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is that your dracula final boss room/platform

Would have to make it bigger if that was the intention as it's only big enough as an observation deck. I've originally planned a trap door on on of the floor panels where it would go through the base as it's hollow. fall all the way down to a river where an explorer would have to swim up to a cave enterance leading to an inner sanctum. May extend it to go higher depending what happens after the update though.

If it's destroyed though then that's it for the project. :lol:


Hi there,

although it's most likely nobody here knows me, I'd like to be whitelisted as well...

MineCraft Handle is same as my username here...

I have just recently bought MC and did not yet craft some megaproject. I'm happy to have found my very first diamond (in single player) yesterday!

I'd be happy to help with some of your projects. I've already cleared some of the room for that creeper temple...

Looking forward to playing with you guys and the halloween update!


Posted (edited)

I get the feeling that even if multiplayer health is fixed in the update, mp monsters will be bugged as fuck. For example, I can set my clients difficulty to peaceful, I don't see monsters on the server while others do. Doesn't mean they aren't there, I've had a few creepers blow up even though I couldn't see them.

Edited by phill

Yes, sorry, could not see them and they still blew up. The more bugs I run into (SP and MP) the more I think notch is in desperate need of a group of programmers that know what the hell they are doing, it's like he has coded core game logic twice, once for SP and once for MP and they aren't the same.


Very strange...I was wondering why I couldn't see any monsters, but I could hear them.

So, Notch is really doing this thing solo eh?

At the speed Minecraft is growing and the potentially devastating bugs we are running across, he better get a team together, or this whole thing could be a big bust.


Hopefully the new business is more then just a group of guys that want to make a game, hopefully it is a group that knows what they are doing.

Edit: He was doing it solo, but has now put a team together.

Also, fireslash, if you made all those travel canals the peasant way, without admin powers...I'm so sorry.

All were made legit except the last one, and all i did there was spawn a bunch of TNT to make the clearing faster. Though in the end it didn't save me much time because I often has to replace the floor when the TNT blew a larger area than I wanted.

fuck you

Haha, I don't even know how to respond to this

All were made legit except the last one, and all i did there was spawn a bunch of TNT to make the clearing faster. Though in the end it didn't save me much time because I often has to replace the floor when the TNT blew a larger area than I wanted.

Oh yeah, you had to dig the tunnels, too...all I did was fill a relatively small amount of existing trenches with water, checkerboard style, and that alone took a while. I FEEL YOUR PAIN on a microscopic level.

Posted (edited)
Haha, I don't even know how to respond to this

you've forced my hand

this, my motherfuckers, is a building

built on the unmod private SMP server, 100% legit, no TNT, all blocks smelted manually

57 blocks high from base to rooftop, 81 blocks wide on the front, 121 blocks deep to the back, 25 5x5 solid columns, 5 block thick 47x86 pure smoothstone walls, damned close to a hundred thousand smoothstone used so far

none of you guys cheating asses' diamond encrusted shit


I still have to fill it up with bookshelves, but it's 85% done

Edited by Gollgagh

Nevermind the lavadong, my Deathstar is done! Albeit, made of glass. i plan to fill it up with lava to make an artificial sun.

And yes, I am using Simple Map. The only issue with it is that NORTH is where the sun rises. A bit odd.

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