Zeality Posted August 19, 2005 Posted August 19, 2005 Is there any way to plop this in Mitsuda's mailbox?
Compyfox Posted August 19, 2005 Posted August 19, 2005 Flac is not just compression, there's still loss involved. I could ask everyone for packing the files as RAR though, in this case the raw tracks are shrinked (settings: Compression - Best, Recovery Record -- results usually in a shrink of 50-70% to it's original filesize) and still in it's original state. Any feedback on that "master reverb with convolutiion and designed halls"? I'm just curious.
TrueLugia121 Posted August 19, 2005 Posted August 19, 2005 well technically speaking yeah you can have a lossy compression on music but that audio file's still gonna be played smoothly like it's been played on CD, or so that's what i think. and about the project who's gonna create the video fer Chrono Symphony?
Claado Shou Posted August 19, 2005 Author Posted August 19, 2005 *ignored audio debate* Anyway, I take the remixer silence in this thread to mean you're hard at work on your songs. Because TONIGHT IS THE DEADLINE. Hand in a finished arrangement/song OR ELSE. Seriously, though, you will not be allowed to keep your tracks if they're not very very very very near to completion, as can be heard by myself. We can't waste any more time. Foot = down on my part. So get moving. ~.C.S.~
Claado Shou Posted August 20, 2005 Author Posted August 20, 2005 Well...yeah. Whatever. I really don't like the tone going on with this debate, so I have to say that any further posts on the topic will be deleted. I don't want the thread to become a playground for your respective egos (whether defending or attacking, the latter on Grey Ninja's part) so just let it drop. Compyfox is the project master(er) and he's calling the shots on audio quality. So no offense Grey Ninja, but be quiet. Anyway, as for tracks...they're filtering in, slowly but surely. At least, updates on them. This is serious, people. Please please please please do your best to make this happen. And if there is no music to be had, PM ME ANYWAY. We'll work it out...hopefully. ~.C.S.~
FM Posted August 20, 2005 Posted August 20, 2005 well, I was counting on a thing I needed for production to be shipped by the 11th, and it still hasn't arrived (I've contacted the people, and they assure me it's on the way, just a misunderstanding or something), so yeah, here I am, deadline and all with nothing. But like I've said earlier, the song's completley finished, production's pretty close, just waiting on what I need. Sorry for the inconvience, I'll have it ASAP. actually, if you want the opening section today, which is just strings, let me know, and I can do that, but unless it's really neccesary, it'd be more convenient just to submit it a few days late.
Eon_Blue Posted August 20, 2005 Posted August 20, 2005 A few minor changes over the last version - namely, it's much, MUCH bigger on my end, so I can get out a 1000x1000 300 dpi version of it - which should be decent for printing up as a cover. Otherwise, just cosmetic stuff. Added a little green to the planet, fixed some of the star field - gave the clouds a little more definition... extended lavos' comet tail a little bit. I definitely prefer this title over the last one (the handwritten stuff along the bottom), and I like how the crescent shape is divided in half by the curvature of the planet itself. Works well, I think. Comments appreciated.
Claado Shou Posted August 20, 2005 Author Posted August 20, 2005 Posts related to the mastering topic are being deleted after I'm done writing this. Just so you know. FM, get me what you can of the song right now (meaning the little bit you have) and then do the rest whenever you have the chance. It's imperative, yo. Eon_Blue, it's awesome, dude. Great stuff. I love it. ~.C.S.~
Compyfox Posted August 20, 2005 Posted August 20, 2005 One thing from my side. I'm getting PMs already with infos to the raw files. Which is a nice thing, but... Please send the WIPs to Claado first, I get in touch with him to listen to the files, then we decide what could be "fixed" and get back to you (PM or AIM if we know it), you fix the stuff then I ask for the files for mastering. Thanks.
EvilHorde Posted August 20, 2005 Posted August 20, 2005 Oh man, a trailer for a project like this is such a great idea! Too bad we didn´t come up with it / rip it off in the DSOP-project. Would´ve been so cool. Well, anyway, best of luck to you with the project. If its anything similar to the material in the trailer this is gonna be a bomb.
Eon_Blue Posted August 20, 2005 Posted August 20, 2005 http://www.therighteous.net/eon/cscover.jpg Made a few changes, but saved over the old version - didn't want to post the image twice - either click the link, or the linked cover above should also have the changes. Just minor stuff - sharpened up the planet, some fixed colors, etc.
Compyfox Posted August 20, 2005 Posted August 20, 2005 Just a minor thing, but can we ask for a DVD cover (front and back)? It caused quite a stir as the DOOM project didn't have one. Kthnx.
Claado Shou Posted August 21, 2005 Author Posted August 21, 2005 All the project/cover art (including CD labels) is already done. So it's not a big deal, really.
Compyfox Posted August 21, 2005 Posted August 21, 2005 Well not for me, but for those who want DVD covers (see the Doom Desktop fun thread in GD). I'd also see this as "Wallpaper" for my PC - okay I should better stop now. XD
Ab56 v2 aka Ash Posted August 22, 2005 Posted August 22, 2005 Eon_Blue that is so sweet. Could you put up a wallpaper version, by chance?
Eon_Blue Posted August 22, 2005 Posted August 22, 2005 Eon_Blue that is so sweet. Could you put up a wallpaper version, by chance? Probably. With or without title, and what size? I can only so so large, as the original is only 1000x1000. Resizing won't hurt it too much though.
Compyfox Posted August 22, 2005 Posted August 22, 2005 as long as it's at least 1024x768, it's cool for me. Though a bigger version would rock for higher screen resolutions (like 17" LCDs)
Antipode Posted August 22, 2005 Posted August 22, 2005 Also, it might be cool to remove the border line in the image so it would work as a wallpaper.
Eon_Blue Posted August 22, 2005 Posted August 22, 2005 1024 x 768 looks fine - it's only 24 pixels wider than the original image. Title or no title - or maybe title in the bottom right corner, smaller than the one on the album cover? I could do a couple different versions, I suppose. Also, keep in mind that this isn't the official artwork - not sure who's putting that one together.
Compyfox Posted August 23, 2005 Posted August 23, 2005 I always saw "this" as official artwork. IMO the best cover out there. But that's just me. Don't mind me, I'm not there.
Jillian Aversa Posted August 23, 2005 Posted August 23, 2005 I think the cover art that's been produced is great, particularly Eon Blue's. But so far I haven't found any of the inside CD art very professional looking, to be honest. Maybe Eon Blue could create something to match his stuff? By the way, Claado, I'm gonna be rerecording a tiny segment in To Far Away Times within the next couple days, because we noticed some clipping. But you'll get it soon!
grey_the_angel Posted August 23, 2005 Posted August 23, 2005 I always find it kinda sad they never seen to include cross when saying chrono. personally, I think cross did better than trigger ever did.
DarkeSword Posted August 23, 2005 Posted August 23, 2005 I always find it kinda sad they never seen to include cross when saying chrono. personally, I think cross did better than trigger ever did. What does this have to do with Chrono Symphonic?
Claado Shou Posted August 23, 2005 Author Posted August 23, 2005 I always find it kinda sad they never seen to include cross when saying chrono. personally, I think cross did better than trigger ever did. What does this have to do with Chrono Symphonic? Exactly what I thought. Please don't troll, Mr. Grey. Anyway...haven't posted recently, it's okay. Here's the rundown... 20 of the 25 songs for the project are done. Two more are on their way (they have WIPS ready) and one is almost complete. The last two are in good hands, so they should be in shortly. Honestly, I think we could have all the music done by the end of the month (maybe a week or two into it, who knows?) but I think chances of Chrono Symphonic being released on time are high. NOW...I have a few things I need to put out... Eon_Blue's picture is the planned front cover. If you'll look in the Project Art folder online (http://symphonic.herograw.com/CDArt/) you'll find the following pictures: -Kanjika's picture of the clockwatch (planned back cover) -Kanjika's picture of Crono and Frog in the rain (planned inside cover) -FlameStealer's CD labels (planned CD labels) I like that lineup...it'll likely make for an outstanding printed product. Problem is, I'm not good with Photoshop or Paint. In fact, I downright SUCK. So I want to inquire about somebody being able to put those images to the correct size and shape, ready for printing, looking good, etc. This is important. If we want a nice-looking project, we need to have nice-looking labels. So please, I implore somebody with mad Photoshopping skeelz to do this. PM me or whatever, but I really need that done. You will be noted and such for preparation, so...yeah. Please volunteer. Thank you. ~.C.S.~
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