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For those interested, I have been informed that GameStop will begin taking preorders for the 3DS tomorrow, 12/26/10. Exact details, such as price and date, will be revealed next month by Nintendo, and I don't know how much you have to put down in order to reserve one, but if you're looking to make sure you have one on launch day, be sure to check out your local GameStop tomorrow.


My guess is they will be selling the obligatory bundle with 2-3 games, a carrying case, car charger, earbuds, memory card, and screen protector for the low low price of $499? I'm guessing it'll be in such short supply that they'll be able to sell out of bundles like that easily...

For those interested, I have been informed that GameStop will begin taking preorders for the 3DS tomorrow, 12/26/10.

Link? Proof? Something that isn't just "you heard from someone"?

My guess is they will be selling the obligatory bundle with 2-3 games, a carrying case, car charger, earbuds, memory card, and screen protector for the low low price of $499? I'm guessing it'll be in such short supply that they'll be able to sell out of bundles like that easily...

Nintendo stated a few times that the decision to wait until early 2011 was two-fold: one, they needed time to get launch titles finished (which matches what some of the 3rd-party developers have been saying) and two, they wanted to be able to manufacture enough to meet demand. I doubt it will be that hard to get a hold of. How sure am I of it? I'm not pre-ordering at all. I'm just going to walk into the store when it comes out and buy one.

Yeeeeaaaahh GameStop no thanks.

You're only saying that because of their shitty business practices, suspect ethics, poor customer service and that time they totally raped and murdered that family looking for a used Dreamcast. Biased much?


You can just turn the 3D off. Or do you mean a small screen would be bad?

Also, I forget to mention that these "GameStop taking pre-orders for 3DS" rumors have been going on for the last two months. Some Canadian GameStop stores have taken pre-orders, but only basic ones; namely you put twenty or so bucks down, you get it taken off the final price when it comes in. Only some, though, not all.

they wanted to be able to manufacture enough to meet demand. I doubt it will be that hard to get a hold of. How sure am I of it? I'm not pre-ordering at all. I'm just going to walk into the store when it comes out and buy one.

If they're telling the truth about trying to launch a new handheld in THREE territories within such a short span of time, I'm fairly certain that there's no way they'll be able to meet demand. Besides, as they learned from the Wii, the frenzy and buzz surrounding their hardware shortage worked in their favor for a long time - Wii was almost impossible to find on the shelf in many places for well over a year after launch and people would snatch them up just because it was such a hot commodity. I don't think this will be any different.

I think the only way they'll be able to have enough systems for release is if they space out the launches in the different territories more reasonably. I'm expecting a "pushed to fall 2011" release date, and if that's the case then the shortage might not be as bad. But between the hardcore Nintendo fans, the kids looking to replace their aging DS's, and people who will be inevitably "wowed" by the demo kiosks that Nintendo is sure to set up in every Best Buy and Wal Mart across the country, I expect the demand for this device to be way greater than any supply Nintendo is capable of producing.


I worked at Gamestop for several years. I'm still good friends with the management at the store I worked at, and they told me that the preorders start tomorrow. Won't say anything beyond that (names, store number/location, etc.), but this is most definitely NOT a rumor. This is confirmed information from corporate emails to the stores. If you don't believe me, that's fine. I'm personally going in tomorrow to reserve it because I want to get one on day 1 and don't want to sit in a line somewhere. If I can get a better deal elsewhere, I'll just cancel it.

There is no bundle or anything as far as I know. If you reserve it, you are reserving the system itself, and that's it.

I'm not trying to sound defensive, and I know exactly what it sounds like when someone posts something like this with no verifiable source to back it up. If you don't believe me, call a store tomorrow and ask. I just figured there'd be some people here who want to get one on the first day without sitting in a line at Best Buy or Target, and the safest way of doing so is to reserve it at GameStop. Even if they are evil.


I've honestly lost interest in the 3DS, the games I've seen so far just aren't appealing. It's more console like games and being "cinematic", rather than being a portable game. I'm sure there will be plenty of better games to come, but I'm in no rush to buy it.

If there's good 2D Mario games coming to it, maybe then...

You can just turn the 3D off. Or do you mean a small screen would be bad?

Also, I forget to mention that these "GameStop taking pre-orders for 3DS" rumors have been going on for the last two months. Some Canadian GameStop stores have taken pre-orders, but only basic ones; namely you put twenty or so bucks down, you get it taken off the final price when it comes in. Only some, though, not all.

My local one has been doing that.

Had mine "pre-ordered" for the last couple of months already.

I've honestly lost interest in the 3DS, the games I've seen so far just aren't appealing.

sounds like somebody doesn't like ocarina of time

you guys know what that means

time for a good old fashioned tar 'n featherin'

sounds like somebody doesn't like ocarina of time

you guys know what that means

time for a good old fashioned tar 'n featherin'

Chicken feathers please, and keep the tar a simmerin'

I've already played it over a dozen times on N64, Gamecube, and even a little bit of Virtual Console. Unless they could pace the beginning a bit better, other than the updated graphics, I really don't care about playing it again. Sorry.


I did go out and reserve mine today. I was going to post a scan of the receipt if one hadn't already been posted.

Here's the information about it:

The list price is still unknown, as are the colors. An email last week suggested that it would come in black and blue. The current list price in the computer is $999.99 as a placeholder. As we all know, Nintendo's announcement will come in January.

Typically, when there are multiple SKUs for a product like this, all of the units preordered will be placed under one SKU (likely the black one), and at a later point, GameStop will contact everyone on the list and verify whether they want to get the color that it defaults to or the other color. The thing that's interesting is that they're taking reserves without an allocation, which means it's conceivable that they will be unable to fill the orders in March.

As for games, there are two or three titles available to reserve, but nothing that anyone wants yet. Kid Icarus, Zelda, Star Fox, etc. will be added to the list when the announcement is made.


I bet they make an announcement saying that a preorder, is only to ensure you get a system, not necessarily at day one.

Or some crap like that.

I mean I doubt they know how many each store will get.

You suck.jokebtw

In all seriousness though, I'm gonna save up to buy one so I can play Ocarina of time and Star fox 64 on the go. I love those games. :D The updated graphics can't hurt either.

Sorry if my opinion clashes, I'm just not interested in playing Ocarina all over again. Star Fox 64, is alright, but I honestly love the Super Nintendo version more. If they were remastering THAT game, then I would be a bit more interested.

I just don't see how well console "sit down" games are going to do well on a portable, I've seen those games come out on the IPod, and the games I've tried are awful. I know that it sounds stupid, given all the Dragon Quests, Pok'emons, and Final Fantasies. There's just something odd about all of it to me.

The only game I'd actually want to play is Pilotwings Resort, but knowing how lazy Nintendo has been in the past, Wuhu will be the only island on the game. Hopefully, they'll have lots to do on it.

As long as I see a decent price on the 3DS, and get to try one, then I'll wait on a final opinion on it.

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