Navi Posted June 7, 2005 Author Posted June 7, 2005 Have to PM out a few letters. I'll have a full update by tomorrow.
RoeTaKa Posted June 8, 2005 Posted June 8, 2005 Poor naz he's so busy...stealing my rappin' ice cream truck idea, bastard, I've still got that idea written down. I can't rap but still, if you steal it, I want fair share . At least with ice cream...
Navi Posted June 9, 2005 Author Posted June 9, 2005 Big ol' Update COMPLETED TRACKS01. E1M1 - EvilHorde* - Hangarmageddon02. E1M2 - Joker* - Industrial Strength03. E1M3 - RoeTaKa - The Chemical Imps04. E1M4 - Sir Nuts - The Red Moon05. E1M5 - Dan B - The Dark Side of Phobos06. E1M6 - Beatdrop* - Reprocessed07. E1M7 - DJ Carbunk1e* - JDBC Request09. E1M9 - TO - Secrets and Lies10. E2M1 - RoeTaKa/EvilHorde - Infiltrator11. E2M2 - ArseAssassin* - This Can't Be Good12. E2M4 - Mythril Nazgul* - Ghosts of Mars14. E2M7 - TO/Bladiator - Jade Spawn15. E2M8 - EvilHorde* - The Leaning Tower of Babel16. E2M9 - nousentre* - Mystery Meat 18. E3M3 - analoq - Demon Con Gusto19. E3M8 - Prophecy - Steel Cathedral20. Text Music - Larsec* - Darkness Dawning21. The End - TO - ElectroCute BunnyCONFIRMED TRACKS08. E1M8 - DJC/Ryan8Bit - Nameless13. E2M6 - Hemophiliac - Aria of the Damned17. E3M2 - *secret - Slough of Despair the last three songs are nearing completion if you havent sent me a final wav file for your track, please do so. If I don't have your bio/pic (you know who you are) please amuse me and send it. post any cover ideas here, asap. The best covers will be chosen by me for the site.
RoeTaKa Posted June 11, 2005 Posted June 11, 2005 CONFIRMED TRACKS17. E3M2 - *secret - Slough of Despair the last three songs are nearing completion. Nearly finished by * it a secret or is that the name hehe dirty laughter of dirt and deceit. Yup me and Evilhorde finally got our song finished off. Thanks Evil you did a great job and it sounds great . Myth, hair looks good now, will get you a photo over the weekend haha.
Sir_NutS Posted June 11, 2005 Posted June 11, 2005 does anyone knows where is MN? I wanna contact him.
The Joker Posted June 11, 2005 Posted June 11, 2005 Minnesota. It's in the continental US! But on the off chance you meant Naz (one letter short of Nadz), don't know. But hopefully he's finishing up the rest of the album.
RoeTaKa Posted June 11, 2005 Posted June 11, 2005 does anyone knows where is MN? I wanna contact him. Apparently he doesn't have AIM anymore or something, which is a buggah cause I need to contact him too .
Navi Posted June 12, 2005 Author Posted June 12, 2005 Sorry bout that, guys. Here's a more current update COMPLETED TRACKS01. E1M1 - EvilHorde* - Hangarmageddon02. E1M2 - Joker* - Industrial Strength03. E1M3 - RoeTaKa - The Chemical Imps04. E1M4 - Sir Nuts - The Red Moon05. E1M5 - Dan B - The Dark Side of Phobos06. E1M6 - Beatdrop* - Reprocessed07. E1M7 - DJ Carbunk1e* - JDBC Request09. E1M9 - TO - Secrets and Lies10. E2M1 - RoeTaKa/EvilHorde - Infiltrator11. E2M2 - ArseAssassin* - This Can't Be Good12. E2M4 - Mythril Nazgul* - Ghosts of Mars14. E2M7 - TO/Bladiator - Jade Spawn15. E2M8 - EvilHorde* - The Leaning Tower of Babel16. E2M9 - nousentre* - Mystery Meat 18. E3M3 - analoq - Demon Con Gusto19. E3M8 - Prophecy - Steel Cathedral20. Text Music - Larsec* - Darkness Dawning21. The End - TO - ElectroCute BunnyCONFIRMED TRACKS08. E1M8 - DJC/Ryan8Bit - Nameless13. E2M6 - Hemophiliac/Pixietricks - Aria of the Damned17. E3M2 - Sir Nuts or RoeTaka - Slough of Despair The Comprehensive List of Project Remixers analoq (a. p. matthews)ArseAssassin (Tuomas Kanerva)Beatdrop (Dain Olsen)Bladiator (Karl Harmdierks)Daniel Baranowsky (Daniel Baranowsky)DJ Carbunk1e (Matt Sabol)Evil Horde (Janne Roivainen)Hemophiliac (Chris Roman)Joker (David L. Puga)LarsecnousentreMythril Nazgul (Navid Azeez)Ryan8bit (Ryan Stern)pixietricks (Jill Goldin) Prophecy (Jason Miller)RoeTaka (Alex Roe)TO (Lee Barber)S|r NutS (Michael Molina)
The Joker Posted June 13, 2005 Posted June 13, 2005 You know... call me a bandwagon jumper onner, but we should do interviews! I read the Shrono symphonic interviews & I think they are the shiznit! Even include the artist comments about their own mixes in addition to Myth's write ups. Just an idea.
Claado Shou Posted June 13, 2005 Posted June 13, 2005 You know... call me a bandwagon jumper onner, but we should do interviews! I read the Chrono Symphonic interviews & I think they are the shiznit! Even include the artist comments about their own mixes in addition to Myth's write ups. Just an idea. You already stole pixietricks...and now you want to steal the interviews? *cries in corner* Just kidding. I think interviews in general are a great idea. Just make sure to mention that, uh, WE did it first. ~.C.S.~
CIaude Posted June 14, 2005 Posted June 14, 2005 Fucking hell! You guys aren't done yet?! How long have I been waiting for this? Hurry up! PLEASE! New Wallpaper
RoeTaKa Posted June 14, 2005 Posted June 14, 2005 Haha nice wallpaper mate, very cool. And hold your horses! It's soooooon. I think haha. I've finished doing E3M2 but I know Nuts is doing this aswell so, yeah I don't know what's going on with that soz nuts I dont know when you started but I was giving it some friday morning.
The Joker Posted June 14, 2005 Posted June 14, 2005 We'll give credit ot whomever we dang well please... so I'm sure Myrh would give you credit if... I mean WHEN he says he's doing interviews. Adn I'm cool with the project not being released yet. As long as Naz does what Richter did & gives all involved a advanced hearing a couple a days before official release.
Sir_NutS Posted June 14, 2005 Posted June 14, 2005 Haha nice wallpaper mate, very cool.And hold your horses! It's soooooon. I think haha. I've finished doing E3M2 but I know Nuts is doing this aswell so, yeah I don't know what's going on with that soz nuts I dont know when you started but I was giving it some friday morning. MN told me about the remaining track a few weeks ago but as I've been having lack of free time and inspiration I tackled it just a few days ago. I'd say continue working on yours, as I'm having problems with mine, because of the reasons stated above.
Xaleph Posted June 14, 2005 Posted June 14, 2005 I finally got some of the samples from ryan8bit a week ago or so and I've been working on the piece. Now it's just a matter of time (between my self assessment at work, buying a house, having a baby, working through the marriage, and preparing for my business trip coming up). Hopefully I can tweak what I have and at least give a deliverable this weekend. The final piece won't be for another week or 2.
CIaude Posted June 17, 2005 Posted June 17, 2005 We need 65 more replies until we reach 666 replies... K?
ViludeMortiae Posted June 17, 2005 Posted June 17, 2005 65 more replies ... but 666 isn't the true insignia # for Lucifer. It is 999. Those Jewish priests lied.
Mr. Bottle Rocket Posted June 17, 2005 Posted June 17, 2005 Actually you're both wrong, recent studies have proved it to be 616.
RoeTaKa Posted June 18, 2005 Posted June 18, 2005 Actually you're both wrong, recent studies have proved it to be 616. joke?
The Joker Posted June 18, 2005 Posted June 18, 2005 Actually... it doesn;t really matter either way. It's just a number. Besides, we all really know 187 is the evilest number!
Navi Posted June 18, 2005 Author Posted June 18, 2005 More liek 404 am I rite? Stay cool, guys. Getting tracks in now...and trust me, you won't be disappointed by what you hear in the end.
RoeTaKa Posted June 18, 2005 Posted June 18, 2005 More liek 404 am I rite?Stay cool, guys. Getting tracks in now...and trust me, you won't be disappointed by what you hear in the end. LIAR! He's so lying it's actually all remixes of Cher's greatest hits.
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