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The bridge is going nicely now. You'll find it directly south of spawn for now, until I find time to extend it north. Feel free to continue it or branch off it to make your home if you haven't started one already


Textures are in my texture pack linked above if you like how it looks.

why are we building highways when waterways are so much faster to get around in?

why are we building highways when waterways are so much faster to get around in?

While the the water ways are much faster I just realized consider how dead west I am, the canal would inadvertently cut through my place unless directed accordingly...

Is it just fire_slash directing the water canal operations or someone else? I'd like for whomever it is to show me where it would go through exactly so that I can either modify my place or provide a detour that wouldn't hinder/slow the waterway construction.

While the the water ways are much faster I just realized consider how dead west I am, the canal would inadvertently cut through my place unless directed accordingly...

Is it just fire_slash directing the water canal operations or someone else? I'd like for whomever it is to show me where it would go through exactly so that I can either modify my place or provide a detour that wouldn't hinder/slow the waterway construction.

it would be easy to just have a slow curve out of the way of your place and then back in the line, i'd think. same with mine - i'm dead north, so it'd need to swing around a bit.

Canals are faster, but sometimes you don't have a boat handy. And it's just nice walking down a highway seeing people's structures/landscapes in the distance. Canals, highways...it doesn't have to be one or the other.

Plus, highways set the framework for a rail system once the minecarts are made functional.

Plus, highways set the framework for a rail system once the minecarts are made functional.

How about this:


___ ___
|___ ___|

I might not be on OCR's server but I still know that the solution to any problem in minecraft is: Make the project more ambitious.


Hey people,

seems I'm also not whitelisted yet. Good for my real life, really bad for me as a gamer...

MineCraft handle is NinjaN, for those that didn't know...


Posted (edited)

added ninjan, kirgio, and neoforte to the whitelist.

as for the canals, curving them is very dangerous (to boaters). I've been considering running them high like the old bridges, but it'd be annoying in places. Conversely we CAN run them underground fairly easily. I'll be on tonight to discuss the initial locations and groundwork, so we'll see what works then.

Edited by FireSlash
Ok, this is a serious post now:

Whomever the arsonist is needs to stop, schwaltzwald and i have now put out 3 huge forest fires.

All of the trees are being destroyed and not replanted...

Whoever you are, stop.

Okay just recently Hemo's place that had some trees were suddenly found on fire. Is there any possible chance it could be game related rather than some one intentionally setting forests on fire..?

If not we got a quick arsonist

added ninjan, kirgio, and neoforte to the whitelist.
I appear to not be on the whitelist.=<

My Minecraft handle is Kiyobi, could I get a ticket in, please?

ten char face of sadness and neglection

Okay just recently Hemo's place that had some trees were suddenly found on fire. Is there any possible chance it could be game related rather than some one intentionally setting forests on fire..?

If not we got a quick arsonist

I've noticed that the trees seem much thicker then before. They're so much more closely packed and join into each other. Is this just part of the new update or is the server running some sort of mod? If it's just because the trees are so packed... but that doesn't really explain random fires. Do torches cause fires now?

I've also noticed that coal is showing up in huge clusters, like up to 20 blocks at a time now. It used to be that I would only come across ten or less, but now... it's like you can't NOT find lots of coal. I wonder if there is any connection.


The tight packs of trees is part of the biomes implemented. As for the resources, that's been around for a while with multi; I imagine it's for balancing the needs of multiple people in what could be a small area (if no one travels very far from spawn).

Torches don't cause fires. If they did, my whole base would've been up in flames a long time ago.

I've also noticed that coal is showing up in huge clusters, like up to 20 blocks at a time now. It used to be that I would only come across ten or less, but now... it's like you can't NOT find lots of coal. I wonder if there is any connection.

nah dawg, they've always shown up in random clusters even that big

I'd gotten a 60 block lode even before the update.


So I'm not sure why the highway has come to my backdoor, but whoever it built it out over there, what direction do you want it to continue? Straight North, or parallel to the road it branched off of?

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