Electronic Samurai Posted October 5, 2005 Posted October 5, 2005 What's the difference between the thin and thick cases? If it's only the depth of the case, the edges of the back insert could be cropped off... I imagine that'd work. As far as I've seen, the thin cases have no sidings and just a front and inset cover (no back). I think they're also slightly smaller length- and height-wise, although I don't have a larger case to compare it with. What I'm mostly worried about is losing information or artwork if I don't use the back cover, or if I replace the inset with the back (as often do when buring with a thin case). Do you have the tracklist on the back or on the inset?
Eon_Blue Posted October 5, 2005 Posted October 5, 2005 What's the difference between the thin and thick cases? If it's only the depth of the case, the edges of the back insert could be cropped off... I imagine that'd work. As far as I've seen, the thin cases have no sidings and just a front and inset cover (no back). I think they're also slightly smaller length- and height-wise, although I don't have a larger case to compare it with. What I'm mostly worried about is losing information or artwork if I don't use the back cover, or if I replace the inset with the back (as often do when buring with a thin case). Do you have the tracklist on the back or on the inset? Back. The inset will contain info, special thanks, etc. I could easily make a version where the inset cover has the information of the back... or you could just cut and paste the image...
Compyfox Posted October 5, 2005 Posted October 5, 2005 As far as I've seen, the thin cases have no sidings and just a front and inset cover (no back). I think they're also slightly smaller length- and height-wise, although I don't have a larger case to compare it with. Slim Cases are as big as regular CD cases, but only half a s thick and can only hold 1 CD. Do you have the tracklist on the back or on the inset? So far it's on the backside unless Eon does something else. One thing that eludes me though... it's a planend 2CD release... why do you want to have it in a slim case? I mean... if you buy professional soundtracks, are they in a slim case too? Especially double CD releases? I guess not. And what if it'll be a 3CD release (like the ToP/ToD project is aiming at), will you go with slim cases too? I just don't get the point here.
KyleJCrb Posted October 6, 2005 Posted October 6, 2005 One thing that eludes me though... it's a planend 2CD release... why do you want to have it in a slim case? I mean... if you buy professional soundtracks, are they in a slim case too? Especially double CD releases? I guess not. And what if it'll be a 3CD release (like the ToP/ToD project is aiming at), will you go with slim cases too? 4, actually. And we thought about including something from ToD, but decided against it. I believe you meant ToS.
Eon_Blue Posted October 6, 2005 Posted October 6, 2005 As far as I've seen, the thin cases have no sidings and just a front and inset cover (no back). I think they're also slightly smaller length- and height-wise, although I don't have a larger case to compare it with. Slim Cases are as big as regular CD cases, but only half a s thick and can only hold 1 CD. Do you have the tracklist on the back or on the inset? So far it's on the backside unless Eon does something else. One thing that eludes me though... it's a planend 2CD release... why do you want to have it in a slim case? I mean... if you buy professional soundtracks, are they in a slim case too? Especially double CD releases? I guess not. And what if it'll be a 3CD release (like the ToP/ToD project is aiming at), will you go with slim cases too? I just don't get the point here. For any three disc project, it'd be REALLY cool to do three seperate covers, and then have some sort of cardboard case for all three. That ventures into actual manufacturing, rather than just printing off a few pages... But still, to be able to manufacture maybe 100 of these, and sell them on the site. That'd be pretty awesome.
PLBenjaminZ Posted October 6, 2005 Posted October 6, 2005 um yay I finally got a hold of all my remixing files... too bad it's too late to really matter now lol... oh well sorry for the trouble everyone.
Claado Shou Posted October 6, 2005 Author Posted October 6, 2005 Damn...my intarnet goes out for a little while and the thread gets swamped with posts. Good deal. Yeah, everything Compy and the others said. Bongo Bill, I will place you down as a mirror(er) immediately. ThanXX0rz. ~.C.S.~
KyleJCrb Posted October 6, 2005 Posted October 6, 2005 I can mirror 45MB worth of space if needed. Uhhh...how about 45TB? He meant storage space, not transfer. What? You've never heard of a Terrabyte? ?? I don't understand your attempt at humor. Looking back now, I realize that I misread what you wrote, therefore making my attempt at a joke a failure. Oh well. But yes, I upgraded my server space and bandwidth last week, so I'm ready for the release of this!
watkinzez Posted October 6, 2005 Posted October 6, 2005 Just a quick question. Apparently for some songs on the project a length restriction was put upon the remixer (which is why Predetermination was rejected, I think). If there is no actual movie you are scoring to, why was this done?
Navi Posted October 6, 2005 Posted October 6, 2005 Yeahhhhh, I'm still recovering from DSoP BUT i might be able to mirror, so... yeahhh...don't put me down just yet.
Zeality Posted October 6, 2005 Posted October 6, 2005 http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y149/watkinzez/blackbooksocremixhalloween2.jpg That chick in the middle is somewhat hot. Irish, I take it?
watkinzez Posted October 6, 2005 Posted October 6, 2005 http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y149/watkinzez/blackbooksocremixhalloween2.jpgThat chick in the middle is somewhat hot. Irish, I take it? Probably. And I call myself a Black Books fan..
Compyfox Posted October 6, 2005 Posted October 6, 2005 Just a quick question. Apparently for some songs on the project a length restriction was put upon the remixer (which is why Predetermination was rejected, I think). If there is no actual movie you are scoring to, why was this done? Uhm... "Schala and the Queen" is over 6:30min. Predetermination (which is only like 4:20min long) was an audition track and is still in the release. It's more like that the tracks are a bit short rather than long. That's also due to the fact that a lot of mixers simply didn't write more materal because they thought this wasn't necessary. I never heard of a rejection due to songlength to be honest.
watkinzez Posted October 6, 2005 Posted October 6, 2005 Just a quick question. Apparently for some songs on the project a length restriction was put upon the remixer (which is why Predetermination was rejected, I think). If there is no actual movie you are scoring to, why was this done? Uhm... "Schala and the Queen" is over 6:30min. Predetermination (which is only like 4:20min long) was an audition track and is still in the release. It's more like that the tracks are a bit short rather than long. That's also due to the fact that a lot of mixers simply didn't write more materal because they thought this wasn't necessary. I never heard of a rejection due to songlength to be honest. Oh, okay. I was just looking at this and was wondering why (haven't listened to it though, waiting for the release).
Compyfox Posted October 6, 2005 Posted October 6, 2005 I guess that came up due to the post on this page here from Claado: http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=45588&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=45 He had a filming script in mind which later turned out to be a bit "moving away" from the bound film type length. At least in some terms. Claado might go a bit better into that. But if it's really true due to the limitation of the "songlength" that some songs had to be "cut down", that'd be a pity for a handful of tracks. Then again, most of them would be looping over and over (like the SPCs) to get to the point, so yeah. You have to balance that out, which isn't easy either. I can at least say that most of the tracks are over 2:30min. Over 60% to about 70% of the OST have tracks with a length of like 3:00-3:30min avg. to 6:30min (max). Which is still fair in my opinion. And there's also the bonus material.
Claado Shou Posted October 6, 2005 Author Posted October 6, 2005 Yes, every song on the project was supposed to meet a specific time limit for that scene. Remember, there is a script for the movie; the general screenplay convention is 1 page of writing = 1 minute of screen time. So, depending on scene length, estimated times were created. Many songs were off by 15-30 seconds, but it's all good anyway. I'm not as picky now as I used to be. Also, Predetermination was rejected not only for its length but also because it doesn't suit an opening cinematic that well. Inciting Incident did that much better (in my opinion). ~.C.S.~
Jillian Aversa Posted October 7, 2005 Posted October 7, 2005 Hey guys, just wanted to let you know that UnforgivingEdges interviewed me on his radio show (Press Start) yesterday, and I plugged Chrono Symphonic! Have a listen here if you're interested. The part about CS comes in at around 30:24. I sound so lame... But at least it's spreading the word, right?
Claado Shou Posted October 7, 2005 Author Posted October 7, 2005 Shou...it's Claado Shou...there's an "O" in there. But it's all whatever. Nice interview. You don't sound lame at all. In fact, I think you soundin' a-pretty nice. *insert Monty Python-esque French accent above* ~.C.S.~
Russell Cox Posted October 7, 2005 Posted October 7, 2005 21 - Russel Cox - The Chrono Trigger *I hate to tell you what to change, as you have experience in "real orchestration"... but sorry* - Maybe balancing out the dissonances (faggot and brass) around 1:00? The brass drowns here a bit - Around 2:40 the brass either more prominent or less promiment. Sounds a bit strange here *would have loved to hear "Good Friends" at the end of the CD though, but can't be helped, hehe* 1) The muted horns are supposed to cut through everything then fade away; according to the script it's parts of the conversation where Chrono realizes something's not right with his mother. 2) The only brass playing is french horns with a soft sample; they mesh with the Voilas one the same passage. Unless you're talking about the "buzz" sound from the Bassoon section as it gets into the lower register I have no clue what you're referring to. Did you get the .mp3 as Claado said it was lost (I sent an email)? The computer I use for music is put up into storage (hence why I had to back out of the DQ/DW project) so as "assholic" as it sounds I'm afraid you're going to have to take those "as-is".
Zeality Posted October 8, 2005 Posted October 8, 2005 Damn, was I mentioned Anyway, since I'll be handling the Slashdot posting and interviewed the remixers, can I be billed on the Wiki page is publicist or something?
Compyfox Posted October 8, 2005 Posted October 8, 2005 I'd say PM Larry about it. Though you're already there with "Chrono Compendium".
Zeality Posted October 8, 2005 Posted October 8, 2005 What estimate are we looking at, now? If this is private information, someone PM me, at least. I have to decide whether to release a new feature this week at the Compendium, or add it to a list of things to release after Symphonic. Symphonic will eclipse things close to its release, so I'm holding some aces in my sleeve.
Compyfox Posted October 8, 2005 Posted October 8, 2005 Just wrote you a PM about that. We can't make that official to the public yet, unfortunately. Chrono Symphonic will be out, when it's out. You still have to wait, sorry.
sephfire Posted October 8, 2005 Posted October 8, 2005 Hey guys, just wanted to let you know that UnforgivingEdges interviewed me on his radio show (Press Start) yesterday, and I plugged Chrono Symphonic! Have a listen here if you're interested. The part about CS comes in at around 30:24. I sound so lame... But at least it's spreading the word, right? Hey cool! I didn't expect to hear Journey's End plugs! That little surprise made my Friday.
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