the end of the month! Don't miss the deadline! If I don't like it, you're out! I don't want to have to drop anyone from the project, but I'm not against it, and I do have some guys on the sidelines who would like to contribute to the project.


ellywu2 said:
Hi again everyone. Well, i'm putting up the first attempt of mine at number 18.

I'm a little bit aprehensive, as looking at the names i dont see anyone who is at my level :(

ah well, here it is, about an hours worth of doodling around (EDIT: at 2:07 theres a gong hit which shouldnt be there.)


More updates throughout the month :)

Hm. Some velocity issues with the piano sample. What are you using for the piano? Some of the notes stick out in the opening.

It's also a BIT dry, so you might want to look at some reverb options as you continue the mix. ^_^


It looks like chthonic had to drop out of the project, so I will be taking over the track for Son of Wind.

I'll let everyone know which track/s I'll be remixing as soon as I know :)


Ok, I'm gonna go with 51/52, it was hard to choose out of all the awesome music in the game, but I think 51/52 caught my attention the most.



what sequencer are you using for your mix?

I mix with edirol in FL...

if you do simlilarly , than I have some reccomendations.

First off, the samples clip because you have them turned up too hot.

Instead of sliding the volume for their FX (or master if you dont use the fx yet.) track up higher, put a preamp or otherwise on the track.

when the percussion comes in, it is being processed too loud so it clips.

it would be good to extend some of the tails on those piano and harp notes, as they do sound a little flat.

EDIT: I just got a soundclick account. Here's my mix so far...



yours is very very bouncy. Me likes.

And hear is mine.




pick one :)

anywho... yeah, going to transition through a few different styles exploring the material.

I plan on the included in WIP orchestral, synth pop. I also plan to move into some darker territory... perhaps with a more industrial sound... something brooding and powerful, and frightening all at once...

Cant keep this chipper attituide i've got now for too long.

DarkeSword said:
Sorry Hadyn, but from the stuff I've heard from you before, you have some issues with balance and cohesiveness in your mixes. A lot of it also sounds really 'defaultish' in terms of how you use effects in FruityLoops.

No offense, of course. :|

None taken ^^

However ~ if what you're saying is based upon the stuff I've sent for submission to OCR in the past, then most of that is about a year old now... And I can't blame you for not liking it, even I can see how bad most of it is when I look back on it now.

Of course, I've gotten better since then (as evidenced by what I linked early on) - but hey, I agree that I'm still not perfect, and yeah, there's most likely plenty of other mixers that are much better than me available to work on the project, so I understand if I don't meet the standards and all :)

Either way, I'm looking forward to what comes out of the project, and evewn if I'm not part of it I can still carry on with my own Kirby mix seperately anyways - it's all good :D

After all, I'm more of an artist than a musician... which reminds me... Do we just send in our ideas for cover designs whenever, and you just use whatever you like the best at the end, or are there more specifics than that? What kind of info needs to be on the covers?



Trenthian said:

And hear is mine.




pick one :)

anywho... yeah, going to transition through a few different styles exploring the material.

I plan on the included in WIP orchestral, synth pop. I also plan to move into some darker territory... perhaps with a more industrial sound... something brooding and powerful, and frightening all at once...

Cant keep this chipper attituide i've got now for too long.

haha, I like it, though in honesty, It was hard to recognise (until I actually read what it was a remix of and started looking to draw ties between the mix and the resource material). Of course, this could just be me, and the quality is awesome either way :)


Fairly important note

You missed a rank.

If you beat the game on extra mode (which is unlocked after beating the normal mode 100%), you get the title: 'Super Star'. You also unlock the BGM and sound test with it.

EDIT: Okay, so you left it out on purpose...

What are the guidelines for this? Just mix a song from Kirby Adventure & Post?

I've been meaning to do one from the Orange Ocean world-map for a while now. Any genre preferences?


It's not an open project. I did auditions about a month ago. If you didn't audition then, you can audition now. If your stuff is good, you can be a backup. If it's not, you can't mix for the project.

Either way, all slots are filled up, and I still have two backups on deck in case someone drops.

Hadyn: I didn't MISS Super Star. I definitely know about it. I intentionally left that one out. I'm thinking about doing the Super Star mix myself as a bonus track. We'll see what happens.


Hadyn: I didn't MISS Super Star. I definitely know about it. I intentionally left that one out. I'm thinking about doing the Super Star mix myself as a bonus track. We'll see what happens.

Awww, and there I was thinking I'd done something useful by pointing that out... ohwell :P



It's not an open project. I did auditions about a month ago. If you didn't audition then, you can audition now. If your stuff is good, you can be a backup. If it's not, you can't mix for the project.

Either way, all slots are filled up, and I still have two backups on deck in case someone drops.


I don't know how some stuff is popular while other stuff isn't around here. I'm not complaining, more power to everything... just... wow.

Good luck everyone, too bad I didn't audition when I could've.




I already uninstalled/reinstalled Reason. Any other ideas? :|


This happens for EVERY RNS FILE I HAVE. I'm ready to go to Sweden and hunt some Propellerhead ass.


I've had that problem with Cakewalk SONAR 2 before, and I hate to tell you, but: You're screwed. You're going to have to start over.

That type of error isn't fixable, the only hope you might have is if you made a backup (something I've grown accustomed to doing since this happened to me).

No, you see, this happens for EVERY RNS FILE I HAVE. My backups all have the same error too. :|

Try sending it to someone else who has reason, see if they can open it. If they can't, well, that's very :( I've always thought of Reason as a stable app, but I guess not. You could try contacting the propellerheads guys or maybe post on their forum (in fact, I'd definitely do that if you haven't already).


KirbyMixer      - 22/57         - Water Drop
Darangen - 51/52 - Son of Wind
Adhesive_Boy - 41/42 - L'il Traveller
Dj_StarChild - 33/34 - Star Herald
Rellik - 55/37/22 - Swift Hunter
Suzumebachi - 28/29 - Dream Hunter
Ellywu2 - 18/19 - Dream Warrior
Trenthian - 1/2 - Star General
Sir Nuts - 13 - Great Ace
DJ Ikronix - 14/15 - Final Star
mv - 56 - Hero of Lore

DarkeSword - undecided/backup mixer (super star?)
analoq - backup mixer

Updated list!

Helen (Destiny) emailed me and said she had to withdraw from the project because of her workload at University, so mv's going to take her place.

Remember people, WIPs due Oct 31!!

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