noTuX Posted October 6, 2010 Posted October 6, 2010 Thats one thing that I find annoying... The controls tend to have a little lag in it, so its difficult to time a jump or position yourself correctly. Quote
Mr. Bottle Rocket Posted October 6, 2010 Posted October 6, 2010 Day 2Full-on addiction has set in. I've primarily played the single-player Survival mode so far, but I can't wait for the multiplayer Survival to get updated. In my world, I've already dug down to bedrock in one mineshaft, hitting only one cavern near the bottom. The entire way down is lined with identical floors, presumably for visitors it'll never have. My home is in the side of a mountain; I have an observation deck at the top. I have a 74-square wheat field in full production inside a greenhouse, and I've started work on a tree farm a little ways away from my home. I plan on tunneling over there for easier access. I've begun exploring the local caverns for resources; iron deposits are obscenely scarce compared to the amount of things you need it for. I found my first deposits of diamond and redstone before I found any iron. Once I actually get a reasonable amount of material, I'm going to begin work on something large above ground. Haven't decided on what, yet. Bad luck on the iron, I personally now have found so much iron I often don't bother to collect more of it when I find it, it really isn't scarce at all in my experience. Quote
Schwaltzvald Posted October 6, 2010 Posted October 6, 2010 Okay so I met my first creeper. Other then that minor set-back I will later take some pics of my territory. Got a nice mining operation happening under a relatively small mountain with a nice yet small watch-tower on top with stairs leading down to what had originally been my fox hole now mining site. From a good distance I noticed another mountain that is not only huge but has a neat ridge stick out to one of the sides at the peak. Perfect place to set up not only a grandiose abode (big enough to for me to possibly emulate SDM in fact; clocktower and all...) One thing at a time though I can't wait till lanterns get patched in. Quote
The Author Posted October 6, 2010 Posted October 6, 2010 Decided to try single player for a bit (only played multiplayer) and well, my first shelter was badly located (for a first shelter anyway) and so I tried to move to a better position, halfway through construction, a creeper sneaked up on me and I went kaboom. I deleted the world and will try it again some other time, right now I'm just having fun building stupidly pointless things in multiplayer. Quote
HalcyonSpirit Posted October 7, 2010 Posted October 7, 2010 Day 3. Let's see now... *I've expanded my base into a small, nearby cavern. *I fenced in and lit my tree farm, then dug a tunnel from my base to it for easy access and secure harvesting, even at night. Also, my first harvest of the farm yielded about 140 logs. That was a much-needed wood infusion. *I scouted around for other nearby surface caverns; found a few, and found a number of cool land formations. Even found a tall waterfall and surface lava. *I'm beginning to dig mineshaft number two near my tree farm. If that doesn't yield much in the way of resources, I'll be moving my mining operations to a location much further away. Quote
Gollgagh Posted October 7, 2010 Author Posted October 7, 2010 a 11x17 area with alternating torchXsaplingXtorch saplingXtorchXsapling torchXsaplingXtorch often nets me ~448 blocks of wood per harvest Quote
HalcyonSpirit Posted October 7, 2010 Posted October 7, 2010 Wait... I thought trees couldn't grow if they were so close together. Quote
prophetik music Posted October 7, 2010 Posted October 7, 2010 fyi, everyone, if you want to show FPS in-game, press F3. Quote
Ferret Posted October 7, 2010 Posted October 7, 2010 Stupidity definitely does not have any rational boundaries. Quote
Deep Thought Posted October 7, 2010 Posted October 7, 2010 Wait... not even video games are safe from evangilization?!? The internet is starting to lose its edge, gentlemen... Quote
Gollgagh Posted October 7, 2010 Author Posted October 7, 2010 Wait... I thought trees couldn't grow if they were so close together. the torches keep the saplings from dying before they mature Quote
The Phalanx Posted October 7, 2010 Posted October 7, 2010 the torches keep the saplings from dying before they mature does that even WORK? Quote
Gollgagh Posted October 7, 2010 Author Posted October 7, 2010 saplings need either direct sunlight (dirctly under the sky) or torchlight to grow thus you can actually grow trees underground with torches Quote
HalcyonSpirit Posted October 7, 2010 Posted October 7, 2010 Well, I guess the plot of land I picked out for the tree farm is unnecessary for large wood harvests... ... But I could just use the WHOLE AREA as a compact farm like yours. 3000+ wood per harvest... that'd be awesome. In other news, I HATE Creepers. I get nervous as hell going through caverns because of them. It doesn't matter how careful I am, because they'll ALWAYS be hiding in some spot where it's impossible to avoid them and get away once they light their fuse. Argh. Nearly lost myself a good haul just now from one. Mineshaft 2 has proven worthwhile in terms of caverns. I hit a massive network a little while ago. It keeps looping around itself and branching every which way. I keep getting lost, and I haven't explored all of it yet. Naturally, I would be attacked by the above Creeper when completely lost in there, bringing me down to a half heart. Luckily I wasn't attacked by anything else, but still... Quote
Schwaltzvald Posted October 7, 2010 Posted October 7, 2010 Even with full iron armor..? I ask because recently hit a good iron vein. Managed to make full iron armor and tools. Quote
noTuX Posted October 7, 2010 Posted October 7, 2010 I have an idea to build an upside down, floating castle, but I would like to do it on an OCR server if we have one, because I don't want to work on this project with griefers around. Quote
Binjovi Posted October 7, 2010 Posted October 7, 2010 definitely does not have any rational boundaries. I lol'd at the dialogue in the final screenshot. At any rate, if they want to interpret Minecraft in that way, let them. Minecraft can be many different things for many different people, and this just proves that the game really is what you make of it. It's pretty awesome. Quote
Deep Thought Posted October 7, 2010 Posted October 7, 2010 I lol'd at the dialogue in the final screenshot. At any rate, if they want to interpret Minecraft in that way, let them. Minecraft can be many different things for many different people, and this just proves that the game really is what you make of it. It's pretty awesome. Eh, I'm a Jesusfreak myself, but I hate to see people turn something into something it's not just for the sake of religion. I'd hate to see a flood of evangelists entering the servers to evangelize every person they come in contact with. To me, thats just a bastardization of the game. Quote
HalcyonSpirit Posted October 7, 2010 Posted October 7, 2010 Even with full iron armor..?I ask because recently hit a good iron vein. Managed to make full iron armor and tools. I imagine you'd be alright with iron armor as long as it was in repair and you weren't already low on health. I was wearing leather armor at the time because, as I mentioned before, I was short on iron. Really short. Exploring the cavern system brought to me a decent haul of iron, but that's after the fact, and I still only have enough for a single armor set and maybe a few tools. Quote
ectogemia Posted October 7, 2010 Posted October 7, 2010 Eh, I'm a Jesusfreak myself, but I hate to see people turn something into something it's not just for the sake of religion. I'd hate to see a flood of evangelists entering the servers to evangelize every person they come in contact with. To me, thats just a bastardization of the game. Objective Ministries is spoofing evangelism, and they do a damn good job. Soooo straight-faced throughout it all. Also, I'm going to get the full version within the hour and let everyone know what my first impressions are. Maybe then I'll join the campaign for an OCR server. I may be new to the community here, but this forum is an oasis in a desert of stupid. What better way to e-bond than to Craft Mines together? Quote
Doulifée Posted October 7, 2010 Posted October 7, 2010 Game is now on the computer. i feel adiction coming slowly. Quote
Schwaltzvald Posted October 7, 2010 Posted October 7, 2010 Hey I've never done it but is it possible to go splat by being squashed by land masses such as what if a floating island suddenly falls on your guy. I ask this as I've been reading around that Notch's supposedly gonna make all floating islands fall unless they have obsidian ore or something... “Perhaps all floating chunks of blocks should fall down, except for a special block (obsidian?) that can be used to make floating things. Floating islands would need obsidian veins to stay afloat.” Quote
The Damned Posted October 7, 2010 Posted October 7, 2010 I have decided that I will play this game... after this latest batch of work. I don't need something that will sap all time away from me when I need to be in bed at a reasonable hour. Maybe this winter, I will cut myself off from all contact and play this non-stop. Also, those videos from earlier in the thread = a taste of the addiction that will surely set in. I watched almost all ofthem in one sitting. Not a good sign. Goodbye, health! Hello, Minecraft. Quote
Schwaltzvald Posted October 7, 2010 Posted October 7, 2010 I'm already hard at work so you better catch up Damned. Also this coincides my earlier question about being crushed by land masses. Quote
Gollgagh Posted October 7, 2010 Author Posted October 7, 2010 Hey I've never done it but is it possible to go splat by being squashed by land masses such as what if a floating island suddenly falls on your guy. I ask this as I've been reading around that Notch's supposedly gonna make all floating islands fall unless they have obsidian ore or something... currently the only way you can go "splat" is if you bury yourself in a falling solid block like sand or gravel and technically you're suffocating that way and not really splatting Quote
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