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ditto here, although at this point I am willing to say that it could very well be the Canadian/US customs shenanigans that do not love the Biznut.

And for the record, someone loves the Brushfire.:wink:

I remember sending you your gift very early last year in order to ensure that it made it on time.


that's awesome, it's actually something I wanted to get myself, but still haven't bothered, mostly because I use Lego's for that atm. But I'll be getting rid of my bucket o legos here soon, so I'm going to be in the market for a modeling dohicky here soon.


Before this becomes irrelevant (or I forget to do this), here are some photos of the delicious results of mechafone's generous gift!

After I just poured all the mix into a bowl:


Blurry and gross-looking after adding eggs 'n' stuff, but you get the idea:


And the (first batch of the) finished product! Not the prettiest looking things, but dammit if they don't taste good (and they really, really do):


Once again, lots of thanks to mechafone! These cookies really are delicious. Brightened up my holidays, fo serious.


Wow! I've been getting kinda bummed about not getting my stuff as soon as the others got theirs (Kinda greedy, I know :() but the fact that ProjectSpam made good use of his gift makes up for lost time. Made my post-holidays!


Dead Space!

The Barbarian Way - a book by an author I respect!

A wicked little folding knife!

Thanks to my SS, nice mix of stuff! I will be utilizing them all for sure!

Glad you like it. I was a bit worried about the knife shipping to Canada. Amazon would not allow it, so I had to ship them all to me then to you. Glad it finally got there.


I got back in town on the 8th, but the campus post office was closed until today because of snow. Today, while I got December and half of January's mail, I received a package containing...

2 CDs!

- Le Best of Cirque du Soleil

- Hybrid - Remix and Additional Production by...

Thanks, ProjectSpam! I am currently copying the music onto my computer, which will then be listened to while I am supposed to be learning about MATLAB!

I got back in town on the 8th, but the campus post office was closed until today because of snow. Today, while I got December and half of January's mail, I received a package containing...

2 CDs!

- Le Best of Cirque du Soleil

- Hybrid - Remix and Additional Production by...

Thanks, ProjectSpam! I am currently copying the music onto my computer, which will then be listened to while I am supposed to be learning about MATLAB!

Whew! Glad you received your stuff. Hopefully you enjoy the music!

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