Global-Trance Posted March 29, 2005 Posted March 29, 2005 OK well I saw everyone else having photoshop fun so I decided to have some fun of my own. Its very early WIP, but let me know what you think. The capital R out of nowhere I think should be lowercase... also... anti-alias your text a bit... smooth it out and it'll look nicer. Digging the Japan thing in the background.
CapnHulk Posted March 29, 2005 Posted March 29, 2005 It's an odd theme if you ask me. Plus it clashes too much for my liking.
Claado Shou Posted March 29, 2005 Author Posted March 29, 2005 Updated the logo. I like this one better than that scribble writing one. And I prefer having it in the middle of the scene. THAT is amazing cover art. The other one was a good track listing cover, but this one deserves to be on the front of an album. I'm thinking this is all too good to have one selection...perhaps we can have multiple choices for download (a la Hedgehog Heaven)?
Eon_Blue Posted March 29, 2005 Posted March 29, 2005 THAT is amazing cover art. The other one was a good track listing cover, but this one deserves to be on the front of an album.I'm thinking this is all too good to have one selection...perhaps we can have multiple choices for download (a la Hedgehog Heaven)? Awesome. I'd like to fix up the starfield a little bit - I'm pleased with the way it turned out, but it looks to be the least realistic. That, and the shading of the planet. Fortunately, I've still got the source images for it, I can pretty much mess around with it all I want. Hell, or even start from scratch again. I'm still kicking myself in the ass for not jumping on this boat much sooner. I've been busy as hell with work - I likely could have had something done before now, had I gotten into it earlier. Obviously. Still, anyone have any suggestions for it?
Burger Deluxe Posted March 30, 2005 Posted March 30, 2005 DANG. Now that's just jaw-dropping. That earth looks incredible. Excellent concept. I'd hate to nitpick on anything, seeing as the best thing I can draw is in the stick figure realm. But, I think this piece, although it looks awesome, is a little linear? Kinda looks a little 2 dimensional, at least as to how outer space is concerned. Im no artist by any means, but try spacing out the stars a little bit, just kinda seems a jumble to me. Maybe might help with creating a little more depth, too. Maybe adding colors to the stars, too, there are red and blue stars as well. Also, never hurts to move the title off center, too...but, that's just me talking, I dunno if that would throw it off or anything.
Blake Posted March 30, 2005 Posted March 30, 2005 Awesome ArtDANG. Now that's just jaw-dropping. That earth looks incredible. Excellent concept. I'd hate to nitpick on anything, seeing as the best thing I can draw is in the stick figure realm. But, I think this piece, although it looks awesome, is a little linear? Kinda looks a little 2 dimensional, at least as to how outer space is concerned. Im no artist by any means, but try spacing out the stars a little bit, just kinda seems a jumble to me. Maybe might help with creating a little more depth, too. Maybe adding colors to the stars, too, there are red and blue stars as well. Also, never hurts to move the title off center, too...but, that's just me talking, I dunno if that would throw it off or anything. I agree on the color part. Some red blue and maybe even orangeness would really make the cover look more awesome.
jonnydingleburg Posted March 30, 2005 Posted March 30, 2005 you guys need a REAL life go outside or something theres other things you know
Blake Posted March 30, 2005 Posted March 30, 2005 you guys need a REAL life go outside or something theres other things you know I can't go outside right now, because it'd be dark and I'd be all alone doing nothing while my friends are busy doing homework or playing video games inside where there is light. I should get on my homework.
Zeality Posted March 30, 2005 Posted March 30, 2005 Here's the touched up official art. In one stroke, the Compendium just owned the official art sections of every other Chrono site in existence. CuteLucca scans, Aitrus photoshopping. Feel free to use this in layouts and stuff. Edit: If there be disbelievers: The NPCs are the juicy ones. Other stuff is in here:
Burger Deluxe Posted March 30, 2005 Posted March 30, 2005 ...okay, blame my inability to see the obvious...but, where can i get my hands on that script? this thing has really whet my appetite. too bad I, like so many others, can only sit and watch as this monument gets set up....
Claado Shou Posted March 30, 2005 Author Posted March 30, 2005 Go to the filehost ( and click on the "Project Files" folder. It'll be in there under the label "CT Movie Script", along with the script outline (if you care for a shorter version). Sorry I haven't gotten around to doing edits - this weekend (especially) and the next one will be rather free, so I'll be able to get some stuff done. Hopefully. Also, I'll sign you up, FM. Thanks again for accepting my offer to join - I'll send you your script portion as soon as I can. ~.C.S.~
Tascar Posted March 30, 2005 Posted March 30, 2005 Claado Shou, reading this thread, reading your script, and listening to the current music brings back memories of the old days when I was working to write a script for Final Fantasy 6 and Chrono Cross. Best of luck.
Eon_Blue Posted April 1, 2005 Posted April 1, 2005 Edited with GT's suggestions. Try centering the text within the clock - pretty much everything else draws your eye to the center (the circle, the white space), but then the text is off to the side. Worked wonders on mine. I'm no art guru, but just give it a shot.
sephfire Posted April 1, 2005 Posted April 1, 2005 So ... will EA be funding this project now or just shut us down? Maybe we should promise to put Madden in the cover art somewhere just in case.
Claado Shou Posted April 2, 2005 Author Posted April 2, 2005 Yeah...aside from that whole EA Remix thing... We're still waiting for a few pieces to fall into place before announcing any work on vocals, but rest assured that very soon there will be something interesting to put forth. Additionally, it's come to my attention that a good chunk of the mixers on this project - oh, around half of them - haven't responded to my message, and haven't checked in on the thread. Several haven't even finished the pieces they began, which are now rather ingrained as being part of the project lineup. So, I wanted to ask for some suggestions on a few potential options: 1) let the mixers get here on their own free time; 2) set a deadline for response/progress and then kick off those mixers that refuse to meet it; or 3) just chuck those pieces that haven't been worked on in a while and get new people with a fresh desire to make music take their places. I'm personally looking at option #2, for a basis. Let me know what you think, everyone...this affects us all. ~.C.S.~
Being Posted April 2, 2005 Posted April 2, 2005 prolly #2. I've been ecstatic over this project, and it just hasn't been going over now. However, if in #2 you mean to just kick off the mixers and take away their remixes, it will make the project short as hell. So, other people who would do it and set a DEADLINE!
Sinewav Posted April 2, 2005 Posted April 2, 2005 I like #2. Make it a deadline a while from now though. A lot of the mixers are probably busy with real-life deadlines, since it's nearing the end of the school year. I imagine that's why the project isn't seeing much progress right now. Best of luck to you guys.
Kanjika Posted April 2, 2005 Posted April 2, 2005 I like #2. Make it a deadline a while from now though. A lot of the mixers are probably busy with real-life deadlines, since it's nearing the end of the school year. I imagine that's why the project isn't seeing much progress right now. Best of luck to you guys. yes...ive been busy and it might be awhile before my remix is done.
Eon_Blue Posted April 3, 2005 Posted April 3, 2005 Is there a possibility of this getting into the site projects forum? 1. In order to get into site projects forum (become a site project) a. You must already be an established project. You must have your people. You must have your means. You must have your goals established. b. But most of all, you must prove to a site projects mod that your project has what it takes. You have to convince us that your project has potential, that its not some harebrained half-hearted attempt at popularity and that you aren't some kinda ..non... realistic.. type.. person thing. c. You must message a site mod. That would be me and Binnie for now. You must compile the aforementioned 1a and 1b into words and tell us why you want the thread and why you think your projects got the right ... what’s that stuff? Ah, yes. Stuff. Let's ignore Protty's half assed attempt at what I'm certain he considers humor, and clarify: Over 50% of the music is finished. All the tracks are accounted for. There are clear, established goals for the project, and the pace is moderate. I'm sure there isn't some Gantt chart somewhere outlining the project, but having half of the music portion done in 5 months is something of an achievement. It's pretty clear that this isn't one of those 'me too' projects that dies within the first week - like that stupid DKC project - where the hell is that crap now, huh? 2. We ain't through yet. Listen up big man. You gotta progress as well. a. After getting on the site projects forum, your project must display reasonable growth and progress. Reasonable is an ambiguous word and will be defined specifically for the needs and situation of your project. b. If your project does not have activity for a unreasonable amount of time, it will be moved back to General discussion where, inevitably, it will be lost in the abyss and fade like soldier in time. c. If your project does in fact succeed (succeed being a reasonable success, yea, theres that word again) then it will remain here and belong to the ages like a great movie and live for all time in the honorable company of the great OCR. So basically, the pace has to be maintained. Has anyone tried submitting this to Prot or Digital_Crapa? At the very least, it'd keep it in an easily accessible area, and possibly in view of a more target audience.
Claado Shou Posted April 3, 2005 Author Posted April 3, 2005 Yes...a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, I submitted the project to Protricity, and he basically laughed it off. However, that was 2004, previous to my two-and-a-half-month hiatus, if you will, when it was still Chronicles of the Tesseract. Well, now it's much bigger, much better, and actually has a website with some cool stuff (check it out if you haven't already), with every song hosted online in a single place. So the chances are good that it will be accepted into the forums...there's just the fact that the website is still under construction. In fact, what I'll be doing this week is scrounging up information on each remixer from their websites, bios, etc. to make it seem more comprehensive. Then, I'll be writing additional descriptions for the remixes themselves, outlining what scene they cover and such. Hopefully by the weekend, we'll have some good stuff to flaunt to Binnie, and then maybe we'll be in business. But for now, we wait... ~.C.S.~
Zeality Posted April 6, 2005 Posted April 6, 2005 Just a bump to note some new COMPENDIUM news BABY Kirite, the joint venture between the legendary Chrono scorer Yasunori Mitsuda and the series visionary Masato Kato, is set for release in May. Keep in mind that it isn't Chrono series related. It may seem familiar, as Mitsuda announced it in an interview back in January when he also noted that a Chrono Cross Arranged Version is on the way in July. Accordingly, he's set up a site for Kirite on his procyon-studio page: It's in Japanese, so I still have no idea what Kirite is. It is also up for preording from CDJapan. I think I'll buy one for scanning purposes and later, translation. seems to be more than capable of shipping to the United States. You can pre-order Kirite at:,mint,simple)/detailview.html?KEY=SBPS-8 Thanks to SleazyC for the links.
Tascar Posted April 6, 2005 Posted April 6, 2005 It would be interesting to see if an equivalent Chrono Cross project ever comes to light. Surely there is enough material in that game to create a great script and awesome remixes.
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