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Chrono Trigger: Chrono Symphonic - History

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Excuse my ignorance, but









PLBenjaminZ (Ben, for short)




Russell Cox "

mv = McVaffe or someone else? I am lost~


Claado's probably going to kill me for this, but I haven't been able to keep track of each and every WIP, with all the posting around VGMix and OCReMix's WIP boards. Can you guys point me to your latest WIPs so I can archive them? Thanks.


Please post how you did that Zealty.

By the way I finally finished the banner, here it is in all of its glory. (Unless someone has a great idea to make it better)

Sorry it took so long, but I was being very anal about which font to pick.



As for the banner, I'd prefer something that looks less obnoxious while orchestrally oriented and simplistic. For example an angled view of a grandfather clock in the shadows, with a white, crisp, plain, and bold times new roman carrying the title.

Can you say exactly what you dont like about it? I dont mind the critisicm(sp?) but what you said is hard to improve on. If no one like this one, I could make another one, but Claado liked the idea I had for it. But either way I'll wait for more people to comment before doing anything more.


As for the banner, I'd prefer something that looks less obnoxious while orchestrally oriented and simplistic. For example an angled view of a grandfather clock in the shadows, with a white, crisp, plain, and bold times new roman carrying the title.

Can you say exactly what you dont like about it? I dont mind the critisicm(sp?) but what you said is hard to improve on. If no one like this one, I could make another one, but Claado liked the idea I had for it. But either way I'll wait for more people to comment before doing anything more.

Just the firey text and the sprites. Personal opinion: I wouldn't really prefer sprites on an orchestral CD's cover, because I feel it takes away from the feel of professionalism.


In general I think a minimalist approach might be best. For example, the Kong in Koncert thing? Simple banana peel on reflective surface. Basic and straighforward. I don't want to get too deeply involved in this side of things, just offering two cents. Disregard if you like.


Just as a neat bit of information, Singing Mountain's background has been revealed by Yasunori Mitsuda (in English). Though it was previously available on Procyon-Studio's Q&A page in Japanese, it's finally been translated.

Yasunori Mitsuda was asked about the song's original intent at [http://www.procyon-studio.com/special/qa_2003b.html Procyon-Studio]; the question and response:

(This is slightly paraphrased because the Japanese is a little more redundant than is grammatically acceptable in English.)

クロノ・トリガー未収録曲[歌う山]ですが、あの曲がゲームの中に入っていないのがとても残念です。多分あの曲はク○ノが死んだ後のイベント死の山でしたっけか? ク○ノを復活させる為の山に挿入予定だったのでしょ? なんで没になったのでしょうか? とても良い曲なのに (生楽器生声で一度聞いてみたい)。それと[カエルのテーマ]もゲームでは前奏が入っていなくてCDでは入っている。どうしてゲームでは前奏を入れるのをやめてCDでは、入っているのでしょうか?

About the not-yet-recorded Chrono Trigger song "Singing Mountain", it's really too bad it didn't make it into the game. Was the song for an event at Death Mountain after Crono dies? Was it planned to insert the song when going to the mountain to revive Crono? Why was it rejected? It's a very good song (I'd really love to hear it with live instruments and vocals). Also, the prelude to Frog's Theme wasn't included, but it was on the CD. Why was it in the CD, but not in the game?



(From Mitsuda himself)

There was a dungeon where that song was used, but because the dungeon didn't contain much and there were no problems or anything that advanced the game, it was cut. So inevitably the song was cut with it (*sniffle*). About Frog's Theme, because the prelude was meant to rise up during an event, the song starts out partway through, but since we took great pains with the CD it started from the prelude there.

''Thanks to JLukas for finding this and Arc Impulse for translating it.''

More info: http://www.chronocompendium.com/Term/Singing_Mountain_(CTP)


As for the banner, I'd prefer something that looks less obnoxious while orchestrally oriented and simplistic. For example an angled view of a grandfather clock in the shadows, with a white, crisp, plain, and bold times new roman carrying the title.

Can you say exactly what you dont like about it? I dont mind the critisicm(sp?) but what you said is hard to improve on. If no one like this one, I could make another one, but Claado liked the idea I had for it. But either way I'll wait for more people to comment before doing anything more.

Just the firey text and the sprites. Personal opinion: I wouldn't really prefer sprites on an orchestral CD's cover, because I feel it takes away from the feel of professionalism.

This isn't for the CD cover for what I know. This is just a banner for people what want to promote the thread in thier signature. Well at lest that is the impression that I am under.

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