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Chrono Trigger: Chrono Symphonic - History

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BTW, when is your site going to be fully operational? And what all will it be? It looks pretty cool, what with the floating icons and all. :)


stuck on dialup right now, unfortunately. it's very detrimental to my efficiency in most internet-related matters. things will pick up when I move closer to a major city.


In any case, what I think you were trying to get at there was breath support. It's actually much *harder* for me to sing in this sort of style as opposed to classical. I have to make my voice airy-er and sing on straight tone. Without the vibrato, I lose a lot of support.

Yes! Breath support was exactly what I was talking about. I said to sing using your stomach to indicate that using it would allow the vibrations to come into your lungs and give your voice a fuller, rounder tone without the use of vibrato. It was more or less a layman's term that I used, not knowing your experience with singing.

Now, I don't claim to be a vocal instructor, but I do know a few things from spending time with the professors at the institutions I've attended. My limited knowledge of the instrument has helped more than a few vocalists, but having heard your performances from the site you pointed me to (I enjoyed your performance of Handel's "Bel Piacere", very nice) I now see that you are certainly not in need of my rather rudimentary vocal instruction. :wink:

PS: I must also say that it's refreshing to hear a classical vocalist who does not make the mistake (or 'stylistic decision', as some say) of applying a ridiculous amount of vibrato to each and every note to achieve a 'large' tone by superficial means.

PS: I must also say that it's refreshing to hear a classical vocalist who does not make the mistake (or 'stylistic decision', as some say) of applying a ridiculous amount of vibrato to each and every note to achieve a 'large' tone by superficial means.

Hehehee... Yeah, I really don't like that kind of voice. Vibrato should carry the pitch and spin it out into the space you're singing in, not *distort* the pitch. Some people have such wide vibrato that you aren't even sure what note they're singing. But I don't mind meatier voices, as long as they are even and clear. I'm a coloratura, so my voice happens to be somewhat lighter.


I would have to second that sometimes the vocals in "To Far Away Times" clashes with the excellent piano. Without the lyrics, I have sometime guessing the exact word. Not that it sounds bad, just, er, quite hard to make out.

I would have to second that sometimes the vocals in "To Far Away Times" clashes with the excellent piano. Without the lyrics, I have sometime guessing the exact word. Not that it sounds bad, just, er, quite hard to make out.

I guess you didn't read above. I'm going to fix the levels so you can hear the vocals better. Check back in a few days! :wink:


Well, everything seems to be going nicely. Everything is in place...

I'm going to be away from my normal computer for a while (2, close to 3 weeks) so I won't have the option of using AIM anymore, which means that any files that need to be transferred or whatnot will have to be done through e-mail. If you have something to send me, send it to claadoshou@yahoo.com and I'll get it. Or if it's an image or a VGMix WIP, you can just post it in here. That'll be cool too.

Anyway, I'm on leave for the moment, but I will be checking in hopefully every night, so...ciao for now.


I would have to second that sometimes the vocals in "To Far Away Times" clashes with the excellent piano. Without the lyrics, I have sometime guessing the exact word. Not that it sounds bad, just, er, quite hard to make out.

I guess you didn't read above. I'm going to fix the levels so you can hear the vocals better. Check back in a few days! :wink:

Oops, yeah, I was doubly concerned. And so that what you meant by tweaking the levels. Don't really understand all the jargons :-)

Anyway, I have high hopes for this project! Keep up the good way! (And here's hoping my encouragement actually worths something!)

AAAAAALLLLLLLSSSSSSSOOOOOOOO...I'm thinking it would be best to only have one set of pictures for the CD art and CDs themselves, so I've put together what seems like a good setup.

CD Cover: Eon_Blue's Lavos picture with the logo in the center

CD Back: Kanjika's picture with the stopwatch on the table

CD Insert: Kanjika's picture with Frog and Crono in the rain

Now I just need some art for the first and second CDs, preferably something simple that just identifies the CDs as being Chrono Symphonic. Anything cool and aesthetically pleasing. Just post your stuff here, if you have any.


Hi. Nobody knows me here, I've just heard about your project and thought I might stop by and try to make some art. Here's something for the first CD (the original drawing comes from Missing Piece) :


I could have put the track names at the bottom left of the pic, but I don't know what's supposed to be on the disc 1...

AAAAAALLLLLLLSSSSSSSOOOOOOOO...I'm thinking it would be best to only have one set of pictures for the CD art and CDs themselves, so I've put together what seems like a good setup.

CD Cover: Eon_Blue's Lavos picture with the logo in the center

CD Back: Kanjika's picture with the stopwatch on the table

CD Insert: Kanjika's picture with Frog and Crono in the rain

Now I just need some art for the first and second CDs, preferably something simple that just identifies the CDs as being Chrono Symphonic. Anything cool and aesthetically pleasing. Just post your stuff here, if you have any.


Hi. Nobody knows me here, I've just heard about your project and thought I might stop by and try to make some art. Here's something for the first CD (the original drawing comes from Missing Piece) :


I could have put the track names at the bottom left of the pic, but I don't know what's supposed to be on the disc 1...

Well, that is definitely cool and aesthetically pleasing. Very nice indeed. And don't worry about having song names and all, that can be added later when we have everything complete.

Since the first disc is red and all, if you're designing the second one as well, could you please make it blue or green, to have an identifiable difference between the two? That would be really cool.

And as for PLBenjaminZ and his song, it's nice that you keep working on Denadoro Climb, but what about the Lavos battle? That song is already kickass, and now all you have to do is finish it.

BTW, the song is nice.



Sorry... It's just that I've been working almost every night for the past two months, and I got all this school stuff to worry about too. I just happened to find myself with twenty minutes spare time to mess around with last night, and decided to work on the Wind Scene one because I could finish it in just twenty minutes.

Luckily for me, school's going to end in like three weeks, and I'm thinking about quitting my job (working at the movies sucks :( Hi! How can I help you? You'd like a medium popcorn? Are you sure you wouldn't like a large popcorn? It's only 510 dollars more and you get free refills with it! Sure no problem! Would you like butter with that? In the middle and on top? Here you go! Would you like anything else so I can attempt to upsell that too despite the outrageous prices and smile while I try to rip you off? Hey, I just work here. :( ), so that'll free up a lot of my time. :P

I'm working on the Lavo's one too, but I don't plan on posting it until I at least complete the time constraint. There are so many things I want to do with it, but I can't encorporate all the ideas into whatever the time constraint was... I'll definitely get around to finishing it in the not-so-distant future. Again, sorry for the delay.


Oh, that's quite alright. I'm still expecting a month, two months, or more of getting songs together, so don't worry about it too much. Just GET IT DONE. :D

Also, I just had a great idea, Flame Stealer. For the second CD, use the same image as the one for the first, but flip it around so it's a mirror-image of the other, invert the color (green and white), and then place the title on it as a mirror-image of the other (one is aligned to the left, the other would be aligned to the right, etc.) That would be awesome, dude. Thanks.

BTW, you said you had just heard about the project...from where? Just wanna see who's mentioning us, you know...gauge our popularity somewhat. :)


PS: I must also say that it's refreshing to hear a classical vocalist who does not make the mistake (or 'stylistic decision', as some say) of applying a ridiculous amount of vibrato to each and every note to achieve a 'large' tone by superficial means.

Hehehee... Yeah, I really don't like that kind of voice. Vibrato should carry the pitch and spin it out into the space you're singing in, not *distort* the pitch. Some people have such wide vibrato that you aren't even sure what note they're singing. But I don't mind meatier voices, as long as they are even and clear. I'm a coloratura, so my voice happens to be somewhat lighter.

Just noting my approval of this well. I feel a little more respect for singers when I hear a loud, long note busted out smooth and nice.


First of all, well done for shaping this project up over the past year-ish or so. I've got keen interest in seeing what will come out of it, especially with the slew of mixers on board. :) I wish all mixers the best of luck with what they do.

Also, you think it's right that I drop some light critique for Ben's track here before it gets uploaded? Or is he unable to access it again?

Speaking of critique, I hope to offer some last minute pointers to some of the tracks in the making if needed. Yes, I know i'm meant to be doing that sort of thing at VGMix, but from what i heard from a few people I know, OCR needs me more than them.

Again, best of luck for getting the project secured :D


I've just sent out the round of interview questions for the Chrono Symphonic extravaganza. sephfire's already answered, so this is kicking off with a big bang! If you're on the project and you didn't receive something, let me know, because I tried to use e-mails over PMing.


Sorry to come jumping in at such a late hour, but if you haven't decided on CD art, I'd like to submit one. I'm in the middle of working on the art for Disc 2. Just let me know if I should try and finish them up. Any and all criticism would be welcome.


It's sort of big, so I decided to post the URL instead of the picture itself. If this is already covered, feel free to let me know.


Hmm...I dunno...I like Flame Stealer's color scheme and all, but I also like your pic of Crono and the title "Disc the First". Cute.

Is there any chance, LatentSanity, that you could take your picture of Crono and fade it into Flame Stealer's disc design? And Flame Stealer, is there any chance you could change the words on your CD design from "Disc 1" to "Disc the First"? That would be friggin' sweet.

And then, we can get together again for Disc the Second a little later. Ya know, a little party and all, some cheese cubes, wine, the works. Not really. :)

Nice woyk, HOWEVER.


*crawls out from under a boulder* Well... school is wrapping up... and new Photoshop and a new hard drive... Mind if I jump in as usual?





It's kind of hard to start doing edits, as I don't have access to the .psd that Flame Stealer was working off of. Once "Disc the First" is accomplished, I can try to work in a fade of Crono's head. The original relied on the orange background, but I can do something with the Leene Square motif. I was actually thinking something along the lines of what you were with the color change from disc to disc. My original "Disc the Second" design was close to the first, but blue-green with a fade of Marle on the left side of the disc. I'll try and get that finished too, as well as find time to work on the design you were talking about.

Once school is over, (5-days-ish) I'll probably get a bit more done.

Glad I could help out in some way, and I'm looking forward to the final project in the long run, (as well as seeing what Global-Trance has in mind in the short run). It'll be exciting, I'm sure.


Okay, answers are coming in nicely and I'll make a checklist soon. We can set up a portion of the site for the look back, and this stuff's going on the Compendium as a major, singular feature anyway. Each interview will take up a story page, and they'll all be accessible from the main table of contents.

What I need, however...

I've successfully built the center of the Chrono community outside Gamefaqs. However, Chrono Symphonic is huge and I would rather not be limited to posting this feature and news at the few small boards left out there. I need links and suggestions for other forums or sites I can submit it to for plugging/display; anything general gaming or RPG where Chrono fans should hang out would be fine, like a Tales of Symphonia forum or something. Here's what I have so far:

Krono Krap




http://icybrian.com/forum/index.php?showforum=2 (Keep forgetting this exists)














Square forums or RPG stuff is encouraged. If you visit a community you think would accept it, post it up.

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