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Kudo says no one plays FPS on PC anymore, countered with cold hard numbers.

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You know, there's something to be said for verifying your claims before you make them.

I mean, half of everything for the PC involves first person and shooting in some way. Saying that "nobody plays FPS on PC anymore" is like saying nobody buys autos with the Dodge brand on them.


I think it's time for Kudo to take his glasses off, just because all his "hipster" velvet sportcoat wearing fools, er, friends don't play FPS games on PC, doesn't mean there are people who do.

There may not be many who are gonna wanna jump around and look like a drunk with Kinect either...


Not real news.

My real concern is not in the statement nor the man that made it, but rather the people so absolutely angry over it.

This honestly isn't a big issue.

It would be a big issue if Bungie, Valve, what's left of Infinity Ward, or some other huge FPS developer made this claim.

But the Kinect guy? Really? All these people are going to get angry over the Kinect guy promoting Xbox products while dissing rival platforms? Seriously?

For shame internet. For shame. Yeah his arrogance is annoying, but not enough to inspire such livid responses on all these news sites. If he wants to make dumb claims, then let dumb be dumb. No one will take him seriously. Now people are just posting one giant Kinect advertisement interview all over the internet, further promoting his product. Most hardcore gamers aren't going to buy Kinect in the first place, and casual people don't know nor care about whether there are more people playing console or PC First Person Shooter titles.

Just ignore him for saying something dumb. It's really not a big deal.


I'm sorry, but the kinect is going to fail, and fail very very hard. Furthermore, while I know consoles do have quite a strong FPS following, saying hardly anyone plays FPSes on the PC anymore is the most ignorant statement I've heard in my life.

Even if you went by the Steam-only numbers, you'll see that there's tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands...nay, MILLIONS of gamers playing with key+mouse.

Also, considering that kinect isn't even OUT YET, where does this guy get any validity?

He also looks like an idiot. Also, Strike911 is right.


Tens of thousands of people are still playing Counter-Strike and Counter-Strike Source every day. CS:S and Halo 2 were released around the same time. Zero people are playing Halo 2 online today. Tens of thousands of people are still going to be playing Counter-Strike the day Microsoft pulls the plug on Halo Reich.

  Bleck said:
in a business dominated by bobby kotick 260k people isn't really that big a number

Point taken. Funny if you only use that portion of gaming, PC gaming as a whole, might be a different story maybe?

  Toadofsky said:
I think it's time for Kudo to take his glasses off, just because all his "hipster" velvet sportcoat wearing fools, er, friends don't play FPS games on PC, doesn't mean there are people who do.

There may not be many who are gonna wanna jump around and look like a drunk with Kinect either...

People said the same thing about looking retarded while playing the Wii

  The Phalanx said:

265k compared to the 20 million copies of Modern Warfare 2 sold on the PS3 and 360. Who gives a shit about selling to hundreds of thousands when you can sell tens of millions? This Kudo guy is a businessman. His statement shows that he's acting/thinking like one. Not sure why this makes people mad.

  GeckoYamori said:
Tens of thousands of people are still playing Counter-Strike and Counter-Strike Source every day. CS:S and Halo 2 were released around the same time. Zero people are playing Halo 2 online today. Tens of thousands of people are still going to be playing Counter-Strike the day Microsoft pulls the plug on Halo Reich.

Yeah and Valve isn't making a dime off of those Counter-Strike people once they buy their copy. In fact, Valve just loses money by providing them the infrastructure to play the same game for over a decade. And I kind of doubt Counter-Strike's longevity draws in a lot of new blood to offset these costs. Most people I know make fun of Counter-Strike because if you try to play it as a newbie you die hard because you have to contend with guys who have been playing it for so long.

I guess my "gripe" is that gamers take offense to remarks like this and then try to argue with a businessman using gamer logic instead of businessman logic.


Yeah, I'm also not really upset at his comments, then again I'm pretty bitter about PC gaming after some bad experiences trying to get Borderlands to work. His "hardly anyone" statement is accurate if you look at the grand scheme of things. In, say, 1995, who played FPS on consoles? 10% of the market? There were no options and ports of games like Doom were absolutely inferior. Goldeneye on N64 was a novelty and I'm sure attracted players, but again, it did not even begin to compare with the fluidity of PC FPS games, nor did it support online multiplayer, which PC games had for years. Fast-forward to today. There are exponentially more people that play games, and the metrics have pretty much flipped. Now that console FPS games are technically matched to PC FPS games in all important areas, not to mention excellent matchmaking and online play, most people ARE playing Halo, Gears of War, and Modern Warfare on those platforms. It's all relative.


The difference in sales are due to a combination of improvements on FPS for the console in recent years, and the fact that consoles are generally more accessible than the PC.

In terms of gameplay, though, PC remains the superior option. Mouse and keyboard is better than dual analog, and dedicated servers with whole communities built around them (the OCR TF2 server being just one example) are infinitely better than online matchmaking.

Regardless, though, once developers figured out how to make FPS playable on console, it quickly overtook PC as the dominant platform. It's simply because consoles and cheaper and more accessible than gaming PCs. Platformers, racing games, RPGs, and all the other genres that work well on console have always been dominated by the console market for this very reason. I imagine the same would happen to RTS, if they could figure out how to make it playable on console.


It's funny...since I got a wired 360 controller and a graphics card actually worth a crap, I've barely touched consoles. The great thing about computer games is that the majority of them don't have limited resolutions. You can play StarCraft II in friggin' 2560x1600. You don't have to wait and buy the special "HD EDISHUN" to enjoy Psychonauts or Beyond Good & Evil in 1080p. And then you have the modding community, who will make a 10-year-old game look actually pretty good.

Also you can't play HoN with a controller. :<


There's a lot of games you can't play with a controller and a lot of games you shouldn't play, period.

Certain commenters' personal experiences notwithstanding there is not now nor has there ever been any indication that the FPS on the PC is going to go extinct, and regardless of whatever 'facts' people may present I will stick firm to the belief that they are not doing proper research. As it stands to claim that nobody plays FPS on PC is utter lunacy and more to the point misinformed to the point of cloistered idiocy.

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