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Teh bump. This doesn't need to be deleted. Again.

Also, I use Photobucket simply because I already have an account there. Lazy? I think so.

Announcements never get purged and don't need bumps vsmiley.gif


... I do believe the actual problem with favourite threads is that they are never delt with in that manner. Instead, they become "best ____" thread.

Look at the "All time hardest boss" thread. It is based simply on opinion and it has yet to become a mess of flames and insult. However, favourite threads are approached in the worst way possible.

For example, a bad favourite thread:

Topic: What is your favourite remix?


I think Bad Tuna is the best song on this website. I love it so much, it's my favourite, and it's better than anything else over here. So, who agrees with me?

Example 2, good favourite thread:

Topic: What is your favourite remix?


I have to say, mine is Bad Tuna. It was the first remix I heard and at that moment, I knew I loved the idea of videogame music remixes. Whenever I turn on my Ipod, I go straight for that song, and sometimes I even put it on repeat.

So, what is your favourite remix and why that one in particular? Also, do you do anything special when you listen to it?

See, this is how a favourite thread should be. The same tone should be kept all through the thread. The OP presents why he likes a remix in particular, he never claims it is the best, and he does not expect people to agree with him. You should not argue about opinions.

  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...
lol the other day i saw a "least favorite" thread :D

And it was going along pretty smoothly before the lock.

I think that was mine.

Least favorite level was the topic. I think DarkeSword locked it though.

And it was going smoothly!


Actually I think that it's not implied that a favorite thread always leads to flamewar, and I agree with Youkai's point.

Favorite threads about OC ReMixes should still be avoided, but who cares if we say that we love Marble Garden instead of Green Hill? I think that the Sega guy who drew those levels doesn't care at all :P

  • 1 month later...

I'm surprised that its been two years and no-one has brought up a problem with this rule.

Its a remix site where people aren't allowed to discuss their favourite remixes.

In fact, people aren't allowed to discuss their favourite anything.


Is this the best solution you guys could come up with? Some users behave badly to others... so you ban all such discussion, for everyone.


I'm surprised that its been two years and no-one has brought up a problem with this rule.

Its a remix site where people aren't allowed to discuss their favourite remixes.

In fact, people aren't allowed to discuss their favourite anything.


Is this the best solution you guys could come up with? Some users behave badly to others... so you ban all such discussion, for everyone.


Are you serious?

You can post your comments on what you think on any remix in the reviews section, where that stuff belongs. This thread's statement is saying that people should not make favorite's threads, like say "favorite ff" or "favorite badguy", things that would obviously start a flamewar. Nowhere did it say that you couldn't comment about remixes.....


Nowhere did I say that either. I wrote about people being unable discuss their favourites. I am crystal clear on the thread's topic - people can't make "favourite <anything>" threads. Exactly.

And if people want to talk about their favourite bad guy? Or their favourite remix on OCR?

You asked if I'm serious?

I understand the potential for flamewars, and banning all combustible material does work. Of course it does, its the easiest solution out there. Just outlaw any conversation in any such subject. Brilliant. Its like this topic belongs in PPR - keeping the peace by disallowing positive expression.

Flamewars annoy me too, but it boggles my mind to think that the solution thought up was to ban all the topics that might have a bit more emotion in them. Just keep it numb, yeah? Robust discussion is too much to handle so just do away with it entirely. No more favourites threads.

I can't believe that's the way everyone sees it.


The problem with a LOT of favorites threads is that most posts in them are limited to "<x> is my favorite" and that's it. No discussion, no useful input, and the risk of flamewars because in the end it's all down to opinions. Same goes for those "Who would win in a fight?" threads.

Remix threads are specifically disallowed because of the site's goals and rules. You may have noticed that there's no rating or genre system either.


Defend- OCR has a simple mission- if it's on the site, it's "good". By "good", that means it passed the written (and any unwritten) standards of the site in terms of arrangement, production, etc. (or at least, balances those areas out). There are no 10s or 1s here, no ratings, no "favorites" play lists... just remixes that passed judgment. And really, that's all the OCR higher-ups want it to be from what I've gathered. Of course, that doesn't mean you'll like the genre chosen, or even where the remixer went with it, as that's going to be opinion-based. But favorite "remix/remixer" threads do exactly what this site doesn't... it divides up the remixes into rated groups. If the people running this site don't want this, why would they let the posters do it?

If folks want to break up this site's remixes into personalized "bad" and "good" sections, people can do that on their playlists. If they want to say how much they love a remix or remixer, they're more than able to do so via PM or in the given remix's thread. It's not about keeping people from saying how much they like a tune or person's style, but rather about keeping the site from becoming a mass of threads talking about nothing but.

Plus, one of the things about favorites threads is that frankly, they've been done to death. Unless the topic is about a movie, game or what have you that just came out, the same points come up every single time (and the same insults too). And when you're dealing with OCR remixes and remixers, the same people and songs come up over and over and over. And as somewhat unlikely as it may sound, after a while, these kinds of threads may even lead to people ignoring any remixes that weren't mentioned in any of the "OMG BESTEST" lists... and that pretty much defeats what the whole judging thing's about.

Basically, it keeps the bullshit to a minimum. No one's being silenced, or told to not say what remixes they like. They're just being told to put those comments where they belong. That's all :)

  • 9 months later...
my bad, i guess you could call me a veteran listener but a newbie poster. I didn't realize that there was so much flaming on these boards of our remixing community. I was actually posting that topic in an attempt to find out what other people liked so that just in case there was something i hadnt sampled already, my search for good remixes would be helped along. In any case, I see good reason in disallowing such topics now that I've thought it through more. Thanks for not flaming.

I had a similar question; I wanted recommendations for works to put on a CD as a stocking-stuffer level Christmas gift. The question was vaguely answered by AbyssWyrm, whom I did not recognize as an authority. I was hoping someone might give me a more definitive and specific response. If anyone has any suggestions for framing the request, or can tell me why I should not ask such a thing in this forum, I would appreciate that advice as well.

Thank you.

  • 3 weeks later...
I had a similar question; I wanted recommendations for works to put on a CD as a stocking-stuffer level Christmas gift. The question was vaguely answered by AbyssWyrm, whom I did not recognize as an authority. I was hoping someone might give me a more definitive and specific response. If anyone has any suggestions for framing the request, or can tell me why I should not ask such a thing in this forum, I would appreciate that advice as well.

Thank you.

If this issue's still relevant, one thing you could do is consult the ormgas.com Top 100 list. The official OCR site might not track popularity, but the Ormgas list is as close as you can get to an official favorites list.

  • 1 month later...
  • 7 months later...

Some people might want to make a "my favorite music" thread just because they really want others to know about their musical tastes and just want others to experience songs that they are really passionate about. I always try to promote the music I listen to (look at my sig :P) because I feel like I listen to some of the best music known to man. And I hope to find even better music out there and, quite possibly, create better music.

But I must agree, however, that a "my favorites" thread can lead to pure disaster. I think these are the onle flamewar free forums I have ever seen. Probably well-moderated place.

  • 4 months later...
  • 10 months later...
I just finished a project that I want to get some feedback on. Where do I post this? I'm not sure what WIP is either so if anyone can give me some guidance I'd appreciate it. Thanks! :)

WIP stands for work in progress. If what you made are video game music remixes, you can make a thread in the Workshop Feedback: Remixes forum. If it's original music, or remixes of music from a source other than video games, then you'd make the thread in the Workshop Feedback: Originals/Other forum.

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