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Heh, at least you're making good use of your invite. You have like what, 80 hours played by now or something?

On a related note, it seems like they're sending out invites daily now (with the latest wave having been sent out just now), so I think we'll hopefully have some more OCR people getting their invites any day now.

Posted (edited)

Haha yeah that's okay. I haven't been playing that much either because of Skyrim and the lack of people to play with, I just thought it was cool that Derrit seems to be enjoying the game so much.

E: I managed to acquire an extra key so I gave it to Donut cause he's had to carry me in HoN a lot.

Edited by Tensei
Heh, at least you're making good use of your invite. You have like what, 80 hours played by now or something?

On a related note, it seems like they're sending out invites daily now (with the latest wave having been sent out just now), so I think we'll hopefully have some more OCR people getting their invites any day now.

way too much whatever it is being in the job hunt process affords me way too much time for this sort of thing

Posted (edited)

Rampage was originally a port of Spirit Breaker in DotA, but since his rework they're pretty different. The movement speed= damage and bash passives are still more or less the same, but Spirit Breakers charge is way better. His ult is kind of a souped up blink strike (same as what Rampage had before his rework). Rampages current ult is almost exactly the same as Batriders, but the rest of Batriders kit is more like Chipper than anything else.

Bottom line is that they're both still really good pubstompers.

Edited by Tensei
Posted (edited)

Added you on steam.

Also I was totally wrong about the new hero. it's

, who's at least a lot more interesting than Bane Elemental.

E: And I've already blown myself up like three times because I'd wait for the timer on his stun to run out like I would in DotA.

Edited by Tensei

How is it better than HoN? They added what looked to me like a bunch of extraneous hotkeys. In HoN, I just hit 2 (select courier), E (deliver to me), Q (speedboost), and then Shift+R (return after). Really easy, not sure what that other stuff is all about.

The more I think about it the more I don't like the graphics here when it comes to the heroes themselves. It might just take more practice but the heroes all seem to look very plain/muted to the point where sometimes they are hard to differentiate from creeps. Way too small overall, too. I definitely prefer HoN in that department. Same goes for shopkeepers, the fountain, etc. Everything looks really good but individual objects blend too well, IMO. It's hard (for me) to tell what is going on, whereas HoN has vibrant contrast.


My issue is the inclusion of a lot of archaic elements that could have easily been done away with. For example not having your own character autoselected after a right click into open space or a self cast button or something like a quick scoreboard button. Maybe I didn't find these things in the first couple games I played but still. I love the DotA heroes more than I ever did the HoN or LoL ones but at this very moment, in terms of playability, I think LoL takes it.

Also I totally agree on the heroes being so nondescript vs the creep and no big names or mana bars underneath of them really makes the smaller ones (most of them) blend into the background.

Posted (edited)
How is it better than HoN? They added what looked to me like a bunch of extraneous hotkeys. In HoN, I just hit 2 (select courier), E (deliver to me), Q (speedboost), and then Shift+R (return after). Really easy, not sure what that other stuff is all about.

The more I think about it the more I don't like the graphics here when it comes to the heroes themselves. It might just take more practice but the heroes all seem to look very plain/muted to the point where sometimes they are hard to differentiate from creeps. Way too small overall, too. I definitely prefer HoN in that department. Same goes for shopkeepers, the fountain, etc. Everything looks really good but individual objects blend too well, IMO. It's hard (for me) to tell what is going on, whereas HoN has vibrant contrast.

.. i don't get it thats exactly what this courier is, just with different keys. select courier, deliver items, speed boost. it even goes back by itself after. the only thing different is being able to make it invincible with r

My issue is the inclusion of a lot of archaic elements that could have easily been done away with. For example not having your own character autoselected after a right click into open space or a self cast button or something like a quick scoreboard button. Maybe I didn't find these things in the first couple games I played but still. I love the DotA heroes more than I ever did the HoN or LoL ones but at this very moment, in terms of playability, I think LoL takes it.

Also I totally agree on the heroes being so nondescript vs the creep and no big names or mana bars underneath of them really makes the smaller ones (most of them) blend into the background.

unless you've got the courier selected it does autoselect your hero with a right click. and self cast is doubletap

there is a quick scoreboard button you just have to bind it. i bound mine to tab its no different

as far as having an issue seeing heroes or understanding what's going on, i can't say i had that problem but some of them are small. the only thing i miss from LoL is being able to press space to re-center on my character

Edited by The Derrit
Posted (edited)
My issue is the inclusion of a lot of archaic elements that could have easily been done away with. For example not having your own character autoselected after a right click into open space or a self cast button or something like a quick scoreboard button.

Literally every single one of these things is in the game. :P

\ is the default scoreboard button, but can be bound to whatever you want. If you click on an uncontrollable unit (to check items or mana for example) and rightclick after that, it goes back to your hero. Items can be self-cast by doubletapping the hotkey, and there's an option to turn this on for abilities as well (for example tapping W,W with omniknight will cast Repel on yourself).

It's also possible to turn off auto-attacking, or turn on right-click deny as well. This game is a lot more polished than you're giving it credit for.

The courier is better than in HoN because the 'drop off items' button also makes the courier go back automatically so it's literally one less button press. The additional hotkeys are there so you can retrieve everything in your stash with a single button (in HoN you have to move each item manually). It will also automatically assemble items for you that it drops off, even if you have a full inventory, so you don't have to juggle items if you have a courier coming with recipe components.

I feel like you need to play a bit more to get a feel for the graphics. For me personally this was the easiest game in the genre to get into graphicswise, and it really feels like the designers pay a lot of attention to things like color saturation and how it relates to screen clutter. A lot of the heroes are very detailed, with vibrant colors and outlines, while the terrain generally consists of a subdued brown/grey or a light green. I guess the size variation (and how creeps are sometimes taller than your hero) can be confusing, but it's also pretty damn cool to see a huge towering Strength hero like Doombringer compared to fast assassin types like Riki.

Edited by Tensei

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