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OCAD minecraft is down until further notice. My fiancee's motherboard borked and her new one takes DDR3 instead of DDR2. The only spare DDR3 that works is in the Minecraft box, so I have to salvage that until either a) I can afford buying replacement DDR3 for the box or B) someone sends me some DDR3 to put into the box.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

this is a good time to implement an OCAD server donation system :-D

How would I do that? "Donate money to feel good about yourself and possibly get ops or something".

Let me talk to David about it.

donators get a cookie

but only one, because we're stingy

...since when was there an OCR MC server?

Sounds fun. I want in.

MC username: overdrivenzx37

Dude if I knew you played Minecraft I would have told you long ago about both OCR/OCAD servers

If anybody on the server wants some shots of their creations in that maxed-out graphics mod and full HD, just let me know, I can snap some shots for ya!

you should totally upload your minecraft jar so I don't have to download and install all the required crap for that.


Um, David or Stevo, I have a slight problem.

I don't have access to any commands on the OCAD server, including /help.

so I guess my question is...


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