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I've always been curious to know why people go to huge lengths to hate on artists they don't like or listen to. if its not a psychological high by hitting someone who couldn't ever hit you back (same thing with calling celeb women you would never get the chance to sleep with "whores"), then I have to wonder what any of the effort to do it really goes to. :P

I've been writing, recording, and performing music for about thirteen years, and I say she sucks giant donkey balls. She can't sing. That's a fact.

This reminds me, like anything I've linked to ya earlier in a response pm..?

I have a huge library and nothing like sharing that very library to share joy. ;-)

When I found out who Ke$ha was, I listened to Tik Tok. For 10 fucking seconds. Never again.

I want a bubblegum pop demolition night.

Okay I listened to Tik Tok for about a minute and I liked it more than that other song "Your Love is my Drug"... for the latter I couldn't even get through the chorus.


Guilty pleasures are the best. So raw, unbiased (or maybe "anti-biased").,,

I am the same way with Your Love is My Drug... frankly, I just enjoy it. It does me no good to accumulate hate for various artists when music is usually hit or miss for me anyway. The song makes me feel up, and despite what my brain wants me to think, I find her trashy spoken-word style to be amusing/just right.

So if you listen to your music for enjoyment, then by all means, listen away. And get some rehab/sleep.


I saw the name a few times before but had absolutely no interest in listening to her. Then, this morning, whilst eating my captain crunch with crunchberries, I found an article about her on cracked.com. Why not finally see what the hell is going on.

I couldn't even finish one friggin song (Tik Tok). She can't sing, even with autotune. Her lyrics are the dumbest things I've heard in a very long time. The music is typical pop and, while catchy, her singing ruins any redeeming value. The video was horrible. And she's not attractive.

She's about on the level of Brokencyde in my opinion. Unless she masterminded everything else about the song that wasn't her singing, from arrangement to production, and/or directed her own crappy video, I have zero respect for this artist. I hope this kind of autotune pop goes away fast. Very fast. Like, right now. Real singers with real talent are getting ousted by this kind of stuff.

She also reeks of dirty skank just from her video and lyrics.

Edit: Megadave, I'm basically in your boat. Let's go get a beer.


I think Ke$sha would be a lot better without Ke$sha.

What I mean is, the melodies are extraordinarily well written, and the production and arrangement is fantastic. Where the breakdown occurs is her voice and the lyrics.

I can deal with some autotune (even the non-stylistic kind), but the problem is that it can only fix pitch, not timbre. Now maybe some vocal training BEFORE recording would help, but her voice as it is right now, is not something that can be salvaged in post-production.

And then the lyrics... I can generally ignore cliche lyrics and enjoy a song for it's other qualities, but there's a line people. I find myself wanting to enjoy "Your Love is My Drug" and "Take It Off", but lyrics are beyond stupid. While I liked "Tik Tok" just fine, every time those other two songs come on the radio, I feel like my intelligence as a writer is being assaulted.

All that being said, I would LOVE to get my hands on some instrumentals of her songs. As a side note, I'm pretty sure there's some very subtle 8-bit going on in "Your Love is My Drug". I think it's a Commodore 64, but I'm not positive.

notice how people who actually make music are much less likely to jump on the pop hate bandwagon?
:dstrbd: Been doing this for years, bro.
I saw the name a few times before but had absolutely no interest in listening to her. Then, this morning, whilst eating my captain crunch with crunchberries, I found an article about her on cracked.com. Why not finally see what the hell is going on.

I think cracked.com cracked it down pretty well for you.

She's about on the level of Brokencyde in my opinion. Unless she masterminded everything else about the song that wasn't her singing, from arrangement to production, and/or directed her own crappy video, I have zero respect for this artist. I hope this kind of autotune pop goes away fast. Very fast. Like, right now. Real singers with real talent are getting ousted by this kind of stuff.
Yes, like us, we're sitting here aching to rock the world and make money, but where's our market? (It's out there) Where's our promotion? Where's the support?
She also reeks of dirty skank just from her video and lyrics.
They tell her it sells. A market for lil' skanky, dirty wannabes.
even though im someone that really likes a lot of overplayed generic pop music, I don't see how people can listen to kesha

[Audience clapping]

Edit: Megadave, I'm basically in your boat. Let's go get a beer.
What do yall drink?

I prefer beer and liquor, like whiskey and rum. Anything but wine really. I don't mind a white russian or a grasshopper every now and then either. But, yeah, someone earlier mentioned the thing that irks me the most - and that's how people are listening to this stuff with autotune and bad lyrics when they could listen to something of higher quality.

I come from a strong rock background, and back in the day, you had to be able to carry a tune. And if you only had a decent rage, not great singing ability - Bob Dylan, Tom Petty, Joey Ramone - you had to have GREAT songs that worked with your voice and your key.

It's not pop hate. I understand how some of you like pop music, and as a fan of eighties and early to mid-nineties pop, I don't think it's all crap. I thought the mid-nineties was bad for music, but even the stuff I hated back then, especially the hip hop, sounds light years ahead now. Those guys had talent.

Compare Kesha to a bubblegum pop artist of the eighties who likely has at least six times as much range and vocal ability. THIS is what bubble gum pop music ideally sounded like in the eighties.


Yeah, like Kesha, it's kitchy little bubblegum music for girls. And no, Cyndi didn't even have full credits for writing the song. And the makeup is bad. But it sounds great. The lyrics flow well, and the woman has a four-octave vocal range with a buttery, angel-like tone and delivery. And there were more like her back then that could sing. And she can still sing circles around any top twenty artist now.

Even hip hop from the nineties is superior now. Compare pretty much any current hip hop, excluding NAS, Outkast and maybe two other people, to Gansta's Paradise by Coolio. You can't even touch it. The music was just more imaginitive, more original, and just as catchy as today.

And I'm not one of those guys to say that all music is bad now, but it certainly isn't selling as well as the garbage is. There are lots of new musicians I like now, but two thirds of them are people who remix video game music or mock the current music climate, or emulate artitsts of the past.

If you're looking for some good bubblegum pop, try Aqua or Cyndi Lauper. Oddly enough, I like it when autotune is used in electronic music and even OCR stuff. IMO, pop singers should stick to being able to sing, as autotune doesn't sound so out of place in its "emulated" environment. Then again, if Kesha is what floats your boat, I just have to be a man and accept that.


It was insisted upon me that I listen to "Blah blah blah." Right away when I saw "Ke$ha" I knew I was in for trouble...

Oh God! She goes back and forth between, "shut up and do me," and, "shut up, you can't touch this." Her love of assonance in her simplistic meter makes me think that she simply can't think of better words that rhyme (assuming she wrote it -- I can't imagine a REAL writer being happy with that)... And even if she did, it would still be worse than the stuff I wrote when I was seven.

The question has been put forward, "Why make such a big deal when you don't like something?" Well, I like expanding my horizons, and listening to new good music. The radio should be a source of this, but instead we get subjected to this drivel. I hate it because there is talent out in the world that I will never get exposed to because of this, and I speak out against it because the world is what we make it, and if nobody says anything nothing will change.

If you want a catchy guilty pleasure, listen to something like Girls' generation (Gee). It is catchy as all hell, and you can't get annoyed about the lyrics, because you probably don't speak Korean. So catchy... It'll haunt me forever.

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