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Chrono Trigger: Chrono Symphonic - History

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Well, i've scrapped Frog's intervention, and started over again. I hope you enjoy this different take, the piano part is the same as before, but everything else has changed. I tried to give it a more sinister/battle feel. It'll get more heroic later on :) I'm going to try and use a bit of leitmotif kind of like in my schala piece, making use of different themes etc.

Enjoy! oh yeah,and the 1 minute of silence at the beginning :(


Its called 'Frogs Theme -Chrono Trigger OST' halfway down the page.


Man, both of your Frog songs are great. Do you still have anything left of the previous one? Would you consider releasing both tracks and having one as a bonus alternate track?


Hey. I posted this in the ArtRage thread, but I thought you might be interested just to see this too. I was messing around with your cover art and this is what I finally got. Enjoy.



The trumpet triplets from around 3:00 to the end are too soft. I really wish I could hear more of the trumpets getting the main tune around 3:20. I don't like the switch to different instruments at 3:31, it should stay strong with the trumpets in my opinion. But its still a really good song.


Yeah, I'm getting concerned. I haven't seen Claado on AIM lately. As an absolute last resort, I can commandeer the project, but I'm still unsure of my ability to solicit remixers.

Funny that I've known Eon_Blue on the net since 1998, though we didn't know it from 1999 to 2005. Ah, back on those ITW boards...


In amazing coincidence, Claado just contacted me on AIM. A lot of crap has been going on, but he's going to try and make an effort to be present tomorrow and throughout next week. I'm still offering my services if further leave is required.


This is it, people...despite some personal issues and some late nights thinking, not working towards the ultimate goal, the project has bounced back. We're on our feet again, chugging onward. Music is coming our way in so many fashions I can't even begin to describe my excitement.

Let me just say this: WE'RE A SITE PROJECT!!!!!

But don't go getting all misbehaved on me...we're still looking at our larger picture here, which is completion of the project. And with this new boost of energy, let's try and make it last as long as possible. Some things to expect in the next few days:

1) custom lyrics written by me, translated to Japanese by Evilhead, and sung by pixietricks in two songs on the ST

2) new music by ellywu2, Russell Cox, and DarkeSword (at the least)

3) updates to the site and thread in general

4) a revamping (albeit slight) of our roster, and messages to all of our mixers

This is just a taste, people. It's all coming together, and once Chrono Symphonic is finished...there's no telling what we'll have really accomplished. Let's just enjoy the ride.


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