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Posted (edited)

That was mine.

Bare foundations (north of spawn, near Hylian Lemon) - http://angryitch.com/Gallery/minecra...0419921875&z=8

Wow, there's actually a lot of stuff out there now. I'll probably get on and take these two unfinished houses down soon.

Edited by Binjovi

yeah, these:

Time to play a game!

I'm going to post several links. These will be locations on our server map. I need you to identify who built these structures. This will help make sure everyone gets credit for their work and that no one encroaches on their stuff. Thanks. Here we go:

Shine to the "Demon Cow King" (near spawn) - http://angryitch.com/Gallery/minecraft/?ll=22.29417905166037,-38.1939697265625&z=8

OCREMIX sign (near spawn) - http://angryitch.com/Gallery/minecraft/?ll=22.350075806124842,-39.4464111328125&z=8

Unfinished house and multilevel mine (near spawn) - http://angryitch.com/Gallery/minecraft/?ll=23.674712836608748,-40.682373046875&z=8

Cobble fort and wooden hut (north of spawn, near prophetik's dong towers) - http://angryitch.com/Gallery/minecraft/?ll=24.377120839610377,-36.298828125&z=8

Wood fort with cobble walls and skull entrance cave (north of spawn, near prohpetik's dong towers) - http://angryitch.com/Gallery/minecraft/?ll=23.941075562462064,-35.13427734375&z=8

Unfinished cobble castle (near OCAD compound and mozzif) - http://angryitch.com/Gallery/minecraft/?ll=26.51973530566077,-36.5460205078125&z=8

Desert tower (east of spawn, really far east) - http://angryitch.com/Gallery/minecraft/?ll=18.999802829053223,-28.201904296875&z=8

Bare foundations (north of spawn, near Hylian Lemon) - http://angryitch.com/Gallery/minecraft/?ll=26.18994756722345,-34.1180419921875&z=8

Biggest subwoofer ever, possibly Nase's? (near spawn to the east) - http://angryitch.com/Gallery/minecraft/?ll=22.0601871508301,-35.9857177734375&z=8

Platform in the middle of the water (really far south of spawn) - http://angryitch.com/Gallery/minecraft/?ll=16.930705098765475,-48.9935302734375&z=8

Safety hut (really really far south of spawn) - http://angryitch.com/Gallery/minecraft/?ll=10.363554996652608,-68.082275390625&z=8

Tavern and various things (northwest of spawn, near JadeAuto) - http://angryitch.com/Gallery/minecraft/?ll=28.338230147025786,-47.9388427734375&z=8

Cobble hut with hole to bedrock (far far north of spawn, near Hylian Lemon) - http://angryitch.com/Gallery/minecraft/?ll=28.632746799225803,-26.16943359375&z=8

Brick and dirt house (near spawn, southeast) - http://angryitch.com/Gallery/minecraft/?ll=20.884475328885305,-37.6446533203125&z=8

Spiral waterslide (near spawn, northwest) - http://angryitch.com/Gallery/minecraft/?ll=24.766784522874378,-40.484619140625&z=8

Dirt spiral towers with cobblestone dock (near spawn, east and a bit north) - http://angryitch.com/Gallery/minecraft/?ll=21.2637806158378,-34.3157958984375&z=8

Weird lighthouse and square sea thingy (far south and a bit west of spawn) - http://angryitch.com/Gallery/minecraft/?ll=15.511912249339843,-60.281982421875&z=8

Posted (edited)
That was mine.

Wow, there's actually a lot of stuff out there now. I'll probably get on and take these two unfinished houses down soon.

You don't have to take them down. I just want to know whose is what so it doesn't get messed with. Also, if you want your stuff moved somewhere else so you have some more room, we can totally arrange that for you.

Edited by Abadoss

Its posted on minecraft.net, but it seems like you have to actually buy it before you get the gift code. Its not available for people that already have the game.

That would be crazy if it was. The number of Minecraft players could double and Notch wont see a dime from it.

Posted (edited)

OCR Minecraft thread

For access to the first server, make a post in this thread (remembering to supply your Minecraft username) to request whitelist privileges.

Whitelist privileges are only granted by association with established OCR members.

Kindly add User: trenthian to your whitelist for love and win.

Edited by Trenthian

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